Chapter 11 - Hani Flashcards
cranky a. /ˈkræŋki/
(informal) easily annoyed a.
Ex.: The kids were getting tired and a little cranky.
(informal) easily annoyed a.
cranky a. /ˈkræŋki/
Ex.: The kids were getting tired and a little cranky.
pained a. /peɪnd/
showing that sb is feeling annoyed or upset a.
Ex.: a pained expression/voice
Ex.2: She looked pained.
showing that sb is feeling annoyed or upset a.
pained a. /peɪnd/
Ex.: a pained expression/voice
Ex.2: She looked pained.
crawl v. /krɔːl/
[int] to move forward very slowly v.
Ex.: The traffic was crawling along.
Ex.2: The weeks crawled by.
[int] to move forward very slowly v.
crawl v. /krɔːl/
Ex.: The traffic was crawling along.
Ex.2: The weeks crawled by.
prop up v.
to prevent st from falling by putting st under it to support it / apoiar v.
Ex.: They had to prop up the tree with long poles under the branches.
to prevent st from falling by putting st under it to support it / apoiar v.
prop up v.
Ex.: They had to prop up the tree with long poles under the branches.
catch v.
[trans] to be in time to do st, talk to sb, etc. v.
Ex.: I caught him just as he was leaving the building.
Ex.2: I was hoping to catch you at home.
Ex.3: The illness can be treated provided it’s caught early enough.
Ex.4: (Br.) to catch the post (= post letters before the box is emptied)
Ex.5: (Br., informal) Bye for now! I’ll catch you later (= speak to you again later).
Ex.6: You’ve caught me at a bad time.
[trans] to be in time to do st, talk to sb, etc. v.
catch v.
Ex.: I caught him just as he was leaving the building.
Ex.2: I was hoping to catch you at home.
Ex.3: The illness can be treated provided it’s caught early enough.
Ex.4: (Br.) to catch the post (= post letters before the box is emptied)
Ex.5: (Br., informal) Bye for now! I’ll catch you later (= speak to you again later).
Ex.6: You’ve caught me at a bad time.
within limits i.
to some extent i.
Ex.: I’m willing to help, within limits.
Ex.2: The children can do what they like, within limits.
to some extent i.
within limits i.
Ex.: I’m willing to help, within limits.
Ex.2: The children can do what they like, within limits.
vegetarian pron.
halal a. /həˈlæl/, /həˈlɑːl/
(of meat) from an animal that has been killed according to Islamic law a.
Ex.: halal meat
Ex.2: a halal butcher
(of meat) from an animal that has been killed according to Islamic law a.
halal a. /həˈlæl/, /həˈlɑːl/
Ex.: halal meat
Ex.2: a halal butcher
haram a. /həˈræm/, /həˈrɑːm/
not permitted by Islamic law a.
Ex.: haram meat
not permitted by Islamic law a.
haram a. /həˈræm/, /həˈrɑːm/
Ex.: haram meat
go on (about sb/st) v.
(informal) to talk about sb/st for a long time, especially in a boring or complaining way v.
Ex.: He went on and on about how poor he was.
Ex.2: She does go on sometimes!
Ex.3: He goes on endlessly about his health problems.
compassionate a. /kəmˈpæʃənət/
feeling or showing sympathy for people or animals who are suffering a.
Ex.: Politicians are not usually regarded as warm or compassionate people.
Ex.2: He was allowed to go home on compassionate grounds (= because he was suffering).
(informal) to talk about sb/st for a long time, especially in a boring or complaining way v.
go on (about sb/st) v.
Ex.: He went on and on about how poor he was.
Ex.2: She does go on sometimes!
Ex.3: He goes on endlessly about his health problems.
feeling or showing sympathy for people or animals who are suffering a.
compassionate a. /kəmˈpæʃənət/
Ex.: Politicians are not usually regarded as warm or compassionate people.
Ex.2: He was allowed to go home on compassionate grounds (= because he was suffering).
fall into st v.
to be able to be divided into st v.
Ex.: My talk falls naturally into three parts.
to be able to be divided into st v.
fall into st v.
Ex.: My talk falls naturally into three parts.
plaster v. /ˈplæstər/
to completely cover a surface with pictures or posters v.
Ex.: Her bedroom wall was plastered with photos of him.
Ex.2: She had photos of him plastered all over her bedroom wall.
Ex.3: The next day their picture was plastered all over the newspapers.
to completely cover a surface with pictures or posters v.
plaster v. /ˈplæstər/
Ex.: Her bedroom wall was plastered with photos of him.
Ex.2: She had photos of him plastered all over her bedroom wall.
