Ch 57-59: Hips Flashcards
Liska VCOT 2018
Morbidity & mortality following THR in dogs
Most common cause of death?
mortality immediate post-op? Causes?
Most common pathophysiological process leading to death was neoplasia (31.2% of all causes)
Mortality during 1st 10d post-op – 0.32% (all occurred w/I first 72 hr)
6 deaths related to THR – femoral osteopenia w/ fx 2nd to decompensated renal failure
- contralateral hip pain w/ refusal to do sx
- 2 aseptic loosening w/ o refusal for sx revision
- 1 unresolvable MRSP
- unmanageable dorsal/ventral prosthesis luxation in a large dog prior to availability of proper implant
Bayer VCOT 2019
Complications and long-term outcome in 16 canine cementless hybrid hip arthroplasties
% complications? What were they?
how were complications managed?
Complications occurred in 3 arthroplasties (19%) including: luxation (1), aseptic cup loosening (1), implant failure w/ screw breakage followed by stem subsidence (1)
2 underwent revision, 1 treated conservatively after failure with acceptable outcome
Jones Vet Sx 2019
Total hip arthroplasty to address chronic hip luxation with pseudoacetabulum formation in 7 dogs
Long-term outcome?
One intraoperative complication & 2 minor postop complications occurred in group 1 dogs
- Fissure of craniomedial femoral cortex intraop & occurred during hip reduction & repaired via cerclage
- 1 dog subsidence (6 mm) & retroversion of femoral stem into normoverted position on 11 wk post-op rads & had a grade II MPL
All dogs had good long-term outcomes
Liska Vet Sx 2019
Polar gap after cementless total hip replacement in dogs
what is a polar gap?
% ID on post-op films?
More common zones?
gaps ID on follow-up rads?
Polar gap = radiolucent zone on postop rads of THR interposed between host bone & metal shell of acetabular cup
Polar gap ID in at least 1 zone in 136 (68%) of VD rads and in 80 (40%) of lateral rads obtained immediately post-op
Gaps were more common in zones 2 & 5, measuring < 1 mm in depth
No gaps seen on rads after 5 wks post-op
Mitchell VCOT 2020
Comparison of femoral stem subsidence between 3 types of press-fit cementless THR in dogs
CFI = canal flare index; CF = canal fill
- which 3 systems?
- difference in complications?
- conclusions re: subsidence, CF, CFI, stem orientation?
traditional BFX, collared BFX, and BFX lateral bolt
No differences in complication rates (intraop postop or total)
Conclusion: BFX lateral bolt femoral stem associated with less postop subsidence compared w/ BFX collared & traditional BFX stems; No consistent changes in CF, CFI, or stem orientation or complication rates ID in association w/ increased subsidence in this study
Burneko Vet Sx 2020
Evaluation of cementless femoral stem level on mediolateral projection radiographs
alterations to measurements with axial rotation vs. frontal plane angulation?
No differences were detected between radiographically measured and actual stem level relative to the greater trochanter at 0, 15, 30, and − 30 axial rotation with 0 frontal plane angulation
Adduction consistently decreased the radiographic measured femoral stem level
Abduction consistently increased
Gifford Vet Sx 2020
Total hip replacement in dogs with contralateral pelvic limb amputation: A retrospective evaluation of 13 cases
- THR system?
- Mean ALO, version angle, angle of inclination?
- Follow-up? Luxation?
All dogs had BioMedtrix system
- Mean ALO: 40
- Mean version angle: 10
- Mean angle of inclination: 29
All 13 dogs had satisfactory clinical results at follow-up a median of 3 months (range, 2-36) after THR.
No postoperative luxation was recorded
Conclusion: Absence of postoperative luxation supports ALO of 35-45, mild retro version, and moderate declination as recommendations for amputees
Alvarez-Sanchez Vet Sx 2021(& Pierre!)
Zurich cementless total hip arthroplasty as a treatment option for capital physeal fractures in dogs: Outcome in 53 cases
Two groups?
What remodeling rate different in which group?
Intraop op comp rate?
Post op comp rate?
Overall outcome?
dogs that underwent Zürich cementless total hip arthroplasty (Z-THA) for the repair of acute and chronic capital physeal fractures (CPF)
Dogs divided into 2 groups on the basis of the days elapsed between CPF diagnosis and Z-THA, acute (≤30 days) and chronic (>30 days). Hip remodeling variables were determined from preoperative radiographs or intraoperatively.
