Ch18: AAC's Flashcards
Access Barriers
Obstacles that make it difficult for a person with complex communication needs to communicate using an augmentative and alternative
Access Barriers
Obstacles that make it difficult for a person with complex communication needs to communicate using an augmentative and alternative communication device or technique (ex. motor limitations and hearing, vision, and cognitive abilities)
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
- A rapidly progressing neuromuscular disease
- Two types of ALS: bulbar or brainstem ALS and spinal ALS.
- Affects speech in the majority of cases
Language disorder affecting both expression and reception of spoken and written language
An inability to plan motor movements, where the peripheral components necessary to execute the motion are generally intact
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Approaches and systems that are designed to ameliorate the problems faced by persons who have difficulty speaking or writing because of neuromuscular disease or injury
Autism Spectrum Disorder
A developmental disorder that is characterized by varying degrees of impairment in communication and social interaction skills, or the presence of restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior
Cerebral Palsy
A nonprogressive motor impairment due to a lesion or anomalies of the brain arising in the early stages of its development
Complex Communication Needs
Needs possessed by an individual who is not developing speech and language skills or has lost the ability to speak and/or understand spoken or written language
Context-Dependent Communicators
AAC user that has reliable symbolic communication but is limited to specific contexts because he is either only intelligible to familiar partners, has insufficient vocabulary, or both
Dynamic Communication Displays
An input mode used in augmentative and alternative communication in which the selection set displayed to the user is changed as new choices are made; can be altered easily depending on previous choices and allows reliance on recognition rather than recall
A disorder of motor speech control resulting from central or peripheral nervous system damage; characterized by weakness, slowness, and incoordination of the muscles necessary for speech
Emergent Communicators
AAC user that has no reliable method of symbolic expression and is restricted to communicating about here and now concepts
Icon Prediction
A feature of Minspeak-based augmentative and alternative communication devices that aids in recalling stored sequences
Independent Communicators
AAC user that is able to communicate with unfamiliar and familiar partners on any topic
A set of symbols and the rules for organizing their use
Opportunity Barriers
Barriers that involve policies, practices, attitudes, knowledge, and skills of those who support the person with complex communication needs
Selection Set
- The items available from which user choices are made
- In AAC devices, this is the component that presents the symbol system and possible vocabulary selections to the user
Skilled Nursing Facility
Special facility or part of a hospital that provides medically necessary professional services from nurses, physical and occupational therapists, speech pathologists, and audiologists
The oral representation of language
Incidence of irregular blood flow within the brain causing an interruption in brain function