Ex.3: The next day their picture was plastered all over the newspapers.
scold v. /skəʊld/
[trans, int] (formal) to speak angrily to sb, especially a child, because they have done st wrong v.
Ex.: He scolded them for arriving late.
Ex.2: Rose scolded the child gently for her bad behaviour.
Ex.3: ‘Don’t be such a baby!’ he scolded.
[trans, int] (formal) to speak angrily to sb, especially a child, because they have done st wrong v.
scold v. /skəʊld/
Ex.: He scolded them for arriving late.
Ex.2: Rose scolded the child gently for her bad behaviour.
Ex.3: ‘Don’t be such a baby!’ he scolded.
descend v. /dɪˈsend/
[int, trans] (formal) to come or go down from a higher to a lower level v.
Ex.: The plane began to descend.
Ex.2: The results, ranked in descending order (= from the highest to the lowest) are as follows…
Ex.3: She descended the stairs slowly.
[int, trans] (formal) to come or go down from a higher to a lower level v.
descend v. /dɪˈsend/
Ex.: The plane began to descend.
Ex.2: The results, ranked in descending order (= from the highest to the lowest) are as follows…
Ex.3: She descended the stairs slowly.
not come easy (to sb) i.
to be difficult for sb to do i.
Ex.: Talking about my problems doesn’t come easy to me.
Ex.2: Change has not come easy.
to be difficult for sb to do i.
not come easy (to sb) i.
Ex.: Talking about my problems doesn’t come easy to me.
Ex.2: Change has not come easy.
be taken aback (by sb/st) i.
to be shocked or surprised by sb/st i.
Ex.: She was completely taken aback by his anger.
to be shocked or surprised by sb/st i.
be taken aback (by sb/st) i.
Ex.: She was completely taken aback by his anger.
clipped a. /klɪpt/
(of a person’s way of speaking) clear and fast but not very friendly a.
Ex.: his clipped military tones
(of a person’s way of speaking) clear and fast but not very friendly a.
clipped a. /klɪpt/
Ex.: his clipped military tones
embrace n. /ɪmˈbreɪs/
(formal) [count] an act of putting your arms around sb as a sign of love or friendship n.
Ex.: He held her in a warm embrace.
Ex.2: There were tears and embraces as they said goodbye.
(formal) [count] an act of putting your arms around sb as a sign of love or friendship n.
embrace n. /ɪmˈbreɪs/
Ex.: He held her in a warm embrace.
Ex.2: There were tears and embraces as they said goodbye.
tinted a. /ˈtɪntɪd/
having a small amount of colour added a.
Ex.: tinted glasses
Ex.2: tinted windows/lenses
having a small amount of colour added a.
tinted a. /ˈtɪntɪd/
Ex.: tinted glasses
Ex.2: tinted windows/lenses
flinch v. /flɪntʃ/
[int] to make a sudden movement with your face or body as a result of pain, fear, surprise, etc. v.
Ex.: He met my gaze without flinching.
Ex.2: He didn’t even flinch (= wasn’t surprised) when I told him the price.
Ex.3: He flinched at the sight of the blood.
Ex.4: She flinched away from the dog.
[int] to make a sudden movement with your face or body as a result of pain, fear, surprise, etc. v.
flinch v. /flɪntʃ/
Ex.: He met my gaze without flinching.
Ex.2: He didn’t even flinch (= wasn’t surprised) when I told him the price.
Ex.3: He flinched at the sight of the blood.
Ex.4: She flinched away from the dog.
throw yourself/st into st i.
to begin to do st with energy and enthusiasm i.
to begin to do st with energy and enthusiasm i.
throw yourself/st into st i.
aspirational a. /ˌæspəˈreɪʃənl/
wanting very much to achieve success in your career or to improve your social status and standard of living a.
Ex.: advertising aimed at the aspirational classes
wanting very much to achieve success in your career or to improve your social status and standard of living a.
aspirational a. /ˌæspəˈreɪʃənl/
Ex.: advertising aimed at the aspirational classes
on the down-low i.
secretly; not wanting other people to discover what you are doing i.
secretly; not wanting other people to discover what you are doing i.
on the down-low i.
talk out v.
to discuss st carefully and completely in order to make a decision, solve a problem, etc. v.
Ex.: We need to talk out the issue with the others before making a decision.
to discuss st carefully and completely in order to make a decision, solve a problem, etc. v.
talk out v.
Ex.: We need to talk out the issue with the others before making a decision.
clench v.
[trans, int] (of your hands, teeth, etc.) to press them together tightly, usually showing that you are angry, determined or upset v.
Ex.: He clenched his fists in anger.
