Changing Places Flashcards
Sense of Place
The subjective feelings associated with a place.
Formed by interactions with local businesses, people and representation
The way a place is shaped by the customs and culture within it
Media Place
Places that people have not been to but have created a sense of place through their depiction from books, art and film
An assemblage of personal characteristics such as gender, sexuality, race and religion
Well- being
The positive outcome of a shared identity and sense of belonging
Representation of place
The cultural practices by which human societies interpret & portray the world around them & represent themselves to others
Endogenous factor
Those factors that originate from within, e.g topography, location, water, land-use, demographic, economy
Exogenous factors
Factors that originate from without, externally, e.g Universities, chain stores
Something that has changed over time and shows evidence of that change
The process of creating a new perspective of a place seen by others at home or abroad
The process of regenerating a city’s economy & physical fabric as well as projecting a new positive urban image
Experienced place
A place that has been visited. During the time spent there a sense of place has been created. Sense of the place effected by the relationships and interactions with the place and people there
Positive and negatives of stats
+ lots of quantitative data, population structure etc.
- interpretation can be subjective, doesn’t show sense of place
Positive and negatives of maps
+ show quantitative data and show inequalities, can be qualitative show levels of happiness (sense of place)
- historical maps may be misleading, may not accurate
Positive and negatives of film, photography and art
+ show sense of place, show character, evoke a sense of place
- paintings less reliable, subjective, photos of a given moment eg times of day may look different
Positive and negatives of stories, music
+ show sense of place, lots of detail
- biased, subjective, writers perspective