Chapter 11 - Cont. Flashcards
What is a latifundia?
A latifundia is a large farm owned by a wealthy family.
Rome referred to the Mediterranean Sea as “Mare Nostrum”. What does this name mean?
It meant “Our Sea”.
How was Tiberius elected by the Tribune of the Plebs if he was a Patrician?
Tiberius gave up being a Patrician. Thus, he became a Pleb.
How did gangs form in the city and how did Tiberius solve the problem?
Ex-soldiers couldn’t farm with the land they’re given from soils because they didn’t know how to farm. They turn to crime in order to get food. Tiberius solved this by calling on the state to redistribute land to them.
How did Tiberius’ brother, Gaius, feed the poor?
Gaius sought public funds to buy grain for the poor.
How did Tiberius die?
The Senate already saw the Gracchus brothers as a threat. Their suspicions were confirmed when a senator claimed to have seen Tiberius scratching his head. They interpreted this as him wanting a crown, which meant he wanted to be king. Senators barged into the Tribune of the Plebs and clubbed Tiberius to death with the sharpened legs of chairs in the Senate.
How did Gaius die?
Gaius hired bodyguards shortly after being elected from the Tribune. One of these bodyguards got drunk and accidentally killed a council member’s servant. Waves are sent off into the street and a ransom is placed on his skull weight. His killer allegedly placed lead into his skull to increase the value.
How did the Roman republic fall?
Rome began to expand its influence, creating conflicts in Roman society that weakened and finally crushed the empire.
What is a client army?
A client army is an army that is more loyal to a person or a group of people than they are to the state.
How did Marius eventually become dictator?
Marius was a Plebeian in the military who became a Patrician by marrying Julius Caesar’s aunt. He rose the ranks and used his political power to enact policies that appealed to soldiers. By gaining their trust, he formed a client army that allowed him to force himself into power. Any dissenters are killed.
Who was Sulla?
Sulla was a fierce critic of Marius who also possessed a client army that consisted of people who shared similar views. He also became dictator. His reign lasted 5 years.
What were the Infamous Lists?
The Infamous Lists were lists posted in the Forum that listed “enemies of the state” as defined by Sulla. Being a Marius supporter or even a member of his family meant that you were an enemy of the state. Your name on the list meant that you would be killed in 24 hours. If you chose to turn yourself in, you would still die and your wealth would be given to the state. However, suicide meant you were still technically innocent and your wealth was thus given to your family.
What was Julius Caesar’s relation to Marius?
Marius was Julius Caesar’s uncle.
Why was Julius Caesar, a member of Marius’ family, excluded from the Infamous Lists?
He was excluded because he was young, wasn’t in Rome at the time, (studying in Greece) and because influential family members spoke on his behalf.
Who made up the First Triumvirate and what did the 3 men have in common?
It was made up of 3 men: Julius, Pompey, and Crassus. All 3 had grievances with the Senate.
Who was Pompey and what was his grievance with the Senate?
Pompey was a Sulla supporter who served in the army with him. He requested the title “Pompey the Great”. His grievance with the Senate was that they would not ratify any of his alliances in Asia Minor.
Who was Crassus and what was his grievance with the Senate?
Crassus was one of the wealthiest men in Rome at the time. He acquired this wealth through slave trading and a fire brigade that he formed. He attempted to renegotiate the contracts of his clients in debt with the Senate. His grievance with them was that the Senate humiliated him by refusing to remove his clients’ debts.
What does each member ultimately get out of the First Triumvirate?
Pompey now controlled Asia Minor and could tax it. Caesar got Gaul. Crassus, however, got nothing. In attempt to even things out, he bought a client army and fought Spartacus. Pompey was given partial credit for the subsequent victory because he came in and killed Spartacus last second. Next, Crassus fought the Parthians but stalemated. The Parthian king requested an unarmed meeting soon after. Crassus walks in unarmed and is then killed.
What actions did the Senate take against Julius Caesar after Crassus died?
