Ch. 1 Flashcards
Unsustainable addiction to overconsumption and materialism exhibited in lifestyles of many affluent consumers in the U.S., developed countries, and rising middle class of developing countries.
Agricultural Revolution
Began 10-12 TYA, allowed people to settle in villages and raise crops and domesticated animals
Variety of life forms and the places where they live
Not owned by individuals, available free of charge, like clean air, open ocean and fish, migratory bords, gases
Developed countries
Industrialized, high GDP, include U.S., Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and most European countried
Developing countries
Most in Africa, Latin America, and Asia.
All living and nonliving things that affect any living organism
Environmental degradation
When we exceed a resources natural replacement rate.
Env. Ethics
Concerned about what is right concerning the environment.
Env. Pessimists
Make the environmental problem seem unfixable.
Env. Science
Integrates information and ideas from natural sciences and the social sciences.
Env. Wisdom worldview
We are dependent on nature and it exists for all species, not just us. Also wants sustainable economic growth
Env. Worldview
set of assumptions and values about how you think the world works and what you think your role in the world should be.
Social movement for protecting the earth’s life support systems for us and other species.
Env. Sustainable economic development
Encourage environmentally beneficial and sustainable forms of economic development and discourage environmentally harmful and unsustainable forms of economic growth.
Env. Sustainable society
One that meets the current and future needs of its people for basic resources in a just and equitable manner without
exponential growth
Increase at fixed percentage.
Env. Frontier worldview
Views continent as having vast resources and with a wilderness to be conquered and managed for human use.
Gross domestic product
Annual market value of all goods and services produced by all organisations within a country.
Industrial-medical revolutin
Began 275 YA, shift from animal-powered agriculture to urban society using fossil fuels.
Information-globalisation revolution
Began 50 YA, based on new technologies for rapid access to info
Input pollution control / pollution prevention
reduces or eliminates the production of pollutants
Law of progressive simplification
Toynbee taught that societies become better based on culture, capacity for compassion, sense of community, and strength of democracy.
Natural capital
Resources and services that keep organism alive and support economies.
Stewardship worldview
Manage for our benefit, but do so in a responsible way.
Early conservation era
(1832 - 1870) focused on managing environment very little
Technological optimists
Say not to worrt because innovation and economic growth will prevent ecological problems
Tragedy of the commons
Made by Garrett Hardin that states that each person pollutes as much as they can economically need to, degrading the overall ecosystem.
nonpoint sources
Larger, dispersed, and difficult to identify
Output pollution control / pollution cleanup
Cleaning up pollutants after they have been produced.
Perpetual resource
On a human time scale it is continuously renewed.
Planetary management worldview
We are separate from nature, which exists to meet our needs, economic growth is unlimited, and technology can help us exploit the environment
social capital
Getting people to work to build understanding, trust, and shared visions of what the world should be, and discouraging polarisation.
4 principles of Sustainability
Reliance on solar energy biodiversity nutrient recycling and population control.