Chapter 11 Flashcards
network of people who share their lives over long periods of time and are bound by marriage, blood, or commitment; who consider themselves as family; and who share a significant history and anticipated future of functioning as a family relationship
nuclear family
a wife, husband, and their biological or adopted children
extended family
when relatives such as aunts, uncles, parents, children, and grandparents live together in a common household
in which at least one of the adults has a child or children from a previous relationship, often called “blended” or “remarried”
cohabiting couples
consists of two unmarried, romantically involved adults living together in a household, with or without children
single-parenting family
only one adults resides in the household, possessing sole responsibility as caregiver for the children
family stories
are narrative accounts shared repeatedly within a family that retell historical events and are meant to bond the family together
consensual families
members are encouraged to openly share their views with one another as well as debate these beliefs
pluralistic families
families high in conversation but low in conformity; communicate openly and in unconstrained ways, discussing a broad range of topics and exploring them in depth
family communication patterns theory
two dimensions underlie communication between family members
conservation orientation
conformity orientation
conversation orientation
the degree to which family members are encouraged to participate in unrestrained interaction about a wide array of topics
conformity orientation
the degree to which families believe that communication should emphasize similarity and attitudes, beliefs and values
protective families
low in conversation and high in conformity; communication in these families functions to maintain obedience and enforce family norms, and little value is placed on the exchange of ideas or the development of communication skills (the romans)
laissez-faire families
low in both conversation and conformity, few emotional bonds exist
communication privacy management theory
individuals create informational boundaries by carefully choosing the kind of private informational they reveal and the people with whom they share it
family privacy rules
the conditions governing what family members can talk about, how they can discuss such topics, and who should have access to family-relevant information
loyalty conflicts that arise when a coalition is formed, uniting one family member with another against a third person
interparental conflict
overt, hostile interactions between parents in a household; while such constant fighting is harmful to the parents’ relationship, the impact upon the children in the household is worse
spillover hypothesis
emotions affect and mood from the parental relationship “spill over” into the broader family, disrupting children’s sense of emotional security