Chapter 1: Developmental Defects CPC Flashcards

cleft lip (bilateral)

cleft palate

bifid uvula

submucous palatal cleft with bifid uvula
what syndrome is depicted?
hint: patient also has CP and glossoptosis

pierre robin sequence represented by mandibular micrognathia

commissural lip pit

paramedian lip pits
what syndrome is depicted?
hint: patient also has paramedian lip pits

van der Woude syndrome
(paramedian lip pits and CP and/or CL)

double lip
what syndrome is depicted?
hint: patient also has double lip and nontoxic thyroid enlargement

ascher syndrome, as depicted by edema of the upper eyelids (blepharochalasis)

fordyce’s granules of the upper lip (top picture) and buccal mucosa (lower picture)

whiteness disappears when buccal mucosa is stretched (lower right picture)


lower picture: associated with down syndrome


lingual thyroid

fissured tongue
aka scrotal tongue

hairy tongue

coated tongue

geographic tongue

lateral facial cleft

oblique facial cleft

median cleft of upper lip


upper picture: ventral and lateral surface of the tongue
lower picture: thrombosed varix on lower labial mucosa

caliber persistent artery

condylar hyperplasia
right side is affected

buccal exostoses on the maxillary and mandibular alveolar ridges

palatal exostoses

palatal exostoses

torus palatinus

torus mandibularis

eagle syndrome
aka stylohyoid syndrome, carotid artery syndrome

stafne defect

epsteins pearls

nasolabial cyst

nasopalatine duct cyst

cyst of the incisive papilla

epidermoid cyst

pilar cyst

dermoid cyst

thyroglossal duct cyst

branchial cleft cyst

oral lymphoepithelial cyst

hemihyperplasia (right side is affected)

progressive hemifacial atrophy (right sided)

segmental odontomaxillary dysplasia

crouzon syndrome

apert syndrome
characterized by midface hypoplasia, ocular proptosis, and syndactyly

mandibulofacial dysostosis
aka treacher collin’s syndrome