After Crassus died, the First Triumvirate was only 2. The Senate believed that Pompey could be taken care of if he killed Julius first. Thus, they declared all of Caesar’s laws illegal. The Senate also asked him to disband his army in Gaul. Instead, he led them across the Rubicon River and marched on Rome.
What does “iacta alea est” mean?
It means “the die is cast”.
What happened in the Roman civil war between Julius Caesar and Pompey?
Pompey’s army is well fed and outnumbered Caesar’s 2:1. However, Caesar’s army only recently stopped fighting which meant they had more practice than their opponents. Additionally, Caesar was the better commander. In the Battle of Pharsalus, Pompey is defeated and flees to Egypt to form a new army. His old army was left stranded on the battlefield. Caesar invites them into his own army, which now contains 60,000 men. Together they go to Egypt but Pompey is executed by the Egyptian state because they didn’t want him. Julius remains in Egypt. The next to inherit the throne there is either Cleopatra or her brother/husband. Julius sides with Cleopatra and the brother is assassinated. Caesar couldn’t leave Egypt immediately because Roman ships along with the Egyptian port are burned.
What happened to Julius Caesar when he returns from Egypt?
As he is the only surviving member of the First Triumvirate, he becomes dictator for life. He distributes lands, cancels debt, and gives many people citizenship.
When was Julius Caesar assassinated?
He was assassinated on March 44 B.C. (Ides of March)
Why didn’t Julius Caesar wear armor in the Senate even when he was aware of the plot to kill him?
Wearing armor showed fear and it was not manly (Virtus) to be afraid.
What happened in Caesar’s assassination?
60 men led by Brutus attack him and stab him 23 times. Brutus was concerned he wanted to be king.
What were epileptic seizures perceived as in Rome?
They were perceived as a god speaking through you.
Who were the Vestal Virgins?
The Vestal Virgins were a group of virgin women that worshipped Vesta, the goddess of domestic work such as cooking. These women were trusted and paid to hold secrets because they were not influenced by men.
Why did Mark Antony ask the Senate if he could become Consul? Why did the Senate deny his request and how did they compromise?
Mark Antony wanted to be Consul so he could avenge Julius Caesar by killing off his assassins. The Senate declined because they wanted Caesar dead anyways. They compromised by letting him become Consul on the sole condition of the 60 assassins be let off free.
Why did Brutus lead 60 assassins in Caesar’s assassination rather than just 1?
Possessing 60 rather than 1 showed that multiple people supported Brutus’ movement.
Who is listed as the heir in Caesar’s will?
Octavian is the heir. Antony is disappointed because he expected it to be himself.
How did Antony spend the money that Octavian was supposed to inherit?
He spent it on his client army.
What land did Antony request for his post-term severance?
He requested Gaul so he could tax it but he was denied because Decimus was already doing that.
What false pretext did Antony travel to Gaul under and what was the real reason he went? What was Octavian’s response?
Antony claimed he was going to avenge Caesar but in actuality he still persisted on claiming the land so he could tax it. Octavian asks the Senate if he could be Consul. When denied, he asks to be an officer which is approved. Octavian’s army goes to North Italy and clashes with Antony. Antony escapes but 2 council members die. Once again, Octavian asks to be Consul but it is accepted this time around. When he returns, he allies with him rather than fighting him.
Who made up the 2nd Triumvirate?
The 2nd Triumvirate was made up of Antony, Octavian, and Lepidus.
When the 2nd Triumvirate brought back the Infamous Lists, what significant change was there from the first rendition of the lists?
Unlike the lists under Sulla, committing suicide would not give your wealth to your family.
Who was Cicero?
Cicero was a harsh critic of both Antony and Caesar who was killed when his name was written on the Infamous Lists under the 2nd Triumvirate.
Why did Lepidus want Sicily?
He wanted the land so he could tax it. He was later exiled there.
How did Octavian pit his father’s former legions against Antony?
Octavian gave a speech to each and every individual legion one-by-one stating that each one was Julius’ favorite. He also noted how Antony didn’t end up killing any of Julius’ killers.
What rumor arose regarding Antony and Cleopatra? How did Antony combat it?
