Chapter 10 Patterns Of Inheritance Flashcards
Most genes encode proteins for ______?
What is a gene?
Portion of DNA that encodes a protein
What is an Allele?
An alternative form of genes, arising from mutation
What is a genes locus?
What is a chromosome?
Long strand of DNA and associated proteins
What is homologous pairs?
Chromosomes that look-alike and have the same sequence of genes and location.
Gametes cells have how many sets of chromosomes and are called what?
One set of chromosomes, and are haploid
What are plants that produce offspring identical to them selves?
True breeding
What is homozygous?
Particular gene has identical alleles.
both parents contributed same gene version
What does the dominant Allele do?
It exerts effects when ever it’s present
What does the recessive Allele do?
Effects are masked if dominant allele is also present
What is the genotype?
Genetic makeup
What is the phenotype?
Observable characteristics
What is homozygous dominant?
Same dominant (purebreed)
Exp: YY
What is heterozygous?
Two different alleles for one gene
Exp: Yy
What is homozygous recessive?
Same gene recessive
Exp: yy
What is a Mono hybrid cross? (Punnett square)
The mating of two individuals that are both heterozygous for one gene.
Yy Yy
What is a test cross?
Mating an unknown genotype with a homozygous recessive.
What is Mendels law of segregation?
Two alleles of each gene are packaged into separate gametes. (During meiosis)
What is the dihybrid cross?
Mating between two individuals that are heterozygous for two genes.
What is Mendels law of independent assortment?
During gamete formation, the segregation of the alleles for one Gene does not influence the segregation of alleles for another Gene.
The probability of a crossover event occurring between two linked alleles is proportional to the _______ ________ the ______.
Distance between the genes
What is incomplete dominance?
Blended, intermediate phenotype, no dominant trait
Think of the flowers
What is co- dominance?
Blood type, two different alleles expressed together in the phenotype
What is pleiotropy?
When one gene has multiple effects on the phenotype
One gene, many phenotypes
What is sex linked?
Alleles controlling phenotypes from the X or Y chromosome
Most human sex linked trait are _______.
X linked. Controlled by the genes on the X chromosome.
Genetics ________ & ________ inheritance patterns.
Explains & predicts
X-linked recessive disorders affect more males or females?
What is X in-activation?
Each cell in a female individual randomly inactivates one X chromosome
What is a pedigree?
A depiction of family relationships and phenotypes
What is autosomal dominant disorder?
(1-22) CAN be inherited by either parent, appears in every generation typically.
What is autosomal recessive disorder?
(1-22) person MUST be inherited from both parents. Typically seems to disappear in one generation and reappear in another.
Many genes are affected by the __________.
Most inherited traits are polygenic, what is Polygenic?
The phenotype reflects the activities of more than one gene.
An example; skin, Eye color.