(23/53 (~45%) cases were acute, and 30 of 53 (~55%) cases were chronic)
There was no difference in the femoral remodeling rates between the acute and chronic groups (P = .184), whereas acetabular remodeling was more prevalent in the chronic group (P < .001).
Intraoperative complications occurred in 4/53 (7.5% [1/23 acute, 3/30 chronic]) cases
Postoperative complications occurred in 6/53 (11.3% [2/23 acute, 4/30 chronic]) cases.
Good clinical outcomes were achieved in 51/53 (96% [21 acute, 30 chronic]) cases.
Conclusion: Complication rates of Z-THA for CPF repair were similar to the complication rates reported for Z-THA of dysplastic hips. Hip remodeling was common regardless of CPF chronicity.
Howser VCOT 2020
Effects of femur position on radiographic assessment of femoral head and neck excision completeness in cats
PQ (maybe) how to assess adequate cut?
Lesser trochanter maintained in all femurs
Craniocaudal views of femur in external rotation (30° and 45°) had highest SE, SP & accuracy (SE 97.5% and 97.5%; SP 92.5% and 95%; and accuracy 95% and 96%)
Next was external rotation of 15 (SE 92.5%, SP 87.5% and accuracy 90%)
Standard craniocaudal SE 57.5%, SP 72.5%, accuracy 65% and lateromedial SE 2.5%, SP 0%, accuracy 1%
- Conclusion: evaluation in external rotation can increase ability to assess adequacy of FHNE in cats *
PQ Some paper asking for modified approach what m is a landmark but is also in the way
Monotti VCOT 2020
Treatment outcomes for periprosthetic femoral fractures in cementless press-fit total hip replacement
Fx % intra op? Post op?
MC fx config? Location?
Major comp %? MC?
Overall incidence of fx?
28 dogs met inclusion criteria with femoral fracture repair associated with cementless press- fit total hip replacement were identified.
8 fractures occurred intraoperatively (~30%) and 20 occurred at a median of 2 days postoperatively (~70%)
An oblique or spiral configuration was noted in 19 cases
15 occurred at the distal end of the femoral stem (type B)
- 13 type B1 (stem stable)
Major complications occurred in 7/28 (25%) cases (five deep infection, two mechanical failures).
Bone healing was noted in 21/23 cases, for which follow-up radiographic interpretation was available.
Return to function was complete in 17 cases, acceptable in 8 cases and unacceptable in 3 cases.
Overall incidence of fracture 8.6% is similar to previous reports
3 screws placed proximal to the stem is integral to the stability and success of the fracture repair
No differences seen between locking and non-locking plates
Israel Vet Sx 2022
Outcome of canine cementless collared stem total hip replacement with proximal femoral periprosthetic cerclage application: 184 consecutive cases
Rate proximal femoral fx?
Complications associated with use of wire?
No proximal femoral fractures occurred
No complications associated with the use of cerclage wire
1 fissure and 2 fractures near the tip of the femoral stem → Required plate and screw fixation
Conclusion: A single full cerclage wire may minimize the risk of a proximal femur fracture following cementless collared stem total hip replacement in dogs. No complications were encountered with the cerclage wire.
Rodino Vet Sx 2022
Long-term follow up of 44 cats undergoing total hip replacement: cases from a feline hip registry (2010-2020)
MC breeds & sex?
MC indication?
Implants used?
Complication rate?
Associations with complications?
FMPI changes?
O satisfaction with results?
British shorthair and domestic shorthair were most frequent breeds
Neutered males most prevalent 33/44
slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) most common indication
All implants were cemented micro and nano hip implants
Complications 20%
9/11 major complications
Femoral fracture
Implant failure
Medial patella luxation
No association between clinical variables and complications
Feline musculoskeletal pain index (FMPI) increased from 0.111 to 2.111
Very good owner satisfaction in 90.9%
Conc: most common indication for THR in cats was SCFE occurring in young male neutered cats. Complication rates were comparable to previous reports.
Lanz VCOT 2021
Zurich cementless dual mobility cup for canine total hip prosthesis: implant characteristics and surgical outcome in 105 cases
What does Zurich dual mobility cup allow?
The Zurich cementless dual mobility (DM) system allows impingement-free range of angulation of 80 to 132 degrees between the ceramic head and the polyether ether ketone (PEEK) cup when combined with the range of the PEEK cup in the outer metal cup.
