Changing behaviour Flashcards
What are the stages of change according to the transtheoretical model?
Precontemplation, contemplation, prep, action, maintenance
What is the precontemplation stage?
No intention to change
What is the contemplation stage?
Intention to change; aware of pros and cons
What is the prep stage?
Intention to take action soon; plan of action
What is the action stage?
Change is made to lifestyle
What is the maintenance stage?
Working to prevent relapse
What are the three phases of the health action process approach?
Motivation phase; first volition phase; second volition phase
What elements influence the motivational phase of HAPA?
Preintenders: task self-efficacy; outcome expectancy; risk perception
What elements influence the first volitional phase?
Intenders: maintenance of self-efficact; barriers; resources
What components are essential to the first volitional phase?
Intention; action planning; coping planning
What elements influence the second volitional phase?
Actors: recovery self-efficacy; barriers; resources; disengagement
What components are essential to the second volitional phase?
Action and action control
What are motivation and volition in relation to HAPA?
Goal setting and pursuit
What are the two kinds of mental stimulation involved in HAPA?
Action and coping planning
What is action planning?
Deciding how to turn intention to behaviour; breaks down complex behaviour into specific actions; links behaviour to situational cues, enabling automatic responses; when, where, how