Chapter 13 Flashcards
what is personality?
characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, acting; stable over time
what is self-schema?
integrated set of memories, beliefs, and generalizations
what is the psychodynamic theory?
freud’s theory that calls attention to motivation, esp unconscious motivation; freud and jung
what is the humanistic theory?
emphasizes the present, subjective reality; what we believe is important now
what was the first comprehensive theory of personality?
the unconscious mind, psychosexual stages; anxiety came from the unconscious mind
What is ID?
the impulsive part; all emotion, instinct, libido
what is ego?
the rational part; reality principle and mediator
what is superego?
the moral part; last to develop, can be brought to surface; based on culture/parents
what are the psychodynamic stages in order?
oral stage (pleasure centers on mouth)
anal stage (bladder and bowel elimination; control)
phalic stage (genitals; coping with sexual feelings; 3-6)
latency stage (repressed sexual thoughts; 6 to puberty)
genital stage (balance in life; maturation of sexual interest; adulthood)
what is oedipus complex?
boy in love with their mother
what is identification?
boys love their mom/ identify with their dad
what is penis envy?
girls desire to have a penis/ attracted to males
what is fixation?
occurs when development is stopped at a particular stage
what is the thematic apperception test (TAT)
projective test in which people express their inner feelings and interests through stories they make up
what is the Rorchach Inkblot test?
identify people’s inner feelings by analyzing their interpretations
what is denial?
refusing to acknowledge source of anxiety
what is repression?
excluding source of anxiety from awareness
what is projection?
attributing unacceptable qualities of the self to someone else
what is reaction formation?
warding off an uncomfortable thought by overemphasizing its opposite
what is rationalization?
creating a seemingly logical reason or excuse for behavior that might otherwise be shameful
what is displacement?
shifting the attention of emotion from one object to another easier target
what is sublimation?
channeling socially unacceptable impulses into constructive, even admirable behavior
what is Carl Jung’s Collective consciousness theory?
ancestral memories passed down unconsciously; rejects tabula rasa
what is the persona archetype?
the mask we show the world; following social norms
what is the shadow archetype?
our repressed instincts; urges we bury because they are socially unacceptable
what is the anima/animus archtype?
true self; anima is feminine side of men, animus is masculine side of women; unify both we become syzgy “whole”
what is the self archetype?
ultimate goal; unification of unconscious self and the ego
who have humanistic perspectives?
rogers and maslow
what is self-actualization?
pyramid of happiness; motivation to fulfill one’s potential; maslow
what did rogers think?
people are basically good
what does genuine mean?
being open with their own feelings, dropping facades
what does accepting mean?
unconditional positive regard even when knowing failures
what does empathetic mean?
sharing and mirroring our feelings and reflecting our meanings
what is sefl-concept?
thoughts and feelings about ourselves in answer to question “who am I”; standardized tests are dehumanizing
what is the barnum effect?
so vague that there is no useful information; ex. online personality tests
what is Erikson’s theory?
virtue development
what is the first stage in Erikson’s theory?
crisis is trust vs. mistrust; virtue developed is hope; security in world
what is the second stage in erikson’s theory?
crisis is autonomy vs. shame; virtue developed is will; independence
what is the third stage ok erikson’s theory?
crisis is initiative vs. guilt; virtue developed is purpose; activities and plans
what is the fourth stage of erikson’s theory?
crisis is industry vs. inferiority; virtue developed is competency; elem. school kids; pride, projects, teachers
what is the fifth stage of erikson’s theory?
crisis is identity vs. confusion; virtue developed is fidelity; role in world
what is the sixth stage of erikson’s theory?
crisis is intimacy vs. isolation; virtue developed is love; relationships
what is the seventh stage of erikson’s theory?
crisis is generativity vs. stagnation; virtue developed is care; productivity; that’s why old people volunteer so much
what is the last stage in erikson’s theory?
crisis is ego integrity vs. ego dispair; virtue developed is wisdom; looking at past
What is the trait perspective
allport wanted to describe traits more than explain them; to classify personalities
What indicator did psychologists not like?
myers-birgg type indicator
what is factor analysis?
statistical procedure to identify test items
what are the big five traits?
openness (curious, creative, original)
conscientiousness (organized, systemic, dependable)
extraversion (outgoing, sociable, talkative)
agreeableness (affable, tolerant, trusting)
neuroticism (anxious, irritable, moody)
what is a personality inventory?
questionnaire which people respond to items designed to gauge personality traits
what is the most wildly used personality inventory test?
minnosota multiphasic personality inventory (MMPI); focuses on abnormal traits
what is self-concept?
answer to question “who am I?”; if answer is positive we perceive world to be positive
what is upward comparison?
it decreases self-esteem
what is downward comparison?
it increases self-esteem
what is self-serving bias?
readiness to perceive oneself favorably
what is individualism?
giving priority to one’s own goals over group goals
what is collectivism?
giving priority to the goals of one’s group and defining one’s identity accordingly
what is the social cognitive theories?
scientific tradition; bandura and observational learning
what locus of control?
our sense of controlling our environments rather than feeling helpless
what is external locus of control?
perception that chance or outside forces beyond one’s personal control determine one’s fate
what is internal locus of control?
perception that one controls one’s own fate
what is learned helplessnes?
hopelessness and passive resignation an animal or human learns when unable to avoid repeated aversive events
Andy is an angry child whose aggressive behavior has gotten him into trouble. His parents decide to get him involved in sports to channel some of this anger into a healthier and more productive outlet. According to the psychodynamic theory of personality, his parents are trying to use the defense mechanism of
Sam does not try hard at work, because he believes that promotions are completely random and that he has no control over whether he will get promoted. According to expectancy theory, Sam most likely has a(n) ________ locus of control.
Anik’s id is a very dominant force in his personality. Which of the following is Anik most likely to do?
follows his impulses when making decisions
Our ability to fulfill our potential through greater self-understanding is part of the ________ approach to personality
Phoebe is an inventor who is creative and good at using everyday items in unusual ways. According to the Big Five model of personality, Phoebe most likely would be high in
openness to experience
Igor tends to cry and become frightened easily. Even small changes in his environment can scare him. Researchers would say that Igor is high on the ________ aspect of temperament.
After performing poorly at the track meet, Troy said that he just does not have as much natural athletic ability as the other runner. Troy explains his performances at the track meet based on a
upward comparison
According to psychosexual development theory, when the erogenous zone centers on the genitals, a person is in the ________ stage.
A change in the behavioral expression of a trait based on the demands of specific situations is a
characteristic adaptation
Children raised to have connections with their family and follow societal norms are more likely to be from a(n) ________ culture