Chap 47 Flashcards
A nonspecific immunostimulant that enhances overall function, rather than stimulating the function of a specific immune system cell or cytokine through specific chemical reactions
Immunoglobulin molecules that have the ability to bind to and inactivate antigen molecules through formation of an antigen-antibody complex. This process serves to inactivate foreign antigens that enter the body and are capable of causing disease
A biologic or chemical substance that is recognized as foreign by the body’s immune system
Inflammation of one or more joints
Autoimmune Disorder
A disorder that occurs when the body’s tissues are attacked by its own immune system
B Lymphocytes (B cells)
Leukocytes of the humoral immune system that develop into plasma cells, and then produce the antibodies that bind to and inactivate antigens. B cells are one of the two principal types of lymphocytes; T lymphocytes are the other.
Biologic Response Modifying Drugs
A broad class of drugs that includes hematopoietic drugs and immunomodulating drugs. Often referred to as biologic response modifiers (BRMs), they alter the body’s response to diseases such as cancer as well as autoimmune, inflammatory, and infectious diseases. Examples are cytokines (e.g., interleukin, interferons), monoclonal antibodies, and vaccines. They are also called biomodulators or immunomodulating drugs. Biologic response-modifying drugs may be adjuvants, immunostimulants, or immunosuppressants
Cell-Mediated Immunity
Collective term for all immune responses that are mediated by T lymphocytes (T cells). Also called cellular immunity. Cell-mediated immunity acts in collaboration with humoral immunity
Colony Stimulating Factors
Cytokines that regulate the growth, differentiation, and function of bone marrow stem cells
Collective term for about 20 different proteins normally present in plasma that assist other immune system components (e.g. B cells and T cells) in mounting an immune response
The generic term for nonantibody proteins released by specific cell populations (e.g. activated T cells) on contact with antigens. Cytokines act as intercellular mediators of an immune response
Cryotoxic T cells
differentiated T cells that can recognize and lyse (rupture) target cells that have foreign antigens on their surfaces. These antigens are recognized by the corresponding antigen receptors that are expressed (displayed) on the cytotoxic T-cell surface. Also called natural killer cells
The process of cellular development from a simplified into a more specialized cellular structure. In hematopoiesis, it refers to the multistep process involved in the maturation of blood cells
Disease modifying Antirheumatic Drugs (DMARDS)
Medications used in the treatment of rheumatic diseases that have the potential to arrest or slow the actual disease process instead of providing only anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects
Collective term for all of the body’s processes originating in the bone marrow that result in the formation of various types of blood components (adjective; hematopoietic). It includes the three main processes of differentiation: erythropoiesis (formation of red blood cells, or erythrocytes), leucopoiesis (formation of white blood cells, or leukocytes), and thrombopoiesis (formation of platelets, or thrombocytes).