Chap 14 Notes Flashcards
Why was there drive to explore?
Wealth-desire expensive luxury goods such as spices, silk, perfume, jade from India and China, controlled by Italian merchants
Economic-trade routes-1453 Turks captured Constantinople
Fame and glory
Spread the Faith-Ferdinand and Isabella reformation and counter-reformation
Curiosity-Europes interest in reaching Asia by sea
What were some of technologies used?
- Compass-identify which direction was north (from Chinese)
- Astrolabe-calculate location based on the location of the stars and moon (from Muslims)
- Deep draft ships- capable of withstanding heavier waves and carry more supplies
- The caravel-light fast sailing ships with rudder at the stern which makes ships very manueverable. They could be equiped with weapons/cannons. Ships mobile enough to sail against the wind and engage in naval warfare. Large enough to carry substantial goods.
Route to India
In 1487 Dias rounded Cape of Good Hope
Vasco de Gama rounded the cape and stopped at ports along the east coast of Africa. Then crossed Arabian Sea to arrive on Indian Coast
Why was there a need to go to India?
Search for a source of spices
Who seized Malacca and why?
Portuguese seized Malacca to control spice trade
Spanish Empire: Why have colonies?
to provide raw material and to purchase spanish goods.
Spanish Empire: Spain in Caribbean
Hispanola Cuba
Spanish Empire: What is the encomienda system?
colonist given certain amount of land and a number of Native Americans to work the land for him
in exchange the colonist was required to teach the native workers about Christianity
Spanish Empire: What of the effects of the encomienda system
disastrous-overworking and mistreatment of workers
Spanich Empire: Long term effects of colonization
econmic exploitation of natives
no self government
rigid social structure
religion spread-Catholic Church
Spanish language and customs spread
Conquering New Spain
Conquest of Mexico, Hernan Cortes arrived in 1519conquistador native leaders who fought against native people. Had advantage of weapons and heavy armor, guns, horses, diseases, enemy trite. Conquered by 1521.
a. Montezuma II-Tenochtitlan-Aztec Capital
b. Advantages which Spanish had in conquering Aztecs.
a. Francisco Pizzaro
b. Incan empire already weakened by smallpox-even emperor killed
c. Atahualpa was new empreror
d. Francisco Pizzaro captured the emperor and demanded he accept Christianity
e. He reused and was killed - empire conquered.
Spanish Empire: Viceroys
They ruled large areas of the new empire in the name of the king
Spanish Empire: Economy
Based upon mining for gold and silver
Some farming
Spanish Empire: Native Americans
90% natives died: 50 million to 4 million
Spanish Empire: Resistance to Spanish
Bartolome de las Casas suggested African labor instead
Portugues in Brazil: How did the Treaty of Toirdesillas limit the Portuguese empire?
In 1494 an imaginary line through the Atlantic was drawn. Everything to the west of the line would belong to Spain.
Everything east of the line would be Portuguese-Brazil
Portuguese in Brazil: When did the Portuguese colonists begin to settle Brazil
Portuguese in Brazil: How was Brazil settled?
with huge farming estates
French Colonies: New France Economy
fish, furs (fox, lynx, otters, …)
French Colonies: Relationship with Native Americans
didn’t enslave, became allies, intermarried
French Colonies: Samuel de Champlain
founded Quebec in 1608
Frech Colonies: La Salle
Mississippi River to Louisana (Louis XIV)
Dutch Colonies
New Netherland, New Amsterdam-New York
small and did not grow
English Colonies: When was Jamestown founded
English Colonies: Jamestown-what happened to settlers?
80% died during first winter
English Colonies: Pilgrims: When and where did the settle?
1620 Plymouth Massachusetts
English Colonies: Pilgrims: Rleationship with Native Americans
When and what was French and Indian war?
1754-1763 England gets most of North America
Slave trade
Sugar in Caribbean-16th century led to slave trade from Africa to the new World
225,000 enslaved Africans were sent to other countries during the 16th century with 2/3 to the Americas
Middle passage: 2nd part of the triangular trade
Atlantic slave trade
part of tringular trade
1525-1866 12.5 million Africans shipped to New World
Approximately 10.7 million survived
388,000 taken to colonies in present day US
Portuguese, British, French, Spanish, and Dutch were main Atlantic slave traders
Southeast Asia Spice Trade
- The arrival of the West
- Portuguese, Dutch, English, French scrambled for the spice trade
- Dutch elbowed their rivals out
- Europeans’ arrival had less impact on the Indian subcontinent and on mainland southeast Asia
- Europeans powers intervened in local politics for ploitical and commercial advantage
- State and society in precolonial southeast Asia
- Religion and kingship
- Both Buddhism and Islamwere well established
- Political systems evolved into 4 main types: Buddhist kings, Javanese kings, Islamic sultans, and vietnamese emperor
- Religion and kingship