Ch18: Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems Flashcards
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
An area of clinical practice that deals with communication problems of people who have complex communication needs
Complex Communication Needs
Problems may occur at any point across the life span
Speech & Language
When someone is not developing these skills or has lost these abilities, AAC intervention approaches are required to meet their CCN
Oral expression of language
Consists of 5 Basic Elements
-Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics
Speech-Generating Devices
- Produce digitally recorded or synthesized speech output
- AAC tools that can significantly improve communication for individuals with CCN
- Production of sounds
- Can be an effective way of communicating things like yes and no, anger (screaming), happiness (laughing), sadness (crying), and getting attention
Disorder of motor speech control resulting from central or peripheral nervous system damage that causes weakness, slowness, and a lack of coordination of the muscles necessary for speech production
(Verbal) A disorder affecting the coordination of motor movements involved in producing speech caused by a CNS dysfunction
Traditional Orthography
Symbols as the familiar alphabetic written language or it may be a set of pictographic symbols conveying meaning (ex. Hieroglyphics or other special symbols) or a set of hand movements (sign language) or gestures
- A type of language disorder that often occurs as a result of a stroke or TBI
- Can affect both expression and reception of spoken and written language
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Degenerative diseases
Emergent Communicators
Have no reliable method of symbolic expression, and they know they are restricted to communicating about here-and-now concepts
Context-Dependent Communicators
Have reliable symbolic communication, but they are limited to specific contexts because they are either only intelligible to familiar partners, have insufficient vocab, or both
Independent Communicators
- Able to communicate with unfamiliar and familiar partners on any topic
- Each of these communicators has different needs and goals
Dynamic Communication Displays
- Change the selection set displayed when a choice is made
- Used on mobile phones, tablets, websites, and many other mainstream applications and SGDs
Visual Scene Displays
Create displays that capture events in a person’s life on the screen with hotspots that can be accessed to retrieve information
Cerebral Palsy
- A nonprogressive motor impairment due to a lesion or anomalies of the brain arising in the early stages of its development
- Impaired voluntary movement resulting from prenatal developmental abnormalities or perinatal or postnatal CNS damage
- Primarily disorder of muscle tone and postural control
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Characterized by significant social communication challenges throughout life that reflect impairments in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, and restricted, repetitive, stereotypical patterns of behavior, interests, and activities
Stroke (CVA)
Incidence of irregular blood flow within the brain causing an interruption in brain function
Traumatic Brain Injury
- May occur when the head or brain is struck by an external force; one of these two criteria must be satisfied for the diagnosis: either the patient has amnesia from the traumatic event, or the patient has a documented loss of consciousness
- Can result in the loss of speech and often causes physical, cognitive, and language impairments and motor impairment is often severe in TBI.
- Cognition Problems: Thinking, memory, and reasoning
- Sensory Processing Problems: Sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell
- Communication Problems: Expression and understanding)
- Behavior, or Mental Health Problems: Depression, anxiety, personality changes, aggression, acting out, and social inappropriateness
Icon Prediction
A feature of Minspeak based augmentative and alternative communication devices that aids in recalling stored sequences
Opportunity Barriers
Barriers that involve policies, practices, attitudes, knowledge, and skills of those who support the person with complex communication needs
Selection Set
The items available from which user choices are made; in augmentative and alternative communication devices, this is the component that presents the symbol system and possible vocabulary selections to the user