Chap 16 Notes Flashcards
What were main characteristics of each Muslim empire and in what ways did they resember each other
- Conquesr neighboring people
- formed strong armies using rifles and artillery
- Islamic and ruled by muslim leaders with organized government made of local bureaucrats. Autocratic, harem politics for women
- Blended their culture with neighboring societies to create a high point of Islamic culture
How was Muslim empire distinct from European counterparts?
Islamic religion
When was Ottoman empire?
Describe Ottoman empire
Tukish provisional governors drove out landlords and collected taxes from local slave peasants
How did Ottomans expand their territory?
Used muskets and cannons to form a powerful army
Who were Janissaries?
slaves were trained to be loyal to the government and protect the palace
What is Devshirme?
recruitment of children
recruit officials based on merit
When did the Ottomans atttack Constantinople and conquesr the Byzantine Empire?
What happened as the Ottomans conquesred the Byzantine Empire?
done/led by Mehmet II
fought until 1481 and expanded into Europe
When did Ottomans expand in the Middle East, Northern Africa, and Eastern Europe?
late 1600s
Who did the Turks defeat in Persia?
Safavids (sp)
When did Cairo fall?
Turks administered through local rulers known as
pashas (sp)
Along which coast did the Turkish armies and fleets advance?
Ottoman rulers were called and had how much authority
governed with absolute power
Under whom did the Ottomans attack Eastern Europe and the empire reached its height?
Suleyman the Magnificent (1520)
Four facts of Turkish expansion in Europe
- Advanced up the Danube with victory of the Hungarians at Mohacs
- Extended into the western Mediterranean with Spanish destroying Turkish fleet at Lepanto in 1683 ending expansion
- resumed offensive and advanced to gates of Vienna only to be repulsed by coalition of European forces
- would never threaten Europe again
The Ottomans were _____ Muslim
The Safavids believed in ___ Islam and strictly converted whom
people they conquered
Where was Safavid Empire?
Persian word for king
Rulers in Persia were called?
Where is Persia
modern day Iran
What did the Shahs have?
powerful gunpowder and army
Where is the capital of Persia?
What did the Safavid Empire rule
Persia-much or Iran and Iraq
Who founded the Safavid Empire?
What was official religion of the Safavid Empire
Shia Islam
Describe Safavid politics and society
- Shi’ite faith was a unifying force in a mixed society
- Shah claimed to be the spiritual leader of all Islam
- Safavid Iran was a worthy successor to the great Persian emprires of the past
Describe Safavid art and literature
- Isfahan was a grandiose planned city
- textiles and painting were areas of great achievement
Who was greatest ruler of the Safavid Empire and when did he come to power?
Shah Abbas
Describe conditions under Shah Abbas
- Borrowed ideas from outside groups to improve the Safavid empire
- Modeled Ottoman janissaries
- Used merit to employ government workers
- Introduced religious toleration
- Encouraged trade with European Christians
- Art fluourished-especially carpets that blended Persian and European designs
Describe deline of Safavid Empire
- Like Ottomans, Shah Abbas blinded or killed his most capable sons in order to keep power
- Result was weak leaders and rapid decline of empire
- While Ottoman empire in Europe lasted until 1922, the Safavid Empire fell in 1749
What was Suleyman’s greatest achievement and how did he achieve it?
- Created stable government for his empire
- Known as a lawyer since he created a law code that governed criminal and civil issues
- Created simplified and fair tax system to raise money for his empire
- Granted freedom of worship to Christians and Jews
Describe administration of governement under Suleyman
- An imperial council chaired by the chief minister known as the grand vizier
- Local administration
- Senior officials were assigned land in fief by the sultan
- Lands farmed out to local calvary elite called the sipahas
- Taxes exacted from all peasants in their fiefdoms
Describe religion and society in Ottoman World
- Ottomans were Sunni Muslim responsible for supporting Shari’s law
- treatment of minorities
- Non Muslims organized as adminsitrative unit call a millit; treated with relative tolerance
- Social classes
- Divided by occupation and place of residence
- Outside ruling elite, merchants were most priviledged class
- Position of women
- Women permitted to own and inherit property
Describe nature of Turkish rule
- Sultan was the supreme authority in both political and military sense which lead to chronic succession struggles
- Harem
- Topkapi Palace was known as the Sublime Port-residence of the Sultan and his family
- The private domain of the sultan called the harem
- Harem members trained and educated in a system call devshirme
True or false: Art, architecture and poetry did not flourish under Suleyman as the Ottoman Empire experienced a cultural renaissance
What lead to decline of Ottoman Empire
- Expansion tendencies of earlier eras largely disappeared
- Quality of leadership declined
- Administrative system broken down
- Constant wars depleted treasury
- Interest in science and technology declined
- Material affluence increased
When did Mughal Empire exist?
Who were the Mughals?
Muslims descended from Turks, Afghans, and Mongols living in central Asia with a powerful army (guns and cannons)
Who was Babur?
King of Mughals (1494)
What did Babur do?
expanded Mughal army and invaded India to create empire
Who was Akbar?
Babur grandson. Also considered greatest Mughal ruler
What Akbar do?
expand Mughal empire to almost all of India
What was Akbar’s greatest achievement?
cultural blending and religious tolerance. He held religious discussions with Hindu and Muslim scholars
What did Akbar do with taxes?
Ended the tax with non-Muslims had to pay. Created fair tax system
Whom did Akbar marry?
Muslim, Christian, and Hindu
What is Devine Faith?
Akbar’s creation of a new religion, a syncretism of Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism. He hoped devine faith would end conflict between Muslims and Hindus. It ended when Akbar died since no one practiced it.
During Akbar ‘s reign, what fluorished?
Art and architecture. Mughal artists were known for their colorful paintings. Architecture was known for blending Islamic and hindu designs with the Taj Mahal (1631 by Shah Jahan) being most famous.
Who was Jahangir?
Akbar’s son.
Whom was Jahangir married?
Nur Jahan(wife)
With whom did Jahangir have conflicts?
What is associated with Shah Jahan?
- cultural golden age
- Taj Mahal
- Peacock throne
- Dehli was new capital
What happened during Aurangzeb rule?
Beginning of end of Mughal empire
Imposed Islam on empire
Destroyed Hindu temples
Taxed Hindus
Imprisoned father and killed brothers
Was strict Sunni
Describe women in Mughal culture.
women from aristocratic families were permitted to own land and engage in business
women were subjected to some restrictions of Islamic law
women were isolated from men outside the home (purdah)
Decsribe architecture in Mughal culture.
blended Hindu and Islamic designs, example Taj Mahal.
Describe painting in Mughal culture.
combined Persian and Islamic motifs
Describe literature in Mughal culture.
literary works were inscribed by calligraphers
library of Agra contained more than 24,000 volumes
poetry fluorished
Hindu devotional literature revived
Why did Mughal empire decline?
Grew weak by 1900s as kings spent to much money on palaces and war
large population of Hindus in India began to revolt against Muslim rulers
Great Britian took advantage of weakness and conquered India and removed last Mughal emperor from power in 1858