Chapter 12: Neurotransmitters Flashcards
ability of the presynaptic neuron to stimulate the post synaptic neuron is dependent on?
chemical transmitters
what occurs in an electrical synapse?
ionic current rapidly spreads direstly from 1 cell to another through gap junctions
where do presynaptic neuron and post synaptic neurons interact?
at the synaptic cleft
neurotransmitter molecules are synthesized in the ______ and stored within ______ in the axon _______
how are they released?
presynaptic neuron and stored within vesicles in the axon end feet
- the arrival of nerve impulse at button causes release of neurotransmitter into the cleft
- transmitter diffuses across the synapse
ion permeability change can be either
stimulatory or inhibitory
excitatory neurotransitter causes
increase in Na ion permeability
- Na ions diffuse in2 the cell causing the post synaptic membrane to depolarize to the threshold -55mV
inhibitory neurotransmitter causes
increase in K ion permeability
- K ions diffuse out of the ccell causing hyperpolarization of the post synaptic membrane
- makes generation of a nerve inpulse more difficult
inhibitory post synaptic potential is more
hyperpolarizing post synaptic potential (more -)
neurotransmitter is moved away from the synaptic cleft in 3 ways
diffusion, enzymatic degradation, uptake in2 neurons and glial cells
enzymatic degradation
acetocholine esterase
prozac inhbits
uptake of seratonin in the synapse (makes yo happy)
PNS stimulatory neurotransmitters
ACh, norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine
(emotions, pleasure, prevents overstimulation of neurons that control skeletal muscle tone)
(mood sleep patterns, body temp)
CNS inhibitory neurotransmitters
endorphins, enkephalins
(pain relief, blocks release of substance P that enhance pain)
(gabba amino butyric acid: reduces anxiety)
ow can neurotransmitters be modified?
(how do drugs change body chemicals?)
- stimulating/inhibiting neurotransmitter synthesis
- blocking/enhancing neurotransmitter release
- stimulating/inhibiting neurotransmitter removal
- blcking/activating receptor site