Chap 19.4 & 19.5 - Italy, Germany & Russian Flashcards
What was the struggle for Italy in 1833?
Garibaldi joined with Mazzini’s Young Italy Movement 1833
Intrigue with France:
- 1855 - prime minister of Sardinia formed an alliance with France - Crimea War
- Austria - Northern Italian states freed from Austrian Empire
What were Garibaldi’s Red Shirts?
Unity at Last !
- Giuseppe Garibaldi liberated southern Italy and Sicily.
- Took control of Naples and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies by 1860.
- Cavour feared Garibald would keep the land for himself.
- Garibaldi wanted a REPUBLIC
- Garibaldi allowed his conquests to be added into Sardinia.
- Garibaldi turned over Naples and Sicily to Victor Emmanuel in Sardinia.
How was unification achieved in Italy?
- In February 1861, Victor Emmanuel declared himself King of Italy.
- The Constitution make it a limited monarchy with a Parliament.
- Two areas still remain outside of Italy: Venice and Rome.
- In 1856, Venetia incorporated into Italy as a result of an alliance with Otto von Bismark.
- Rome was captured by Italian troops in 1871
What was the foundaiton of German unification?
- Napoleon’s impact - has Napoleonic code; emphasis on French values helped Germany form unity by discovering they were not French.
- Congress of Vienna - German Confederation
- Prussian leadership - Fredrick Wilhelm, The Zollverein, German composer Richard Wagner
What was the Prussian leadership?
Fredrick Wilhelm IV - promised a constitution, but banned publications and organizations that supported.
What was The Zollverein
1834 - customs union.
Removal of tariffs between German states.
Included all the German states by 1844
Who was the architect of German unification?
Otto von Bismarck
- Prussian Junker
- 1862 - King William I made him chancellor or prime minister
How was Bismarck a Master of Realpolitik?
Funded army with money for other stuff
Treated Austria as an ally or enemy depending on needs
“Ems dispatch” - Bismarck edited a telegram that offended the French government. Led to the Franco-German War between France and Germany. Helped all the German states to unite onto one side.
How did Bismarck unify Germany?
- Blood and Iron
- Bismarck targeted two groups he believed posed a threat to the German Empire: Catholic Church and Socialists
- Austria was German speaking, so allowed to get certain needs
- Manipulates Austria and France to fight them and unify Germany
What was Schleswig and Holstein?
How did this contribute to unifying Germany?
Schleswig-Holstein are the 16 German states in the north.
1864 - war with Denmark.
Allied with Austria defeated Denmark.
Prussia took Schleswig.
Austria gained Holstein.
What was the Austrian War?
How did this contribute to a unified Germany?
AKA: Seven Weeks War (1866).
Prussia won and added Holstein and several other German states in the North.
Became: North German Confederation
What was Franco-Prussian War of 1870?
How did this conribute to unified Germany?
- Cause: France did not want a Prussian to gain Spanish throne.
- Bismarck edited a telegram causing Napoleon III to declar war.
- Prussia won and humiliated France (Fall of Second Empire).
- Prussia gains Alsace Lorraine (from France)
What was The Second Reich in Germany?
Delighted by the victory over France, princes from the southern German states and North German Federation crowned William I of Prussia as KAISER.
He becomes Kaiser Wilhelm, the emperor of Germany
Why second?
First Reich was Holy Roman Empire.
“Reich” means “realm”
What was the Iron Chancellor
Bismarck targeted two groups he believed posed a threat to th German Empire:
Catholic Church and Socialists
Campaign against the Catholic Church.
Means “culture struggle”.
This was conflict between the German government and the Roman Catholic Church from 1872 to 1878
What was the Dual Monarchy?
- 18 year old Francis Joseph takes the throne
- Ignored nationalist demands
- Granted a new constitution
- Set up legislature - German speaking Austrians
What was the Compromise of 1867 ?
This lasted for 50 years until 1918
Austrian-Hungarian Compromise
- Separate states. Own parliament and constitution.
- Shared: same king (Francis Joseph), and Ministries of finance, defense, and foreign affairs.
- Conflicts - Austrian Germans and Hungarian Maygars spoke different languages
What is the background on RUSSIA?
Multinational empire.
Had immense amount of natural resources.
What were the obstacles to progress in Russia?
Economically underdeveloped.
Rigit social structure - serfdom
What were the Three Pillars of Russian Absolutism
Orthodoxy - has to do with church
Autocracy - one ruler
Nationalism - one culture, one country
What characterized the reign of Nicholas I in 1825?
- Suppressed Decembrist revolt.
- Cracked down on all dissent
- Censorship.
- Seret police - hunted critics
- Suppression of all non-Russians
- Exiles - send to Siberia
What were the reforms under Nicholas I?
Law code
Economic reforms
Tried to limit the power of the landowning serfs
What happened during reign of ALEXANDER II around 1855?
Defeat during the Crimean war made Russia realize how backward they were.
What did the Russians’ defeat in the Crimean war lead to?
Forced czars (the Russian emperors) to make REFORMS:
- 1861 - emancipation (freedom) of the serfs
- But serfs don’t know what to do anymore
- Industrialization (didn’t provide enough jobs)
- Urbanization (moved from rural to city)
- Local governments - elected officials
- Reduced length of military service.
- Trial by jury
- Eased censorship
What were the results of these reforms in Russia?
- Peasants had freedom, but not land.
- Liberals wanted a constitution.
- Raidcals didn’t want a czar.
- Czar moves back toward repression
- 1881 - Terrorists assassinate Alexander II
How did Alexander III respond?
Alexander III responds by instating harsh policies - like Nicholas I.
Alexander was mad by killing of father. He was much more strict.
- Wanted to wipe out liberals and revolutionaries.
- Increased power of the secret police.
- Restored strict censorship.
- Exiled people to Siberia.
Jews discriminated.
Everyone had to be orthodox
What was the Russification Program?
One language
One church,
Rid the country of non-Russians
What followed the Russification Program?
Period of intolerance and persecution.
Poles, Muslims, and Jews
Pograms - planned attacks against Jews
What were the economic policies?
- Build railroads (Trans - Siberia)
- Factories
- Mines
Socialists - revolutionaries organize. Marxists - Lenin (follower of Marx)
What was the Dreyfus Affair?
- 1894 Alfred Dreyfus, a captain in the French army who was Jewish was falsely accused and convicted of betraying French military secrets to Germany.
- He was not guilty but people let him take the blame.
- Publicly humiliated and cleared in 1906
Theodor Herzl - Hungarian born Jewish journalist.
1896 - published the Jewish State - outlined plans for an independent Jewish country; sparked ZIONISM
Divided public opinion.
- Emile Zola defened Dreyfus - wrote “I accuse” - accused the French governemnt of anti-Semitism and led the French courts to reopen the case.
- Led to anti-Semitic riots across France.
- He was put on trial for libel and found guilty.