Chapter 10- Decision Making and Leadership in Groups Flashcards
- groups generate ideas by brainstorming
- members offer ideas and create a list of all ideas before debating
- brainstorming can enhance creativity if members feel free to share their ideas
- piggybacking off of ideas is encouraged
nominal group technique (NGT)
- groups use nominal group technique to generate ideas
- when using NGT, members generate their ideas silently and independently and then combine them and consider them as a group
- NGT can encourage members who might feel inhibited by brainstorming
- groups generate ideas by using ideawriting
- each member generates ideas
- each member selects an idea from someone else and offers to comment on it
- members retrieve their original ideas and respond to the comments made about them
- the group creates a master list of ideas worthy of additional discussion
- creates a safe space
unanimous consensus
- uncontested support for a decision
- everyone agrees
- ex. jury
- stalemate- if not everyone agree there is a stalemate
- false consensus- everyone says they agree but they dont actually (feel pressured)
majority rule
-majority of the group decides
minority rule
- used when you need to make a quick decision
- small amount of the group is making a decision for the larger portion of the group
expert opinion
-relying on the opinion of an expert to make a decision
authority rule
-leader makes the decision for the whole group
cultural content affects group decision making
- individualism- authority rule- dont care about the whole community
- collectivistic- group consensus- they care about everyone’s opinion
- power distance
- high power distance cultures are differential to authority rule (possibly expert opinion)
- lower power distance- refer to unanimous consensus
- monochronistic (care about time)- refer to minority rule or authority rule
- polychronistic (dont care about time)- unanimous rule
- time orientation
specific traits of a leader: physical
- sex- male
- height- tall
- appearance- masculine features
- psychosocial traits: self-esteem, self-monitoring, extroversion, introversion (communication apprehension)
referent power
- based on the desire to comply with request made by people we like, admire, or find attractive
- ex. celebrity endorsements
democratic leadership style
-everyone has the right to take a part in decision making
autocratic leadership style
-no opinions are taken into account
laissez-faire leadership style
- hands off
- let people do their own things
- as long as they are doing what they need to
- great if you have a strong group
- not great if the group has conflict or cannot problem solve
how do you know if you are using the best decision process to make a decision
- depends on the importance of the decision
- does it require expert knowledge?
- how soon do you need the decision by?
- if you need a quick decision dont go for unanimous decision -> maybe go for authority rule
reward power
- derived from the ability to reward someone for doing what the leader wants
- requires the ability to provide a sufficient reward
- only works if you have a sufficient reward
coercive power
- derived from the ability to punish someone for not doing what the leader wants
- requires the ability to issue a sufficient punishment
- only works if the punishment is sufficient
referent power
- based on the desire to comply with request made by people we like, admire, or find attractive
- we do something for someone we like
- ex. celebrity endorsements
legitimate power
- based on having a status or position that gives the right to make requests with which other must comply
- a department head ordering her subordinates to work certain hours for instance
- ex. boss (not coworker)
- someone who as the ability to ask you to do something
avoid groupthink
- groupthink occurs when members seem unanimous in agreement despite individual doubts
- because they are not examined critically, decisions reached by groupthink can have disastrous effects
listen carefully
- recognize barriers to effective listening in groups
- practice listening effectively
informational power
- based on the ability to control access to information
- usually greatest when the information is valuable and scarce
- ex. socialist, communist
- mange information
blake and moutons 5 conflict styles
- balancing needs
- competing- high concern for their own needs and low concern for the group -> leads to resentment
- avoiding- avoids conflict
- accommodating- sacrificing for the other parties benefit (collectivistic culture)
- compromising- moderate concern for everyone in the group-> best way
- collaborating- both parties sacrifice and try to arrive at a compromise-> not the most effective or efficient