1/105 dorsal luxation dislocation 27 months following surgery
Caudoventral subluxation on radiographs 9 months following surgery, but asymptomatic
Revised inserting new 25 mm DM head and a long neck
Israel VSURG 2023
Preclosure povidone-iodine lavage in total hip replacement surgery: Infection outcomes and cost–benefit analysis
Infection rate without PrePIL?
Infection rate with PrePIL?
Complications related to PrePIL?
Retrospective study, 1699 dogs, 17 cats
21/2111 THRs (0.99%) that did not have PrePIL developed infection.
Infection occurred in none of the 102 PrePIL cases (0%).
No complications were identified related to the use of PrePIL.
Conclusion: Preclosure povidone-iodine lavage appeared to be efficacious in lowering THR infection rates, and it appeared to be safe for this use based on our 102 consecutive cases.
The cost of the PrePIL was minimal compared to the overall cost to resolve THR infection and the potential effect on hip function prognosis. (Cost analysis revealed a PrePIL break-even cost at $49.74 and a break-even infection rate of 0.949%. )
Clinical significance: At current costs, PrePIL can be used in 2415 THR cases at a similar cost of a single revision surgery and resolution of a periprosthetic infection.
Kwok VSURG 2023
Clinical outcomes of canine total hip replacement utilizing a BFX lateral bolt femoral stem: 195 consecutive cases (2013–2019)
Comp rates:
- intra op?
- post-op?
Major? Minor?
2 most common post-op comps?
% that got explant?
What was associated with post-op femur fx?
% return to normal function?
Conclusion re: BFX & subsidence & comp rate?
Retrospective study, 149 dogs representing 195 THR
Intraoperative complication rate of 12%
Post-operative complication rate was 14%
9% major and 4% minor complications
Complications included: postoperative femur fractures (4%), coxofemoral luxation (4%), stem failure (0.5%), septic loosening (0.5%), aseptic loosening (0.5%), and acetabular fracture (0.5%)
5/195 (~3%) cases underwent explant of their prostheses (median = 3 months).
An increased canal flare index was associated with postoperative femur fractures (p < .05).
190/195 (97%) cases returned to normal function in the long-term follow-up period.
Conclusion: Use of the BFX lateral bolt stem resulted in minimal postoperative subsidence, a low femoral stem complication rate, and a high rate of achieving normal limb function.
Allaith VSURG 2023 ** huge study
Outcomes and complications reported from a multiuser canine hip replacement registry over a 10-year period
Prospective longitudinal clinical, 1852 dogs
MC indication & %?
Change in LOAD scores pre-op to post-op reported by O?
Comp rate reported by vet surgeons?
Comp rate reported by O?
Associations found with comp rate? BW? Weight? Age? Sex? Breed? Implants used for what?
Conclusion re outcomes?
1329 (72%) dogs had unilateral THRs and 523 (28%) dogs had bilateral THRs, resulting in 2375 THRs.
(Implants were manufactured by Kyon (46%),
BioMedtrix CFX (22%),
BioMedtrix hybrid (11%),
BioMedtrix BFX (9%)
Helica (4.5%))
Indications included hip dysplasia and osteoarthritis (85%).
LOAD (“Liverpool Osteoarthritis in Dogs”) scores reported by 461 owners improved from postoperative (21 ± 9) compared to preoperative scores (11 ± 9) (P < .001).
Veterinary surgeons reported complications in 201/2375 (9%) THRs and owners in 107/461 (23%) THRs, with moderate agreement
- No associations were identified between complications and weight, age, sex, or breed.
- BioMedtrix BFX and Helica implants were associated with increased complications (P = .031) when used for revisions of femoral head and neck excisions.
Conclusion: Excellent outcomes, including improved canine mobility, were reported after THRs.
Complications were underreported by veterinary surgeons compared to owners in this first multiuser CHR.
Clark VCOT 2023
Accuracy of Caudocranial Canine Femoral Radiographs Compared to Computed Tomography Multiplanar Reconstructions for Measurement of Anatomic Lateral Distal Femoral Angle
Conclusion re: CaCr rads vs frontal CT recon?
Why do rads?
aLDFA measured on CaCr rads are not accurate compared to CT frontal plane reconstructions
Rads are useful screening tools to exclude dogs with true aLDFA greater than 102 degrees
Monotti VCOT 2018
Management of THR luxation with TPO
TPO effect on Angle of lateral opening? Version angle? Inclination angle?
