Ch. 99: Nasal Planum, Cavity, Sinuses Flashcards
Jania JSAP 2019
CT imaging characteristics of canine nasal chondrosarcoma
% calcification? types of calcification?
% lymphadenopathy?
72% had calcification areas, most had multiple types with 55% popcorn (6/11) and 18% ring and arc calcification (2/11)
9% (1/11) had mild lymphadenopathy
Mayer JAVMA 2019
Outcomes and adverse effects associated with stereotactic body radiation therapy in dogs with nasal tumors: 28 cases (2011-2016)
Reck JSAP 2021
Melanocytic tumors of the nasal planum in cats: 10 cases (2004-2019)
- predisposing factor?
- complete/partial remission?
- MST?
pigmentation of nasal planum seemed to be predisposing factor
complete and partial remission seen in 3 cats each tx w/ radiation but all experienced tumor progression or recurrence after a short period of time
MST 265 days
Merino-Gutierrez JSAP 2021
Treatment of advanced-stage canine nasal carcinomas with toceranib phosphate: 23 cases (2015-2020)
- MST?
- dos survived longed with what clinical finding?
- conclusion?
MST was 139 days
Dogs w/ epistaxis survived sig longer
Conclusion: Initial clinical response followed by progressive disease. Medication decreased clinical signs associated w/ nasal carcinoma
Reczynska JVIM 2022
Outcome of stereotactic body radiation for treatment of nasal and nasopharyngeal lymphoma in 32 cats
- difference in 1 tx vs more?
- neg Px factors?
- acute/late side effects?
PFS 225 days, MST 365 days
No difference in cats that received 1 versus greater than 1 fraction
Negative prognostic factors: Cribriform lysis and intracalvarial involvement
No cats developed acute adverse effects.
Ten cats developed late adverse effects
Nell VRU 2020
Volumetric tumor response assessment is inefficient without overt clinical benefit compared to conventional, manual veterinary response assessment in canine nasal tumors
- I honestly can’t understand this paper so not sure what I put here….
The automatically generated tumor volumes were not useful for canine nasal tumors in this study
The radiologist’s manual linear method of determining response evaluation criteria in solid tumors categorization and tumor volume is significantly faster but significantly underestimates nasal tumor volume when compared to a contour-based method
response evaluation criteria in solid tumors categorization and percentage volume change were strongly correlated, providing validity to response evaluation criteria in solid tumors as a rapid method of tumor response assessment for canine nasal tumors
Stevens VRU 2020
Definitive-intent intensity modulated radiotherapy for modified-Adams’ stage 4 canine sinonasal cancer: a retrospective study of 29 cases (2011-2017)
- did dogs improve?
- most common side effect?
All evaluable dogs had improvement in clinical signs
Median PFI was 177 days, MST was 319 days
Radiotherapy was well-tolerated; most common side effect was grade 1 or 2 mucositis (85%)
Giuliano JFMS 2020
Clinical response and survival time of cats with carcinoma of the nasal cavity treated with palliative coarse fractionated radiotherapy
- % clinical improvement?
- MST? Two factors that decreased MST?
- Side effects?
Improvement in clinical signs in 24/26 (92%) cats
MST 342 days
- Adams modified stage IV MST 152d
- Facial deformity MST 67d
Severe RT-related signs not reported. Alopecia and leukotrichia most common side effects in 10 cases
Chiti Vet Sx 2018
Lip-to-nose flap for nasal plane reconstruction in dogs: A cadaveric and in vivo feasibility study
- type of flap, from where?
- what layer needs to be incorporated?
- outcome?
Unilateral interpolation flap from caudal upper lip skin
Incorporation of labial mucosa guaranteed complete & uncomplicated wound healing of flap; small area necrosis occurred at donor site, resolved in a few days
Led to satisfactory cosmetic outcome
Dickerson Vet Sx 2019
Outcome following cosmetic rostral nasal reconstruction after planectomy in 26 dogs
- % complications?
- MST?
- O satisfaction?
Complications 19 (73%) dogs, 9 (35%) needing revision surgery ; 1 dog didn’t survive to discharge
MST 1542 d
11 owners interviewed – 10 satisfied w/ dog’s appearance, 8 consent to procedure again
Massari Vet Sx 2020
Lip-to-nose flap for reconstruction of the nasal planum after curative intent excision of SCC in cats: Description of technique and outcome in 7 cats
- major complications?