Ex.2: Through clenched teeth she told him to leave.
Ex.3: His fists clenched slowly until his knuckles were white.
Ex.4: Her hands clenched involuntarily.
Ex.5: She sat with hands clenched together in her lap.
Ex.6: His jaw was clenched tight.
[trans, int] (of your hands, teeth, etc.) to press them together tightly, usually showing that you are angry, determined or upset v.
clench v.
Ex.: He clenched his fists in anger.
Ex.2: Through clenched teeth she told him to leave.
Ex.3: His fists clenched slowly until his knuckles were white.
Ex.4: Her hands clenched involuntarily.
Ex.5: She sat with hands clenched together in her lap.
Ex.6: His jaw was clenched tight.
call sb away < v.
to ask sb to stop what they are doing and to go somewhere else v.
Ex.: She was called away from the meeting to take an urgent phone call.
to ask sb to stop what they are doing and to go somewhere else v.
call sb away < v.
Ex.: She was called away from the meeting to take an urgent phone call.
bring up v.
to mention a subject or start to talk about it; raise v.
Ex.: Bring it up at the meeting.
to mention a subject or start to talk about it; raise v.
bring up v.
Ex.: Bring it up at the meeting.
fawn v. /fɔːn/
[int] (disapproving) to try to please sb by praising them or paying them too much attention v.
Ex.: He seemed unaware of the girl’s fawning admiration.
Ex.2: Why is everybody fawning over/on him as if he were a national hero?
[int] (disapproving) to try to please sb by praising them or paying them too much attention v.
fawn v. /fɔːn/
Ex.: He seemed unaware of the girl’s fawning admiration.
Ex.2: Why is everybody fawning over/on him as if he were a national hero?
single-handed a. /ˌsɪŋɡl ˈhændɪd/
done on your own with nobody helping you a.
Ex.: a single-handed voyage
Ex.2: The striker led a single-handed assault on the visiting team’s defence.
done on your own with nobody helping you a.
single-handed a. /ˌsɪŋɡl ˈhændɪd/
Ex.: a single-handed voyage
Ex.2: The striker led a single-handed assault on the visiting team’s defence.
come up to st v.
[no passive] to reach as far as a particular point v.
Ex.: The water came up to my neck.
[no passive] to reach as far as a particular point v.
come up to st v.
Ex.: The water came up to my neck.
tentatively ad. /ˈtentətɪvli/
in a way that is not done with confidence; hesitantly ad.
Ex.: She smiled tentatively.
in a way that is not done with confidence; hesitantly ad.
tentatively ad. /ˈtentətɪvli/
Ex.: She smiled tentatively.
stiffen v. /ˈstɪfn/
[int, trans] to make yourself or part of your body straight and still, especially because you are angry or frightened v.
Ex.: She stiffened with fear.
Ex.2: I stiffened my back and faced him.
[int, trans] to make yourself or part of your body straight and still, especially because you are angry or frightened v.
stiffen v. /ˈstɪfn/
Ex.: She stiffened with fear.
Ex.2: I stiffened my back and faced him.
wash over/through sb v.
(literary) (of a feeling) to suddenly affect sb strongly, so that they are not aware of anything else v.
Ex.: Waves of nausea washed over/through him.
(literary) (of a feeling) to suddenly affect sb strongly, so that they are not aware of anything else v.
wash over/through sb v.
Ex.: Waves of nausea washed over/through him.
clipped a. /klɪpt/
(of a person’s way of speaking) clear and fast but not very friendly a.
Ex.: his clipped military tones
(of a person’s way of speaking) clear and fast but not very friendly a.
clipped a. /klɪpt/
Ex.: his clipped military tones
acknowledgement n. /əkˈnɑːlɪdʒmənt/
[singular, unc] an act of accepting that st exists or is true, or that st is there n.
Ex.: This report is an acknowledgement of the size of the problem.
Ex.2: She gave me a smile of acknowledgement (= showed that she had seen and recognized me).
Ex.3: There is acknowledgement on his part that he was to blame.
[singular, unc] an act of accepting that st exists or is true, or that st is there n.
acknowledgement n. /əkˈnɑːlɪdʒmənt/
Ex.: This report is an acknowledgement of the size of the problem.
Ex.2: She gave me a smile of acknowledgement (= showed that she had seen and recognized me).
Ex.3: There is acknowledgement on his part that he was to blame.
bring over v.
To bring sb or st from one place or area to another v.
Ex.: Chris brought a few friends over to Saren’s house party.
To bring sb or st from one place or area to another v.
bring over v.
Ex.: Chris brought a few friends over to Saren’s house party.
protocol pron.