Ch. 9 Flashcards
Baby-boom period
Period of high birth rates from 1946 to 1964
Crude birth / death rate
Births/deaths per 1000 people
Cultural carrying capacity
Allows people to live in comfort without unsustainable use of earths resources
Demographic transition
As countries become industrialised, their death rates and then their birth rates decrease, followed by population increase
Demographic trap
Country trapped in transitional stage of demographic transition, caused by weak economy
Postindustrial stage
Low birth and death rates, stable population that could even decrease a little
High birth and death rates, little population growth
Family planning
Educational and clinical services to help people choose number and time of children. Provide natal info
Gender imbalance
People favor male children in China, so they give up their daughters due to the one child policy.
Industrial stage
Birth rates drop and nearly reach death rates, brought by industrialisation medical advances and modernisation.
Infant mortality rate / life expectancy
Indicate overall health of people in a country
Replacement level fertility
Number of children needed to replace average couple. 2.1 in developed countries and 2.5 in developing countries
Total fertility rate
TFR, average number of children a woman has during her life.
Transitional stage
industrilisation begins, food production rises, health care improves, and death rates drop birth rates stay high and population growth increases
People have better access to family planning and tend to have fewer children
Factors affecting birth rates (10)
Importance of children in the labor force
Cost of raising and educating children
Availability if private and public pension systems
Educational and employment opportunities for women
Infant mortality rate
Average age at marriage
Availability of legal abortions
Availability of reliable birth control
Religious beliefs, traditions, cultural norms
Factors affecting death rates (5)
People live longer because of more food better nutrition medical advances improved sanitation safer water supplies
What keeps infant mortality rates high in US (3)
Inadequate health care for poor women
Drug addiction in poor women
High birth rate among teenagers
Baby bust
Due to delayed marriage contraceptive use and abortion