Chapter 11 Flashcards
Heart Rate
average: 60-80 beats per minute average HR 7 to 10 beats/min greater than males.
slower than 60=bradycardia
higher than 100=tachycardia
supplies: stopwatch, stethoscope, heart rate monitor,
auscultation procedure
stethoscope directly on skin left of sternum. count for 30 or 60 seconds
Korotkoff sounds
BP is the forces of blood acting against the vessel walls, and the vibratory forces make these sounds
- mercury or aneroid sphygmomanometer
- air bladder-containing cuff
- stethoscope
- no caffine/smoking 30 min before
- sit up and remove restrictive clothing
- take BP after client has sat in resting position for five minutes
- place cuff over brachial artery
- place stethoscope over over antecubital space
- position sphygmomanometer so that the center of the mercury column or dial is at eye level and tubbing isn’t overlapping
- inflate the bladder to 160mmGH or 20mmHG above the systolic BP. turn the air release screw counterclockwise
- record SBP and DBP to the nearest 2mmHG. first sound is SBP, when the sounds disappear it is the DBP
- wait 10 to 20 mmHG to confirm absence of sounds
- Do it again 2 min later. if the differ by more than 5 mmHG, take a third and average the three scores
Factors affecting BP
- smoking/tabacco (^)
- caffine
- stress (^resting and exercise)
- Body position (dwn when supine, ^ from supine to seated position or standing position)
- Time of day (dwn in am, ^afternoon/evening hours)
- medications
science of measurement applied tothe human body
includes hight, weight, and selected body girths
BMI= weight (kg) /height
standard platform scale with anthropometer arm and flat ridged, right angnled device to slide down and rest on clients head
- remove shoes
- have client stand erect with feet flat on the floor and heels together, back to wall
- have client align eye with opening of the ear
- have client take a deep breath and hold
- record measurement
body mass
- skinfold caliper
- nonelastic tape measure
- pen or other marking device
rules: take measurements on right side
* no lotion/wet, before exercise
* grab between thumb and finger, 1 cm from measuring site
* keep fold elevated while taking measurement
* 1-2 seconds (less than 4) after jaw pressure has been released
* take at least two measurements on each site
measuring sites: chest, triceps, abdomen, thigh, midaxilla, subscapula, suprailium, medial calf
- mark skinfold sites
* chest: half the distance between the anterior axillary line and nipple for men, 1/3 of the way for women
* Midaxilla: take fold middle of armpit and xiphoid process
* triceps: midline of upper arm,halway between top of should and elbow
* subscapula: diagonal fold above the crest of ilium (front love handle)
* thigh: vertical fold on the anterior thigh between hip and knee joints
* medial calf: place right leg on bench with knee felxed at 90 deg. mark level of greatest calf girth - calculate estimate body density
- calculate %body fat
- compare to normative values
bioelectrical impedance analysis, measures with a small painless electrical current. leaner people have less resistance to current than larger people
near-infared interactance uses wave length of light that is absorbed and reflected by different body tissues
not as accurate as skinfolds, not sensitive to changes in body comp, can produce large measurement errors
Waist to-hip girth ratio
- place tape measure around smallest part of waist, and then the largest part of hip
- divide waist by hip circumference
Cycle ergometer testing general prodcedures
- make sure its recently and correctly calibrated
- adjust the seat height so that there is a slight flexion at the knee joint and maximal leg extension. ball of foot on pedal
- establish pedaling cadence (metronome if needed)
- set workload
- assess HR and end of each state or until steady HR , assess BP near the end of each stage and repeatedly
- initiate cool down
- during cool down, monitor HR, BP and signs and symptoms regularly for at least 4 min
YMCA Cycle ergometer test
- instruct client to being pedaling at 50 rpm and main
- set work rate for 1st three minute stage at 150 kg
- measure clien’ts HR during final 15-30 second and third minutes of first stage. if not within 6 beats, do it again for another minute
- adjust work rate according to HR
- measure HR during finals 15-30 seconds of second and their minutes of stage.
plot HR versus work rate on a graph
2. construct a horizontal line at the age-predicted maximal HR value
3. extrapolate the data by drawing a line of the best fit for the HR values between 50% and 90% of the age-predicted maximal HR
4. continue line of best fit
Astrand-Rhyming Cycle Ergometer Test
- set cadance to 50 rpm
- set work rate according to gender and fitness levels
- once proper cadance is achieved start stop watch. after 2 min, take HR
*if HR is greater than 120 beats/min, have client continue work rate through 6 min duration
if HR is less than 120, increase resistance to next highest increment or until HR is 120 beats/min after 2min or riding at a constant work rate - take HR at end of fifth and sixth minutes of test
- correct to the age of the client
YMCA step test
- 12 inch step bench/box
- metronome set at 96 beats/min
- stopwatch
- instruct client to set up up, down down to cadence (24 steps/min)
- have client step for 3 min
- immediately after final step, and within 5 sec measure HR for 1 minutes
- compare data
12 min run/walk
400 m track stopwatch 1. instruct client to run as far as possible during 12 min duration 2. record total disance in meters 3. VO2 max = (0.0268 x D) - 11.3
1.5 mile run
objective: run distance quickly as possible
VO2 max=88.02-(0.1656 x BW)-(2.76 x time + (3.716 x gender)
Rockport Walking Test
instruct client to walk 1.0 mile briskly as possible.
- calculate client’s HR using 15-second HR count
- VO2 max=(132.853 - (0.0769 x BW)-(0.3877xage)+ (6.315 x gender*)-(3.2649 x time)-(0.1565 x HR)
1 mile run
good for ages 6 to 17
Non-exercise-based estimation of VO2 max
calculate it
1 rep maximum bench press
- warm up with 5 to 10 reps at 40-60% of his or her estimated 1 RM
- 1 min rest
- warm up 3-5 reps
upper body (10-20)
lower (30-40) - provide 2 min rest
- estimate a conservative, near max load to complete two or three reps by adding as follows
- provide 2 to 4 min rest
- increase load
- 1 RN
- if client succeeds, go back to step 7, if not, allow 2-4 min wait and decrease the load
Partial curl up test
metronome, ruler, masking tape, mat
- have client lay down with knees at 90 deg. arms are at the side touching a 4 in piece of masking tape, second tape placed 10 cm beyond
- set metronome to 50 beats/ min
- direct client to perform as many curl ups as possible without pausing, max of 25
- compare clients score to table
Prone double straight-leg raise test
training or massage table
- have client lay in prone position, legs extended, hands underneath
- have client raise both legs to the point of knee clearance from the table
- record the test dration in seconds
- end when client cant keep legs up anymore
Sit and reach
tape yardstick at 15 inch mark, line up with heels of client.
best of two trials is the score