- cosmetic/functional outcome?
- MST/follow-up?
No major complications, all had successful healing
Cosmetic / long-term functional outcomes considered good in all cats
Median follow up 485 d, end of study all cats alive w/o recurrence!!
Goldschmidt Vet Sx 2020
Influence of skull biometrics on cosmetic reconstruction after incisivectomy and nasal planectomy reconstruction in dogs
- predictive of success?
- measurements correlated with inferior outcome?
No biometric ratios were predictive of procedural success
Objective measurements significantly correlated with inferior outcome:
- width of the nasal planum (>3 cm)
- width of the caudal maxilla (>6.2 cm)
- lip thickness (>0.5 cm)
- width of the labial flap (>2.9 cm)
- length of the incision created to make the cosmetic “philtrum” (longer incisions >2.8 cm)
- philtrum placement (more dorsal placement)
Saver JAVMA 2021
Transpalatal reconstruction and stenting for treatment of choanal atresia and nasopharyngeal stenosis in a dog
Ventral rhinotomy performed - dissection of the membranous NPS and reconstruction of the caudal part of the nasopharynx. Covered stent was placed.
Recurrence in signs 3 weeks later
Stenosis rostra to stent
Balloon dilation and second covered stent
11 months later doing well clinically
Zhang JSAP 2020
Nasal planum reconstruction after tumor resection using a lip-to-nose flap in a dog
MCT removed by resecting the roof and wing of the left nasal vestibule.
Interpolation subdermal plexus flap was derived from the left caudal lip with vascular contribution from the lateral nasal artery
Mucocutaneous junction of lip was used to emulate the keratinised nasal planum
Liu Vet Sx 2019
Objective effectiveness of and indications for laser-assisted turbinectomy in BOAS
- 2 breeds?
- Median BOAS index pre and post op?
- % dogs with BOAS index >50% post LATE?
- Predictor for candidacy for LATE?
All candidates were pugs and frenchies
Median BOAS index decreased from 67% post-CMS to 42% after LATE
20% dogs had BOAS index > 50% after LATE
Soft tissue proportion at the rostral entrance of choanae was the only predictor for candidacy for LATE
Dickerson Vet Sx 2020
Dorsal offset rhinoplasty for treatment of stenotic nares in 34 dogs
- % re-examined, time-frame, complications?
- O satisfaction?
Twenty-nine (85%) dogs were examined a median of 402.5 days postoperatively, with no major complications related to the rhinoplasty recorded
Sixteen of 17 responding owners reported that they were very satisfied with the outcome of the rhinoplasty.
- One owner reported that self-trauma led to collapse of one nare
- One owner reported collapse of both nares within 4 years; timing and cause were unknown
Yoshikawa JVIM 2021
Retrospective evaluation of intranasal carcinomas in cats treated with external-beam radiotherapy: 42 cases
- PFS definitive vs. palliative RT?
- OST definitive vs. palliative RT?
- Impact of second DRT?
Cats receiving definitive RT had sig longer PFS (504 days) vs palliative RT (198 days)
Median OST was sig longer in definitive RT (721 days) vs palliative RT (284 days)
Cats undergoing second DRT at time of recurrence lived sig longer than those that had 1 course of DRT (824 vs 434 days)
Berns JFMS 2020
Single pedicle advancement flap for treatment of feline stenotic nares: technique and results in five cases
- surgical outcome?
- O perceived outcome?
- complications?
All cats had positive outcomes, resulting in immediate reduction of the nasal fold and opening of the nares
Owners noted resolution of stertor and no episodes of distress
No complications reported
Moreno-Aguado VRU 2020
CT findings in 20 dogs and six cats with confirmed nasal foreign bodies
- % FB detected?
- 2 changes assoc. with chronic FB?
- specific CT findings for FBs?
Eleven nasal foreign bodies (42%) were detected confidently with CT
Presence of turbinate destruction and mucosal thickening were sig associated with presence of chronic FB
the nature of the foreign body did not influence its visibility and was not associated with specific CT characteristics
Lafuma VRU 2021
Computed tomography may be helpful in discriminating grass awn foreign body rhinitis from non-foreign body rhinitis in dogs
- % grass seeds ID on CT?
- Changes more likely FB related?
- Changes more likely non-FB rhinitis?
