Ch16: Sensory Aids for Persons with Visual Impairments Flashcards
The capability of a device to allow use by individuals with disabilities
The capability of a device to allow use by individuals with disabilities
Alternative Mobility Device
An assistive device intended to assist a person who is blind in orientation and mobility
Raised dots that can be read by touch; a cell of either six or eight dots is used to portray letters and special computer symbols (ex. cursor movement, uppercase and lowercase)
Closed-Circuit Television
A video camera and monitor used to enlarge text and other print material; also called video magnifiers
Digital Talking Books
Reading material for individuals who are blind; produced on digital media (usually CD-ROM) and can be reproduced and read on a variety of hardware platforms and operating systems
Electronic Travel Aid
- Sensory devices that supplement rather than replace the long cane or guide dog
- Designed to provide additional environmental information and to detect those obstacles typically missed by the long cane
Graphical User Interface
Characterized by three distinguishing features: (1) a cursor, which is moved around the screen; (2) a graphical menu bar, which appears on the screen; and (3) one or more windows, which provide a menu of choices
Worldwide computer network that connects users globally for electronic mail, file transfer, electronic commerce, and similar functions
Magnification Aids
Low-vision aids for reading print material
Navigation Aids
Devices that keep track of the user’s current location and heading, find the way around and through a variety of environments, find and follow an optimally safe walking path to the destination, and provide information about the salient features of the environment
Optical Aids
Devices that allow individuals with low vision to see print, do work requiring fine detail, or increase the range of their visual fields
Optical Character Recognition
A software program that recognizes text within a digital image and exports it to a word processing program, a synthetic speech generator, a braille output, or any other application
Orientation and Mobility
The process by which an individual who is blind is able to achieve independent movement in the environment
Being free from being observed or disturbed by other people
How good or bad something is
Reading Aid
A sensory device designed to provide access to print materials for an individual who is blind
Refreshable Braille Display
The use of mechanically raised pins to represent braille cells, organized in arrays from 1 to 80 cells
Screen Readers
Systems that provide speech synthesis or braille output for blind users
Application software for assistive devices that is designed for specific types of programs, procedures or applications (e.g., word processing, phone use)
Spatial Display
Provides direct spatial information about the directions and distances to environmental locations in a navigation system
Universal Access
The design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design
User Display
The portion of a device that portrays information for the human user
Video Magnifiers
See Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV)