Chapter 1 to 2a devanagāri Flashcards
simple vowels
a ā i ī u ū ṛ ṝ ḷ ḹ
complex vowels
e ai o au
semi-vowel consonants
y r l v
sibilant consonants
ś ṣ s
velar consonant stops
k kh g gh
palatal consonant stops
c ch j jh
retroflex consonant stops
ṭ ṭh ḍ ḍh
dental consonant stops
t th d dh
labial consonants
p pha b bha
Stops definition
in order to pronounce stops we stop and release the flow of air from our mouth
velar nasal
palatal nasal
retroflex nasal
dental nasal
labial nasal
unvoiced un-aspirated special consonant
velar stops definition
consonants formed by briefing stopping the air in the back of our throats at the so-called velum
palatal stops definition
tongue touches the hard palate, or the roof of the mouth
retroflex stops definition
tongue is “retroflected” - or curled back and touching the roof of the mouth
dental stops definition
tongue touches teeth - (from the latin ‘dent’ = Latin ‘teeth’)
labial stops definition
lower and upper lips touch; (from the latin ‘labia’ = Latin ‘lip’)
Voiced definition
‘Voiced’ means that the vocal cords vibrate when the sound is pronounced: you feel vibration when you put fingers on throat and say d
Aspirated definition
sound is accompanied by air - unaspirated stops have little air accompanying them, the Aspirated stops are accompanied by a puff of air
Nasals definition
sounds pronounced with pathway from the oral to the nasal cavity at the back of our mouth is open.
Semivowels | liquids | glides (half-vowels)
sounds with vowel equivalents: y r l v
they correspond to the vowels i/ī ṛ/ṝ ḷ u/ū
whenever these vowels come to stand before a vowel other than themselves, they change into their consonant forms (thus i changes into y (e.g. i+a = ya)
Sibilants definition
the ‘s’ sound
velar counterpart of palatal c
velar k
palatal counterpart of velar k
palatal c
velar counterpart of the palatal j
velar g
palatal counterpart of velar g
palatal j
voiced counterpart of unvoiced velar k
voiced velar g
voiced counterpart of unvoiced palatal c
voiced palatal j
voiced counterpart of unvoiced retroflex ṭ
voiced retroflex ḍ
voiced counterpart of unvoiced dental t
voiced dental d
voiced counterpart of unvoiced labial p
voiced labial b
unvoiced un-aspirated stops
k c ṭ t p
unvoiced aspirated stops
kh ch ṭh th ph
voiced un-aspirated stops
g j ḍ d b
voiced aspirated stops
gh jh ḍh dh bh
nasal stops
ṅ ñ ṇ n m
ḥ, the visarga, is often pronounced similar to the -ch in German Bach or Scottish loch, but slightly weaker; you may also hear it pro- nounced like a standard -h-, with a weak repetition of the preceding vowel (making e.g. नरः naraḥ ‘man’ [naraha])
ṃ, the anusvāra, is not a sound of its own, but nasalises the preceding vowel, making e.g. -aṃ sound approximately like French grand
कं kaṃ
हंसः haṃsaḥ ‘goose’ or ‘swan’
Note the dot indicating the anusvāra in haṃ-.
The absence of a vowel after a consonant is indicated by the virāma (literally ‘stop, end’), a small diagonal stroke below the consonant sign: e.g. क् k vs. क ka
heavy syllable
A syllable is considered ‘heavy’ when it contains a long or complex vowel ( ā ī ū long r. e ai o au ), when its vowel is followed by more than one consonant (and thus it ends in a consonant itself), or when it contains a vowel followed by anusvārya (m.) or visarga (h.)
light syllable
A syllable counts as light if it contains a short vowel ( a i u r. l.) which is follwed by only one consanant (which would thus belong to the following syllable)
the _____________ i changes its form to the ______________ ____ when it precedes another vowel
the _____________ r. changes its form to the ______________ ____ when it precedes another vowel
the _____________ l. changes its form to the ______________ ____ when it precedes another vowel
the _____________ u changes its form to the ______________ ____ when it precedes another vowel
A syllable always contains a ____________.
There is a word with just one consonant between two vowels.
That consonant counts as the _______________ ____ ___ ______________.
the beginning of a syllable
The - ara - in bharati = bha + ra + ti