Grass seeds directly visualized in 5% of cases
More likely FB:
- focal lysis
- unilateral lysis (likelihood ratio (LR) of 1.4 for the presence of a foreign body)
More likely non-FB rhinitis:
- widespread lysis
- maxillary recess filling (non-enhancing soft tissue attenuating material consistent with secretions)
Burdick JAVMA 2018
Interventional treatment of benign nasopharyngeal stenosis and imperforate nasopharynx in dogs and cats: 46 cases (2005-2013)
- success of balloon dilatation?
- types of stents and % success?
- % complications?
- complications per stent type?
- % overall success?
5 dogs and 22 cats underwent balloon dilatation, and results were successful in 11 (0 dogs and 11 cats) of the 27 (41%).
Stents were placed in 34 patients
- 30 had uncovered (67% success)
- 11 had covered (100% success)
68% complications
- Uncovered: tissue ingrowth, chronic infection, stent fx
- Covered: chronic infection, oronasal fistula
Overall, outcome was successful in 36 of the 46 (78%) patients
Martin JAVMA 2019
Incorporation of a PDS absorbable plate in the successful repair of an iatrogenic oronasal fistula in a dog
10 yr MN Husky – had excision of oral plasmacytoma - got large oronasal fistula
10 wk after mass excision – revision sx using 2 layer closure augmented with PDS plate
FU 40 wk later – complete healing
Bray JAVMA 2020
Oral administration of voriconazole with surgical fungal plaque debridement for tx of sinonasal aspergillosis with cribriform plate lysis in 3 dogs
- reduction of signs?
- tolerate meds?
- adverse effects?
- once off meds?
All dogs considerable to complete reduction of CS and tolerated voriconazole tx with minimal effects
Adverse effects : reversible neurotoxicosis & mild elevated liver serum values
All dogs stayed clinically normal or mild signs after d/c meds 6-15 mo later
Prudic JAVMA 2020
Lateral rhinotomy and coblation for treatment of a nasal hamartoma in a dog
Mass filled anterior aspect of nasal cavity & involved portion of nasal turbinates
Ablated tumor tissue laterally to remove in piecemeal fashion
8 mo after sx – follow-up CT revealed right-sided nasal turbinates / conchal atrophy . No macroscopic recurrence detected
Dunand Vet Sx 2022
Application of a bilateral temporal fascia free graft in a dog with multifragmented frontal sinus and nasal bone fracture
Bone fragments apposed with PDS suture
Bilateral temporal fascia grafts were placed over the fragments
Integrity of the frontal and nasal cavities and facial profile of the dog restored
No short-term or long-term complications
Ferguson JFMS 2020
A retrospective study of more than 400 feline nasal biopsy samples in the UK (2006-2013)
- 3 most common Dx?
- types of neoplasia dx?
- polyps found in??
Rhinitis > neoplasia > polyps
Lymphoma > adenocarcinoma > undifferentiated carcinoma > benign tumors
Polyps more likely in younger, male cats with mesocephalic skull conformation and no nasal discharge
Bouyssou JFMS 2021
Comparison of CT features of 79 cats with intranasal mass lesions
- findings w/ non-lymphoma cancer?
- findings w/ lymphoma?
- findings with inflammation?
non-lymphomatous nasal neoplasia were more likely to show unilateral nasal changes (OR 4), areas of intralesional calcification (OR infinity) and extension of the mass lesion within the frontal sinus (OR 4.5)
Nasal lymphoma were more likely to show a mixed (OR 4.5) and expansile growth pattern (OR 8), and a regional lymphadenomegaly (OR 2).
significantly associated with the absence of bony changes to the nasal cavity boundaries (OR 10)
Wijsman VRU 2023
Rostral nasopharyngeal CT measurements in Chihuahuas and Pomeranians are smaller than those measured in Dachshunds
This study demonstrated that the nasopharynx is narrow in Chihuahuas and Pomeranians, w/ the smallest dimensions located at the rostral part of the nasopharynx
Mortier JVIM 2023
Dynamic contrast-enhanced computed tomography (DCECT) in dogs with nasal tumors
- sarcoma vs. carcinoma in relation to vascular volume and blood flow?
- sarcoma vs. carcinoma size reduction w/ RT?
- perfusion correlated with survival?
Nasal sarcomas have lower vascular volume (BV) and blood flow (BF) than nasal carcinomas
Sarcomas have a lower size reduction than carcinomas early on during RT.
Baseline results and changes in perfusion parameters may not be correlated with survival