What kind of post-op luxations occurred? What did TPO do to ALO in one type?
2 major complications that occurred?
18 TPOs in 17 dogs, radiographs available for 15 cases
Open and/or closed hip reduction with additional stabilization attempted unsuccessfully in 6 dogs prior to TPO
TPO reduced the ALO (angle of lateral opening) by mean 23°, increased VA (version angle), by 9°, and increased IA (inclination angle) by 2.9°
An excellent or good outcome was achieved in 12 dogs ; poor in 3/18 dogs; (9 TPO excellent outcome)
Ventral luxation occurred in 3 dogs & dorsal luxation occurred in 1 dog after TPO
TPO excessively reduced ALO in 2 dogs with ventral luxation
Major postop complications : deep infections in 2/17 dogs; reluxation 4/17 dogs;
Conclusion: offers viable revision option instead of replacing cup; but care due to excessive ventroversion possibility
Jenkins Vet Sx 2020
Assessment of the medium- to long-term radiographically confirmed outcome for juvenile dogs with hip dysplasia treated with double pelvic osteotomy
Compared what tx groups?
Follow up revealed what difference in BVA hip dysplasia scores? OAS?
Hips with laxity index >1 had what?
16 bilateral and 6 unilateral DPO performed
BVA-HD (British vet association & kennel club hip dysplasia scheme score) or OAS (osteoarthritis score) between sx treated and non-sx treated cohorts
FU radiographs - most (34/38) hips had BVA-HD < 10 after DPO, while 4/8 hips from nonsx group had BVA-HD > 10
–> FU BVA-HD & OAS were lower in hips after surgery compared with nonsurgically tx cohort
7 hips with LI (laxity index) > 1 had no radiographically confirmed progression of OA after DPO
(In dogs without surgery – all 8 hips had reduced joint extension and 75% hips painful on hip extension at FU)
Conclusion: Double pelvic osteotomy prevented radiographically confirmed progression of osteoarthritis in the medium- to long-term. Laxity index score > 1 was not a contraindication for DPO in this study.
Tavola VCOT 2022
Postoperative complications of double pelvic osteotomy using specific plates in 305 dogs
Overall complication rate? Mostly what kind (major or minor)?
List two complications?
2 factors found sig associated with complications?
DPO plates from 8 different manufacturers
Mean age of the dogs was 6 months & BW ranged from 10 to 47 kg.
Overall, a total of 42 complications occurred in 458 cases or 9% (but the paper says 8.2%) - considered them mostly minor (only 3 major)
Complications included greenstick fracture of the ischium in 14 (or 3%), isolated screw loosening in 13 involving 16 of a total of 2,947 screws (0.5%), isolated screw breakage in 4 DPO involving 5 of 2,947 screws (or 0.1%), incomplete ilium fx in 3 cases (or 0.6%), partial caudal plate avulsion in 3 (or 0.6%), iatrogenic sciatic neuropraxia in 2 (or 0.4%), suspected surgical site infection in 1 (or 0.2%) & persistent pain & lameness caused by the implant in 2.
The only 2 factors found to be significantly associated w/ complications after DPO were laterality & body weight (>24 kg).
Conclusion: DPO is a safe surgical procedure w/ a low incidence of postop complications when DPO plates are used.
This study determined influence of body weight on postop complications showing that a body weight >24kg was associated w/ an increase in probability of developing postop complications (even though the complications were low).
It is, therefore, prudent to consider the body weight of the dog when planning a DPO procedure.
This study also showed the impact of laterality demonstrating greater probability of postop complications when DPO was performed in the right hip.
Schnabl-Feichter JFMS 2021
Measurement of ground reaction forces in cats 1 year after femoral head and neck ostectomy
GRF showed what in FHO leg?
O questionnaire generally what result (poor, good, excellent)?
Association of incompletely resected neck?
Measured GRFs (peak vertical force and vertical impulse [IFz] normalized to total force [%TF]) of the FHO legs were lower than those of the other legs of the FHO group and the legs of the control group
Results of the owner questionnaire were generally good and did not match the results of the GRF comparison.
Specifically, 7/9 cats that were assessed as sound (grade 0) showed a reduced PFz (%TF), and all of them showed a reduced IFz (%TF) in the FHO leg.
