Ch. 13 Flashcards
Advanced tissue culture
Bioengineering that can mass produce stuff without using much land.
Agroforestry / Alley cropping
Crops and trees are grown together.
Anadromous species
Live part of life in freshwater and part in salt water like salmon.
Caused by lack of iron. Causes fatigue increases infection and increases change of female haemorrhage death. Could be fixed by strains of golden rice.
Raising fish and shellfish for food instead of going out and hunting them.
Biological pest control
Introduce pest predators parasites or diseases that is nontoxic. Difficult to implement, slow to catch on, and controls can become pests themselves.
Insert a chemical instruction that attaches to a gene and alters it for the desired traits, instead of a foreign gene.
Commercial inorganic fertlizer
Active ingredients are usually nitrogen phosphorus and potassium. Can pollute nearby water
When microorganisms break down organic matter in presence of oxygen
Conservation tillage farming
Uses special machines that disturb the soil as little as possible while planting crops.
Contour farming
Plowing and planting crops in rows across the slope of the land rather than up and down. Rows hold soil and slow water runoff.
Crop rotation
Add nutrient depleting crops, then plant legumes that add nitrogen to the soil. Also reduces erosion by keeping soil covered with vegetation.
Cultivation practices
Rotate the crops, adjusting planting times, and growing crops in areas devoid of pests
DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)
Became most used pesticide, subject Silent Spring, causes bird egg shell destruction, and began pest control revolution with its discovery in 1939 by Paul Muller.
Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
Supposed to assess health risks of pesticides, but has failed to do so. EPA doesnt have enough money to do so
Feedlots / Animal Factories
Dense areas in large buildings that use a lot of energy and water and produce a lot of waste that can pollute many areas.
First green revolution
Large increase in global food production between 1950 and 1970, use monocultures then produce a lot of fertilizer pesticides and water, then increase number if crops per year.
Pastures / Rangelands
Produce meat, 16% of global food supply
Length of time pesticides remain deadly in the environment.
Sex attractants that lure pests into traps and attract predators into crop fields
Plantation agriculture
Used in tropical developing countries, grows cash crops like bananas, soybeans, sugarcane, cocoa, peanuts, vegetables, and coffee on monoculture plantations that decrease biodiversity.
Polyvarietal cultivation
Plot with many genetic varieties of the same crop.
Natural pesticide obtained from the head of chrysanthemum flowers.