Ch.11 Flashcards
Arboreta / Botanical Gardens
Very common but have little storage capacity and funding to preserve plants.
Biotic pollution
Species reduce or wipe out populations of native species and trigger ecological disruption
Butterfly farms
Common in Papua New Guinea, where species are threatened by development
Captive breeding
Some or all of the wild individuals of a critically endangered are captured for breeding in captivity, with the aim of reintroducing the offspring into the wild
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
Ratified by most countries, legally commits participating governments to reversing the global decline of biological diversity and equitably sharing benefits of genetic resources. Contains no severe penalties and not ratified by US.
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)
Lists species that can’t be traded because of danger of extinction. Reduced trade in threatened animals, like elephants chimpanzees cheetahs and crocodiles. Convicted pay small fines, and countries that haven’t signed still trade unabated
Habitat Destruction, degradation and fragmentation, Invasive species, human Population growth, Pollution, and Over harvesting
Instrumental value
Usefulness in terms of ecological and economic services
Intrinsic value
Based on ethical right for animals to exist
Kudzu vine
Imported from Japan to southeast US in 1930s. Used to control erosion, but covers everything. Considered bad by US, but has edible parts. Can be killed by a fungus, and can lessen ones desire for alcohol.
Precautionary approach
Species that are not on the approved list are denied entry into the country
Reconciliation ecology
Focuses on establishing and maintaining new habitats to conserve species diversity in places where people live.
Ecosystem approach
Find out what species and ecosystems are in a country, protect the most endangered of them, provide financial incentives and technical help to have biodiversity friendly development
Worth more than simply killing animals.
Egg pulling
Collecting wild eggs laid by endangered birds and then hatching them in zoos or research centers
Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA)
Identify and protect endangered species in the US. Far reaching and controversial
Gene or seed banks
Store seeds in refrigerated, low humidity environments. Some cant be preserved here, and can be accidentally destroyed otherwise.
Habitat conservation plans (HCPs)
Compromise between private landowners and endangered/threatened species
Close to extinction
Close to Endangered
Habitat fragmentation
Development divides an area into isolated patches. Creates metapopulations and can kill many animals.
Red list
Published by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources that lists the world’s threatened species.
Safe harbor agreements
Landowners voluntarily agree to take specified steps to improve habitat for threatened species on their land, in return for technical help and assurance that resources won’t be restricted in the future.
Species area relationship
90% loss of habitat causes 50% loss of species in a habitat
Voluntary Candidate conservation agreements
Landowners take steps to conserve a species whose population is declining in return fir technical help subsidies and assurance that no restrictions will be put if the species becomes threatened or endangered in the future
Wild or feral boars
Found in Florida mainly, compete with endangered animals, root up farms, hard to control by hunting.
Burmese python
Native of southeast asia in the Everglades. Eat practically anything, imported as a pet.
meat from non domesticated animals that can threaten biodiversity