Ch.10 Flashcards
Period between teens to mid/late 20s where individuals are not adolescents, but not fully adults
Emerging adulthood
Rituals marking initiation into adulthood
Rites of passage
Movement in the next stage of development that is marked by the assumption of new responsibilities
Role transitions
College students over age 25
Returning adult students
Desire to live life on edge through physical and emotion life-threatening situations
6th stage in Erikson’s theory that is the major psychosocial task for young adults
Intimacy vs isolation
Type of drinking based on men consuming 5+ drinks and women drinking 4+ drinks in the past 2 weeks
Binge drinking
Characteristic of theories of intelligence that identifies certain intellectual abilities
Developmental pattern where some intelligence improves or declines during adulthood
Patterns of changes that vary from one another
Interindividual variability
Belief that intellectual abilities are not fixed, but can be modified at any point in adulthood under the right conditions
Groups of related intellectual skills
Primary mental ability
Broad intellectual skills that absorb or organize primary mental abilities
Secondary mental abilites
Abilities that make a person flexible and an adaptable thinker, allowing them to infer, and enable them to understand relations among concepts
Fluid intelligence
Knowledge acquired through life experiences and education in a particular culture
Crystallized intelligence
Proposal that intelligence comes from a distributed, integrated network or neurons in the parietal and frontal lobes of the brain
Parieto-Frontal Integration Theory
Thinking based on recognizing that the correct answer varies from one situation to another, that solutions should be realistic, and subjective factors play a role in thinking
Post formal thought
The way in which adults reason through real-life dilemmas
Reflective judgement
United sense of the past,present, and future based on personal experiences and the input of others
Life-span construct
Marking future events with a particular time/age to be completed
Social clock
Personal narrative that organized pasts events into a coherent sequence
Life story
Representation of what one could become, what one would like to become, and what one is afraid of becoming
Possible selves
Degree to where you believe your performance in situations depend on what you do/control
Personal control beliefs
Behavior aimed at affecting one’s external world
Primary control
Behavior aimed at affecting one’s internal world
Secondary control