Ch.3 Flashcards
Unlearned responses triggered by certain stimulations
The baby is calm with their eyes open and focused, deliberately inspecting their environment
Alert inactivity
Baby’s eyes are open but unfocused with arms or legs moving in uncoordinated motions
Waking activity
Baby is crying aggressively with agitated, uncoordinated movement
Baby changes between still and breathing regularly, to breathing irregularly and moving gently with eyes closed
Cry that starts softly and becomes more intense, largely due to being tired or hungry
Basic cry
Intense version of basic cry
Mad cry
Cry with sudden outburst of crying, with a long pause and gasping
Pain cry
Sleep where a newborn’s eyes wonder rapidly between the eyelids while body is active
Irregular or rapid eye movement(REM) sleep
Sleep where heart-rate, breathing, and Brain activity are steady
Regular (nonREM) sleep
When a healthy infant dies for no reason
Sudden infant death syndrome (SID)
Consistent pattern of behavior
Being small for age due to inadequate nutrition
Cellular unit of the brain and nervous system that works in receiving and transmitting information
Neuron center that contains biological machinery to keep cell alive
Cell body
Neuron end that receives information from other neurons
Tubelike structure that emerges from cell body and transmits information to other nuerons
Small knobs at the end of the axon that releases neurotransmitters
Terminal button
Chemicals released by terminal buttons that let neurons communicate with other nuerons
Wrinkled surface of the brain that regulates distinct human functions
Cerebral cortex
Thick bundle of neurons that connect the two brain hemispheres
Corpus callosum
Brain region that regulates personality and goal setting behavior
Frontal cortex
Flat group of cells present in prenatal development that soon becomes the brain and spinal cord
Neural plate
Fatty sheath that surrounds neurons and enables them to transmit information quicker than usual
Process by which wiring of the brain is organized by common human experience
Experience-expectant growth
Coordinate movements of the muscle and limbs
Motor skills
Ability to move around the world
Body movements to do with grasping, holding, and manipulating objects
Fine motor skills
Theory that views motor development as involving different distinct skills that organized over time to meet
specific needs
Dynamic systems theory
Distinguishing and mastering individual motions
Linking individual motions into a coherent, coordinated whole motion
Process in which the brain receives, selects, modifies, and organizes incoming nerve impulses that are the result of physical stimulation
A glass-covered platform that shows a shallow side and a deep side used to study infants’ depth perception
Visual cliff
Cues related to depth perception and motion
Kinetic cues
Kinetic cue related to depth perception based on an object filling an ever-greater proportion of the retina as it moves closer
Visual expansion
Kinetic cue relating to depth perception that is about nearby objects moving across out visual field FASTER than distant moving objects
Motion parallax
A way of assuming depth based on differences in retinal images in both eyes
Retinal disparity
Cues to depth perception that are made to convey depth in drawings and paintings
Pictorial cues
Cue related to depth perception based on parallel lines coming together at a single point in the distance
Linear perspective
Perceptual cue relating to depth perception based on an object’s textures that changed from coarse and distinct for nearby objects to finer and less clear for distant objects
Texture gradient
Being attuned to information presented simultaneously to different sensory modes
Intersensory redunancy
Ideas about connections between thoughts, beliefs, intentions, and behavior that create a complex understanding of the connection between mind and behavior
Theory of mind