A rumor stated that Cleopatra only held a relationship with Antony so she could acquire Roman land (such as Syria) to bring Egypt back to its former glory. Antony combatted it by stating that he was not a drunk.
How did Octavian manage to wage war on Antony without formally declaring it?
He convinced the Senate to declare war on Egypt and Cleopatra.
What happened in the Battle of Actium?
Octavian defeated Antony in this naval battle. Agrippa, Octavian’s close friend, was the architect of his plan. Cleopatra, being fanned by her slaves on a bed while being fed grapes, fled after coming to the realization that Egypt would lose.
How did Mark Antony die?
Antony committed suicide when his servant informed him that Cleopatra killed himself.
How did imperial expansion hurt Rome?
The influx of wealth into Rome aggravated wealth distribution. The need to administer the lands conquered by Rome strained the capacities of the constitution. Thus, the constitution was gradually dismantled by Roman civil and military leaders. These lands were also turned into latifundia (farms) owned by the wealthy elite, which severely pressured the much smaller farmers.
What does the name “Augustus” mean?
It means “exalted one”.
How did Augustus reorganize the military system in Rome?
He created a new standing army composed of commanders who owed allegiance directly to the emperor. This reform solved problems in the past concerning generals with personal armies. Additionally, Augustus only placed people who were loyal to him in these positions.
How did Roman expansion drastically affect Europe?
Lands such as Gaul, Germany, Britain, and Spain were sparsely populated lands occupied by cultivators in small villages. The economies of these states were stimulated when Roman soldiers and merchants arrived. They began to thrive on a much larger scale than ever before after local rulers used this newfound wealth for natural resources and for building bigger states.
What is “pax romana”?
Pax Romana (“Roman peace”) was an era inaugurated by Augustus that lasted for 2.5 centuries. Rome and the entire empire was at peace due to the elimination of certain civil disturbances.
What are sea lanes?
Sea lanes linked ports from Syria and Palestine to Spain and North Africa. They were used when roads came to the water’s edge.
Who is Caesar’s biological son?
Caesarion was Julius Caesar’s son.
Why would Patricians be opposed to the Julian calendar?
Julius Caesar named a month after himself (July). Since all the other months were named after gods, Patricians felt that Julius Caesar considered himself a god.
How would Cleopatra’s relationship with Caesar provide ammo to Caesar’s assassins?
Julius Caesar being in a relationship with a queen was perceived as him wanting to be a king.
What does the word “Caligula” mean?
Caligula, son of Germanicus, means “little soldier boots.”
Who ended up being Augustus’ heir?
His stepson, Tiberius, (not Gracchus) was his heir.
How did Caligula die?
Caligula was assassinated by the Praetorian Guard.
Who is Claudius?
Claudius, Caligula’s uncle, was proclaimed emperor by Praetorian Guard after Caligula died. Though he had a limp, hunchback, and a speech impediment, he was scholarly and intelligent. His policies were fiscally conservative. He married Agrippina, who is theorized to have poisoned him with a mushroom.
Who is Nero?
Nero succeeds Claudius and becomes emperor at age 12. He wanted to be an artist and athlete and even tried to assassinate his mother when she refused to let him do so. He eventually became tyrannical and had a Golden House with a retractable roof built for him. The Senate declares him an enemy and asks him to kill himself. A slave kills him.
What are some inaccurate theories regarding the fall of Rome?
Some theories include: lead poisoning, immorality, and the rise of Christianity.
What are some accurate theories regarding the fall of Rome?
Some of these theories include: soldiers becoming foreign mercenaries who fought for pay rather than Rome having citizen soldiers and that armies were used more to put down civil war than they were to protect the vast empire.
Who is Diocletian?
He is one of the Barrack Emperors who split Rome into two administrative districts: east and west.
Who is Constantine?
Constantine is a Roman emperor who issued the Edict of Milan, which established religious tolerance for all.
How did the Germanic tribes play a part in Rome’s fall?
Germanic tribes pushed into Roman territory to escape the Huns. Britain, France, Spain, and eventually Rome itself were all overrun.