Chap 17 Notes Flashcards
Ming Dynasty: 1368-
- Founded by Zhu Yuanzhang in 1368 -> Hongwu
- expels the Mongols
- reduced texes, improves agriculture and trade
- confucian values reinstated
- expanded power of the emperor
- killed thousands of his rivals-especially like flaying(sp?) people
Ming Dynasty: Hongwu’s son, Yonglo takes power in 1402
- Moves capital to Beijing
- builds the forbidden city; palace comples in Beijing
- European invention impresses officials
- sponsors sea voyages of Zheng He, Muslim admiral to africa and other places became too expensive and stopped in 1433
Ming Dynasty: late 1500 - decline
- distrust of european trade/missionaries
- did admit Mateo Ricci, 1583, Italian Jesuit
- Mongol threat to the north
- strengthened the Great Wall
- Agricultural growth to irrigation policies and new crops from the Americas
- led to population growth
- led to more cities
- led to more industry (but still largely agricultural)
Ming Dynasty: decline in the late 1500s
- corruption weak leaders
- crop yield declined due to harsh weather
- an epidemic sparked a peasant revolt
Who defeated the Ming Dynasty and when?
Manchu 1644
What dynasty succeeded the Ming Dynasty?
During which period did the Qing Dynasty exist?
What were the features of the Qing Dynasty?
- they were foreigners who respected Chinese culture
- kept separate from Chinese in many ways (no intermarrying, no footbinding)
- equal distribution of government jobs
- civil service exam
Who ruled Qing Dynasty from 1661-1772?
What did Kangxi implement?
- reduced peasant taxes
- expanded the empire
- supported arts and education
Who ruled Qing Dynasty from 1736-1796?
What happened during Qianlong’s rule?
- conquers Taiwan, Mongolia, and Tibet
- ecomony boomed
- continued isolationist policy
- Lord George McCartney in 1793 wanted to change isolationist policy
What were the three facets of the Qing political institutions?
- Devotion to Confucianism
- two-pronged strategy to protect Manchus ethnicity
- manchus were defined legally distinct- Manchu nobles retained aristocratic priviledges
- Other manchus assigned farmland and organized into military units call banners
- Dyarchy: important administrative positions shared equally by Chinese and Manchu
What happened to China on the eve of Western onslaught?
- Military confrontation
- pressure for trade
- Russian envoys ignored the tribute system and refused to perform the kowtow
- the East India Company established first trading post at Canton
- uneven balance of trade led british to press for liberation of trade restrictions
- Qianlang contemptuously dismissed the British request
What happened to population during Qing Dynasty?
- population exploded
- center of gravity shift to the south
- in 1390 population increased to 300 million
What happed during the seeds of industrialization?
- mercantile class under firm control over the state
- preference for agriculture
- heavy taxes on manufacturing and commerce
- intellectual environment was in favor of continutiy over change and tradition over innovation
What were some of the features of daily life during the Qing Dynasty?
- Family
- ideal family unit was the joint family
- beyond the joint family was the clan, an extended kinship unit
- women
- subordinate to husband
- female children were less desirable
- in theory inferior to men but not always the case
What were some of the cultural developments during the Qing Dynasty?
- rise of Chinese novel
- characterized by realism with vivid portraits of society
- moral lessons-villians were punished and virtuous were rewarded
- art of Ming and Qing
- artistic brillaince
- grandiose architecture: Imperial City of Beijing (Forbidden city)
- carved laquer ware and colored ***(sp?)
- silk production at peak
- blue and white porcelain
Who were the three great unifiers of Japan? When did they rule?
Oda Nobunaga (1568-1582)
Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1582-1598)
Tokugawa Leyasu (1598-1616)
What were Oda Nobunaga’s accomplishments?
seized the imperial capital
replaced the shogun
consolidated his rule throughout the central plains
What were Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s accomplishments?
extended power to the southern islands
persuaded the daimyo to accept his authority
What were Tokugawa Leyasu’s accomplishments?
named himself shogun
most powerful and longest-lasting of all Japanese Shogunates
Who and when was the Tokugawa Shogunate established?
by Tokugawa Leyasu in 1603
When did Tokugawa shogunate end?
Where was the capital of the Tokugawa Shogunate?
Edo (now Tokyo)
True or false: with consolidated power does not come peace and prosperity.
Describe the social structure of the Tokugawa shogunate.
- increasingly rigid
- compelled the daimyo to maintain two residences (own domain and at Edo)
- daimyo deprived samurai retiners of proprietary rights
- transformed them into salaried officials
- Bafuku precedent:ruled through a coalition of daimyo and concil of elders
- set national policy on behalf of emperor
- governd shogun own domain (1/4 of national territory as well as Edo, Kyoto,and Osaka)
- domains ruled by 250 daimyo
- compelled the daimyo to maintain two residences (own domain and at Edo)
What were two main features of the Tokugawa “Great Peace?”
contact with Europeans
land problems-peasants continued to rely on rice cultivation
During the Great Peace, what resulted from contact with the Europeans?
- overtime intolerance towards christians and the restriction of foreign trade
- expulsion of Christians in 1587
- Hideyoshi issed an edict prohibiting christian activities within the domain
- all missionaries evicted in 1612
Besides reliance on rice cultivation, what happed to peasants?
rising costs and taxes lead to peasant revolts
Describe growth of trade and industry during Great Peace.
- rising standard of living
- banking fluorished
- paper money becomes the norm
- mechant class emerges
Describe culture and art during Great Peace.
woodblock prints
Haiku (Basho)
Kabuki (white faced theater)
Describethe Korean Choson Dynasty.
- Yi Song gye was military commander
- adopted chinese institutions and values
- aristocratic class known as the yangban which was restricted
- peasantry in serf-like conditions
- class of slaves call chonmin
- rising agricultural production
- rise of urban industrial and commercial sector
- continual challenges to its independence with Manchu forces and Japan
- Hideyoshi invades Korea in 1592
Describe Vietnam in this period
- Dai viet was only peripherally involved in the spice trade
- followed an imperialist path
- expansion undermined cultural integrity
- civil war split country into 2 squabbling territories in 17th century (north and south)
- European powers meddled in the countires internal affairs-Nguyen dynasty until 1945
- Nguyen Dynasty reunited country - fended off Christianity and promoted Confucian values