Chapter 11 - Rome Flashcards
Why was Augustus Caesar’s hair depicted as messy and unkept?
Augustus Caesar’s hair was depicted this way to indicate youth.
Who is Livy?
Livy is a prominent historian who wrote about early Roman history.
What is Julius Caesar’s relation to Augustus?
Augustus is the adopted son of Julius Caesar.
What is the Pantheon?
The Pantheon is a temple named after the pantheon of the gods located inside.
What are the two Roman Foundation Myths?
The two Roman Foundation Myths are Romulus and Remus and The Aeneid.
Who wrote The Aeneid? Why was it written?
Virgil was hired by Augustus to write The Aeneid. Rome was envious of Greece’s Epics and wanted to make their own.
When did The Aeneid take place?
The Aeneid takes place 7 years after the fall of Troy.
What happened in the story of Romulus and Remus?
Romulus and Remus are abandoned in the Tiber River after their parents are killed. They float down along the river until a kindly she-wolf rescued and nurtured them back to health. They are cared for until a shepherd adopted them and raised them on the Palatine Hill. They both argued over where a city should be placed but Jupiter found Romulus’ decision the superior one. Jupiter’s message is sent by an eagle. Remus isn’t allowed into the city and verbal arguments lead to Romulus finally killing Remus.
What happened during the “Rape of the Sabine Women”? What events led to it?
Empty Rome, founded by Romulus, was soon filled with criminals that wandered the land after their exile. The city needed women to impregnate in order to increase their multiplication. They invited the Sabines to a party. At the party, the women are abducted and put in a pen. Romulus later informs them of how he apparently fell in love with them at first sight and that love makes men do crazy things. They buy into it and remain in Rome.
What is the moral of the story in Romulus and Remus?
The moral of the story is obey you superiors, that Romans did not come from Rome, and Romans take what they want.
Who is Aeneas?
Aeneas is a Trojan prince and protagonist of The Aeneid.
What does the word “Punic” mean?
“Punic” means Phoenician in Latin.
What happens in The Aeneid?
Aeneas, Trojan prince, gets message from Jupiter telling him to found a new city. At first, he refuses because he needs to defend his homeland but accepts it after Jupiter orders him again. Aeneas embarks on a journey by ship with his men and his family. Jupiter did not tell him where to found the city. After an aimless journey, he ends up in Carthage. The beautiful Queen of Carthage, Dido, is unmarried and becomes attached to Aeneas. Jupiter is furious because Aeneas should be founding a city rather than being with Dido. Jupiter sends Mercury to remind Aeneas of his goal. Upon this reminder, he follows orders. He goes to an Oracle to find out where the city should be founded. The Oracles tells Aeneas that the city be founded where his men eat their plates. He returns to the Port of Carthage, where he finds Dido. Dido curses him and his descendants and proceeds to kill herself to cause him emotional pain. The journey is continued and they shipwreck in Italy. The crew must hunt for food but they have no plates. They wrap the meat in grape leaves and Aeneas notices his men are eating their plates. The current inhabitants are killed off and Alba Longa is founded.
What happens when Aeneas goes to the underworld?
Aeneas goes to the underworld and sees a lot of his old friends. In this place, he has a dream of Rome being great and a prosperous society. Upon leaving, he is presented with exits. One is the Gateway of Truth and the other is that of Falsehood. If he chooses Truth, his dream will become true. If Falsehood, the dream will not become true. Aeneas chooses Falsehood.
What is the moral of the story in The Aeneid?
The moral of the story is that what you do for Rome is more important than anything else, Romans were foreigners and actually from Troy, and that their push to conquer was divine.
What was Rome’s terrain like?
Rome’s terrain consisted of large plains and mountains. Unlike Greece, Rome’s mountains did not divide the plains.
Who had the most influence on Rome?
The Etruscans had the most influence on Rome.
Where were the Etruscans believed to have originated from?
The Etruscans were believed to have originated from Anatolia.
What is a Votive?
A Votive is an Etruscan piece of art that depicted an Etruscan warrior. It was an offering to a god. The warrior depicted was actually a Hoplite as shown by his shield and cheek pieces.
Why did Hoplites have cheek pieces?
The cheek pieces could be opened so that their faces could come in contact with air during a hot summer.
What caused the decline of the Etruscans?
The decline occurred after raids from Greek and Gaul fleets.
What were Etruscan vases like?
Etruscan vases were similar to their Athenian counterparts in color and shape. Some even depicted Greek gods. The vases can be identified as Etruscan by the presence of a winged figure, or gargoyle.
What were some prominent trade items in Etruscan society?
The Etruscans were active traders of bronze, copper, and iron but they were also known for their gold and silver jewelry.
Who were the Etruscans influenced most by?
The Etruscans were heavily influenced by the Greeks except in the area of women.
In mythology, what started the Punic Wars?
Mythology states that the Carthaginians declare war on Rome due to their Queen Dido’s suicide. This is because Aeneas, former Trojan but later Roman, infuriated her upon leaving Carthage to found a city.
What did Rome adopt from the Etruscans?
Rome adopted the use of the Arch in construction, engineering, their alphabet, and Etruscan gods.
What does the word “Rex” mean?
“Rex” means king in Latin.
Why did Romans prefer a republic to a monarchy?
The Romans felt a republic would prevent a single individual from getting too much power.
Was the civilization of Rome established along the coast?
Rome was not established along the coast and was located more inland.
Who was the last Etruscan king of Rome?
Tarquin the Proud was the last Etruscan king of Rome.
What were the origins of Rome?
Latins migrated to Italy and settled along the Tiber River. Greek colonists to the south and Etruscans in the north shared the peninsula and contributed engineering and religious ideas to Roman civilization.
What was the political system like in Rome throughout the years?
The Regal period (kings) was succeeded by a Republic and then by a series of Emperors.
What happened in the story of Tarquin and Lucretia?
Tarquin the Proud would often throw parties with the aristocrats. His family, including son Tarquin, would be there. An argument arises among the men about who has the best wife. One aristocrat claims that his is the most beautiful and loyal. Upon visiting the woman, it is agreed upon that she is the best wife. At night, Tarquin (son) visits her and says that if she marries him, she’ll become Queen of a Rome. She refuses and Tarquin proceeds to threaten to kill her and leave her body next to her slave if she doesn’t have sex with him. Lucretia is raped and later informs her family of the incident. Lucretia commits suicide because Roman blood can’t be tainted and because the state is more important than you. In revenge, the aristocrats topple Tarquin the Proud, thus, starting a republic and ending the monarchy.