Ch3: Activity Human and Context Flashcards
Body Structures and Functions
The components of the World Health Organization (WHO) International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health that identify the physiological functions of body systems
Capability Theory
Theoretical framework about well-being, development, and justice.
-Claims that the freedom to achieve well-being is of primary moral importance and is to be understood in terms of people’s capabilities, that is, their real opportunities to do and be what they have reason to value.
Person’s potential optimal performance of an activity given favorable and supportive circumstances
The portion of the human activity assistive technology (HAAT) model that describes the influence of physical, social, cultural, and institutional environments or contexts on the access to, service delivery, and use of assistive technology
- An occupation in which two or more people are involved that cannot be done by a single person alone
- Ex. Teaching is a co-occupation that involves a learner and a teacher engaging with each other in the occupation of learning
Cultural Context
The shared beliefs, practices, values, and meanings that influence acceptance and use of technology
Person who displays a high degree of competence when using an assistive technology device and who is able to use the device in novel ways or across novel situations
- The right to an education of every child with a disability
- Established under the United States Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Behaviors, usually physical but including mental, that are performed at a preconscious level as a result of experience and repetition
- Model guiding assistive technology research and development, service delivery, and outcome evaluation.
- Consists of four parts: (1) activity, (2) human, (3) context, and (4) assistive technologies
- Mandated by Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the plan, written for each student, incorporates the student’s specialized program.
- The IEP team must consider assistive technologies as a special factor when developing the learner’s IEP
Individualized plans for employment
- Written plan, mandated by law under the 1992 Amendments to the Rehabilitation Act, outlining an individual’s vocational goal, and the services to be provided to reach the goal.
- Must include provision for the acquisition of appropriate and necessary assistive technology devices and services
Institutional Context
Formal legal, legislative acts, and regulations; policies, practice, and procedures at other institutional levels such as educational, work, organizational, and community settings; and sociocultural institutions such as religious institutions
International classification of functioning disability and impairment
-Classification system developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) for coding and classifying elements of the person, activity, and environment to describe the interaction of these elements with a health condition and their collective influence on functioning
Activities done for recreation, often involving a significant element of choice
The time from birth to death; a lifespan approach considers both the commonalities and discrepancies that individuals experience at different ages and stages of life
Linguistic Competence
Process of developing and using sufficient vocabulary to enable the use of a device, for example, use of a wheelchair requires linguistic competence related to concepts of direction and space
Occurs when the needs of an individual or group for participation in needed or desired occupations are ignored or denied
- Personal or collective perspective of an experience or situation.
- Influenced by everyday experiences, transactions transactions, and engagement with others (direct and indirect) and interaction with objects in the environment
User who has little to no experience in the use of an assistive technology device
Everything that people do to look after themselves and others, to contribute to their community and society, and to have fun and relax