Ch19 Flashcards
- 91.5% water, 8.5% solutes (primarily proteins)
- Hepatocytes synthesize most plasma proteins
- Albumins, fibrinogen, antibodies
- Other solutes include electrolytes, nutrients, enzymes, hormones, gases and waste products
components of blood
- RBCs, WBCs, and platelets
formed elements of blood
- negative feedback systems regulate the total # of RBCs and platelets in circulation
- abundance of WBC types based on response to inading pathogens or foreign antigens
- primary site:red bone marrow
hemopoiesis/hematopoiesis(formation of blood)
- have ability to develop into many different types of cells
- stems cells in bone marrow reproduce themselves
- proliferate and differentiate
- cells enter blood stream thru sinusoids
pluripotent stem cells
formed elements do not divide once they leave the bone marrow, exception is ___
- Give rise to red blood cells, platelets, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils
myeloid stem cells
lymphoid stem cells give rise to __
- Erythropoietin – RBCs
- Thrombopoietin – platelets
- Colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) and interleukins – WBCs
Hemopoietic growth factors regulate differentiation and proliferation
- function is to transport oxygen, contain oxygen carrying protein hemoglobin
- production=distruction with at least 2 mil new RBCs per sec
- biconcave disc
- strong flexible plasma membrane
- gycolipids in plasma membrane responsible fo rABO and Rh blood groups
- lack nucleus and other organelles plus no mitochondria bc produces ATP anaerobically
- structure:globular protein and 4 polypeptide chains
- heme in each of the4 chains
- iron ion can combine reversibly with one O molecule
- transports 23% of total CO2 combining with amino acids of globin forming carbaminohemoglobin
- NO binds to hemoglobin ,which releases and causes vasodilation to improve blood flow and O2 delivery
- Live only about 120 days
- Cannot synthesize new components – no nucleus
- Ruptured red blood cells removed from circulation and destroyed by fixed phagocytic macrophages in spleen and liver
RBC life cycle
- Globin’s amino acids reused
- Iron reused
- Non-iron heme ends as yellow pigment urobilin in urine or brown pigment stercobilin in feces
breakdown products of RBCs recycled
- Starts in red bone marrow with proerythroblast
- Cell near the end of development ejects nucleus and becomes a reticulocyte
- Develops into mature RBC within 1-2 days
- Negative feedback balances production with destruction
- Controlled condition is amount of oxygen delivery to tissues
- Hypoxia stimulates release of erythropoietin
- have nuclei and doesnt contain hemoglobin
- types include granular or agranular
- combats invaders by phagocytosis or immune responses
- life span only a few days but lymphocytes live for months or yrs
functions of WBCs
- WBC count above 10,000/µL
- A normal protective response to invaders, strenuous exercise, anesthesia and surgery
- WBC count below 5,000/µL
- Is never beneficial
- When body attached by pathogens
- Many WBCs leave the bloodstream
- Emigration (formerly diapedesis) occurs
- Roll along endothelium
- Stick to and then squeeze between endothelial cells
- Precise signals vary for different types of WBCs
emigration of WBCs
- active phagocytes (attracted to chemotaxis)
- respond most quickly to tissue damage by bacteria using lysozymes, strong oxidants, defensins
- take longer to arrive but arrive in larger numbers and destroy more microbes
- Enlarge and differentiate into macrophages
- leave capillaries and release granules containing heparin, histamine and serotonin, at sites of inflammation
- Intensify inflammatory reaction
- Involved in hypersensitivity reactions (allergies)
- leave capillaries and enter tissue fluid
- Release histaminase, phagocytize antigen-antibody complexes and effective against certain parasitic worms
Major soldiers of the immune system
- B cells – destroy bacteria and inactivate their toxins
- T cells – attack viruses, fungi, transplanted cells, cancer cells, and some bacteria
- Natural Killer (NK) cells – attack a wide variety of infectious microbes and certain tumor cells
- Myeloid stem cells -> into a megakaryocyte
- Splinter into 2000-3000 fragments enclosed in a piece of plasma membrane
- Disc-shaped with many vesicles but no nucleus
- Helps stop blood loss by forming platelet plug
- Granules contain blood clot promoting chemicals
- Short life span – 5-9 days
- Recipient’s red bone marrow replaced entirely by healthy, noncancerous cells to establish normal blood cell counts
- Takes 2-3 weeks to begin producing enough WBCs to fight off infections
- Graft-versus-host-disease
- Transplanted red bone marrow may produce T cells that attack host tissues
bone marrow transplant(stem cell transplants)
- Stem cells obtained from umbilical cord shortly before birth
- Easily collected and can be stored indefinitely
- Less likely to cause graft-versus-host-disease
cord blood transplant
- sequence of responses to stop bleeding
- vascular spasm-smooth muscle in artery/arteriiol walls contracts
- platelet plug formation-platelets stick to parts of damaged blood vessel and become activated and accumlate
- coagulation-blood clotting
- Blood plasma minus clotting proteins
- Series of chemical reactions culminating in formation of fibrin threads
- Ca2+, several inactive enzymes, various molecules associated with platelets or released by damaged tissues
serum/clotting/(coagulation factors)
pathways are extrinsic/intrinsic leading to same stages
- formation of prothrombinase
- prothrombinase converts prothrombin into thrombin
- thrombin converts fibrinogen(soluble) into finbrin(insoluble) forming the threads of the clot
`stages of clotting
- Fewer steps than intrinsic and occurs rapidly
- Tissue factor (TF) or thromboplastin leaks into the blood from cells outside (extrinsic to) blood vessels and initiates formation of prothrombinase
extrinsic pathway blood clotting
- More complex and slower than extrinsic
- Activators are either in direct contact with blood or contained within (intrinsic to) the blood
- Outside tissue damage not needed
- Also forms prothrombinase
intrinsic pathway blood clotting
- Marked by formation of prothrombinase
- Prothrombinase with Ca2+ catalyzes conversion of prothrombin to thrombin
- Thrombin with Ca2+ converts soluble fibrinogen into insoluble fibrin
common pathway of blood clotting
- Accelerates formation of prothrombinase
- Thrombin activates platelets
Clot formation remains localized because fibrin absorbs thrombin and clotting factor concentrations are low
the 2 postive feedback effects of thrombin
Genetically determined assortment of antigens
Found on RBC surfaces
based on presence or absence of various antigens
blood group
at least 24 blood groups and more than 100 antigens currently known but most common are ___ and __
ABO and Rh
- Has only antigen A
- Has anti-B antibodies
type A blood
- Has only antigen B
- Has anti-A antibodies
type b blood
- Universal recipients
- Has neither anti-A or anti-B antibodies
type AB blood has antigens A and B
- Has neither A or B antigens
- Universal donor
type O blood
- People whose RBCs have the Rh antigen are Rh+
- People who lack the Rh antigen are Rh-
- Normally, blood plasma does not contain anti-RH ant
- ibodies
- Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN)
- If blood from Rh+ fetus contacts Rh- mother during birth, anti-Rh antibodies made
- Affect is on second Rh+ baby
hemolytic disease of the newborn(HDN)
- Single drops of blood are mixed with different antisera
- Agglutination with an antisera indicates the presence of that antigen on the RBC
blood typing