Ch.12 Flashcards
Alignment between an executive’s personal intentions and their firm’s mission
Meaning-mission fit
Theory that people build careers through their actions based on their personal characteristics
Career construction theory
Theory that career choice is a result of Bandura’s social cognitive theory, especially on self-efficacy
Social cognitive career theory (SCCT)
Situation where what you learn in the classroom does not transfer directly towards the real world and does not represent all that you know
Reality shock
Person who is part teacher, part sponsor, part model, and part counselor who manages on the job learning to help a new hire do the work required for the present and future role
Mentor or executive coach
Positive feeling that results from appraisal of one’s work
Job satisfaction
Belief that having positive mentality improves processes and outcomes
Psychological capital theory
When workers believe that they are doing meaningless work and that their efforts are devalued or cannot see the connection between their works towards the final product
Decrease in person’s energy and motivation with the feeling of being exploited
Strong inclination to pursue an activity that is liked or lived by an individual that they feel is worth value
Act of denying a job to someone based on whether they are male and female
Gender discrimination
Level to where women may rise up in an organization, but they cannot go further at a point
Glass ceiling
Situation where a woman’s leadership position is called in question or insecure
Glass cliff
Involves denying a job or promotion due to someone’s age
Age discrimination
Individuals who terminate employment at one point but return to the same employment in the future
Boomerang employees
When promotions are either not possible or not desired by the worker
Career plateauing
Emergency care for dependent person so that employee does not need time off work
Backup care
Feeling of being pulled in many directions by incompatible demands from one’s job and family
Work-family conflict