CH.3: Planning nutritious diets Flashcards
_______ ________ ______: DRIs, encompasses an variety of energy and nutrient intake standards that are used as reference when making recommendations. HELP PEOPLE REDUCE THEIR RISK OF NUTRIENT DEFICIENCIES AND EXCESS.
Dietary Reference Intakes
______ ____ ______ _____: a group of nutrition scientist who develop DRIs
Food and Nutrition Board
An ________ _______ _______: EAR, is the amount of nutrient that should meet the needs of 50% of healthy people who are in partivular life/stage gender group
Estimated Average Requirement
The __________ _______ ________: EER, is the average daily intake that meets the needs of a healthy person who is maintaining his or her weight.
Estimated Energy Requirement
The ______ _______ _______: RDA, are standards for recommending daily intakes of several nutrients.
Recommended Dietary Allowances
________ ______: AIs, dietary recommendations that assume a population’s average daily nutrient intakes are adequate because no deficiency diseases are present.
Adequate intake
__________ _____ ____ _____: UL is also establish for vitamins and minerals . Standard representing the highest average amount of a nutrient that is unlikely to be harmful when consumed daily
Tolerable Upper Intake Level
_______ _______ ______ _____: AMDRs Macronutrient intake ranges that are nutritionally adequate and may reduce the risk of diet related chronic disease.
Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges
_______ : smalles amount of nutrietns that maintains a defined level of nutritional health
age sex health status physical activity level medication use
______ _______: DVs are based on a standard diet that supplies 2000 kcal/day.
Daily Values
The 6 Major Food Groups are:
Grains Dairy products Proteins fruits vegetables other (olive oil,sweets)
GRAIN: _________: addition of iron and certain B vitamins to cereal grain products
_______ : the addition of nutrients to food
______-_______ foods generally add a lot of sugar, alcohol and or solid fat to diets.
empty calorie