Chapter 1.2: Organizing Life/Bacteria Slides Flashcards
What is taxonomy?
Classification, description, identification, and naming of living organisms.
What is phylogeny?
Organization based on evolutionary relationships.
How were organisms originally classified?
They were originally classified by their phenotype.
What did Carolus Linnaeus do?
He developed a new way to categorize plants and animals (started the Wittacker system).
Animals, Plants, and Minerals.
What did Ernst Haeckel do?
He wrote General Morphology of Organisms, proposing four kingdoms: animals, plants, protists, monera.
What did Robert Whittacker do?
Proposed adding a fifth kingdom - fungi - to the tree of life.
What is the Woese-Fox system based on?
It is organized based strictly on evolutionary relatedness based on rRNA.
Why does the Woese-Fox system use rRNA?
All living organisms have rRNA.