CH.4: Body Basics Flashcards
A process by which large food molecules are mechanically and chemically broken down
_______ refers to the sum of all chemical reactions that occur in living cells
______: proteins that initiate or facilitate (catalyze) chemical reactions. They are recycable, they do not become part of the products of a reaction. End with ASE
Scientific study of cells and other body structures
Scientific study of the functioning of cells and other body structures
Structures in the cells that perform specialized functions
Molecule that contains coded instructions for synthesizing proteins.
Organization of the human body:
cell tissue organ organ system organism
The collection of similar cells that perform specialized functions. EPITHELIAL and CONNECTIVE
Collection of tissues that perform a specific function
Collection of organs that work together
Process by which substances are taken up from the GI tract and enter the bloodstream or the lymph
The major structures and function of the DIGESTIVE SYSTEM:
mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine
Digestion and absorption of nutrients
_________ _____: GI tract. muscular tube that extends from the mouth to the anus
gastrointestinal tract
__________: refers to the extent to which the digestive tract absorbs a nutrient and how well the body uses it
________ ________: breakdown of food by biting, tearing, and grinding into smaller chunks that are easier to swallow.
Mechanical digestion
________ _______: refers to the chemical breakdown of foods by substances secreted into the GI tract.
Chemical digestion
Saliva contains the enzymes _____ ______(starch digestion) and _____ ______(fat digestion)
Salivary amylase and Lingual Lipase
________ _____: have specialized cells that help you distinguish sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami taste
the ________ is a muscular tube that extends about 10 inches from the back of the mouth to the pharynx to the top of the stomach. FUNCTION: to transfer mass of swallowed food into the stomach.
the voicebox
the opening of the windpipe
the ________ is a flap of tissue that prevents food from entering the larynx and trachea
__________: waves of muscular activity that helps propel material through the digestive tract. INVOLUNTARY RESPONSE
The ________ _______ is the section of esophagus that is next to the stomach. Constricts and closes
Gastroesophageal sphincter
The organ secretes gastric juices, a watery solution that contains ___________ (HCL) and some enzymes. Helps convert chemically inactive digestive enzymes to their active norms and make proteins easier to digest
Hydrochloric acid
Semisolid liquid
Fluid that lubricates and protects certain cells
The ______ _____ is a ring of muscular tissue at the base of the stomach, controls the rate at which chyme is released into the small intestine.
Pyloric sphincter
The _____ _______ is where most nutrients are digested and absorbed
small intestine
The small intestine has three sections:
duodenum, jejunum, and ileum
A ________ is a hollow space in an organ or structure that is surrounded by walls such as the xxxx of the small and large intestines.
Many of the major chemical reactions that occur during digestion are ________ because water molecules are necessary for the reactions to occur.
__________: involves regular contractions of ringlike intestinal muscles followed by muscular relaxations to mix chyme within a short portion of the small intestine.
It takes about __ to ___ hours for chyme to move from the duodenum to the end of the ileum.
3 to 5
The ______: processes and stores many nutrients and produces and secretes bile
The ________” stores and concentrates bile from the liver and releases bile into the duodenum
The _________: produces and secrete pancreatic juice Neutralizes the gastric juices.
______; the lining of the small intestine is highly folded and covered by tiny, fingerlike projections
________ ____: each villus has an outer layer of epithelial cells. Completer digestions and remove nutrients from chyme and transfer them into intestinal blood lymph vessels.
absorptive cells
_______ _______: delivers nutrients directly to the liver where many undergo processing before they enter the general circulation
portal vein
Most of the absorbed lipids are coated with a layer that contains a protein forming a __________. TRANSPORTED BY LYMPH
Chylomicron move into a _______, a type of lymphatic syatem structure in each villus
The large intestines two major sections are
colon and rectum
Most of its water is absorbed in the large intestines, as a result the residue becomes semisolid and its called
________ ________ can metabolized undigested food, make the vitamins K and biotin. which their human hosts can absorb and produce substances that colon cells can use for energy. Also produce GAS
intestinal bacteria