An incompletely resected neck did not show any significant differences in GRF values or temporospatial parameters.
Conclusion: long-term residual gait abnormality that could be detected using a pressure-sensitive plate but not always with an orthopaedic examination, in cats 1 year after FHO.
Helmick VCOT 2018 PQ
Evaluation of modified techniques for toggle pin repair of coxofemoral luxation in dogs: a cadaveric study
Cartilage damage occurred when and when not? PQ
Deployment of toggle successful in which group(s)?
What modification resulted in increased rate of OA in the hip joint? PQ
Acetabular tunnel drilled through femoral tunnel & toggle passed in single maneuver using delivery device
Contralateral hip tunnels drilled separately & toggle passed through each tunnel separately or in single maneuver (resident vs surgeon)
- Cartilage damage did not occur with independent drilling of the acetabulum* but occurred in 6/16 hips in which the acetabulum was drilled via the femoral tunnel *
Successful deployment of the toggle was obtained in 24/24 hips in which the toggle was passed through the femoral & acetabular tunnels simultaneously using the delivery device, regardless of how the acetabular tunnel was drilled
Conclusion: drilling acetabular tunnel through femoral tunnel risks damaging acetabular cartilage – success obtained when passing toggle through tunnels simultaneously using toggle delivery device
Mathews Vet Sx 2020
Risk factors for reluxation after toggle rod stabilization for treatment of coxofemoral luxation in 128 dogs
Overall complication rate?
Relaxation rate?
Decreased risk of reflux with what 2 factors? OR?
Overall complication rate was 25%, and the reluxation rate was 15%.
There was a decreased risk of reluxation when the cause was traumatic in origin (odds ratio [OR] 0.10) or when the lameness was severe at presentation (OR 0.42).
Conclusion: Dogs with nontraumatic, low impact luxations were at a higher risk for reluxation.
Ruperez Vet Sx 2021
Complications and outcomes of cats with coxofemoral luxation treated with hip toggle stabilization using ultrahigh-molecular-weight-polyethylene or nylon (2009-2018): 48 cats
Intra op comp %?
Post-op comp %?
MC post-op comp & %?
Outcome excellent? Good?
Difference in comp bw suture?
3 associations with reluxation?
Association with non-excellent outcome?
Intraoperative comps 4%
Pstoperative complications 25% cats
Most common postoperative complication was reluxation (11%)
Outcome was classified as excellent in 80% and good in 15% of cats after a median of 445.5 days
No difference in rate of complications or outcomes was identified between UHMWPE and nylon.
Performance of additional orthopedic procedures, occurrence of intraoperative complications, and non-performance of capsulorrhaphy were associated with reluxation.
Performance of additional non-hip procedures (orthopedic/nonorthopedic) was associated with non-excellent outcome.
Darrow VCOT 2021 Poss PQ?
Accuracy of patient-specific 3D printed drill guides in the placement of a canine coxofemoral toggle pin through a minimally invasive approach
Successful placement?
Mean exit point translation at fovea capitis vs CT?
- toggle pin placement was successful in all dogs
- mean exit point translation at fovea capitis was 2.5mm when comparing pre- and post-procedure CT scans
gross dissection revealed the bone tunnel exited the fovea capitis inside in 3/19, partially inside 12/19, outside 4/19 the ligament of the head of the femur
placement of bone tunnel through the acetabulum was inside in 16/19, partially inside in 1/19, outide 2/19 of the acetabuluar fossa
small articular cartilage fragments were noted in 10/19 specimens
- Conclusion: feasible technique – errors in execution were attributed to sx technique and ID of borders of fovea capitis on CT *
Ventral deviation in acetabular fossa placement caused damage to the ventral acetabular
LeFloch JFMS 2022
Outcome of coxofemoral luxation treated with closed reduction in 51 cats
% success rate of closed reduction in cats?
RF for benefit to success?
Retrospective, 51 cats
Closed reduction of coxofemoral joint luxation in cats had a 51% success rate.
The only risk factor demonstrating a statistically significant benefit to the success of closed coxofemoral joint reduction was the application of a bandage (P=0.02).
Conclusions: It may be worth attempting closed coxofemoral joint reduction in cats prior to recommending surgery.
Placing a bandage (Ehmer or hobbles) after closed reduction may decrease the risk of the coxofemoral joint reluxating, but more studies are needed to evaluate this further.
The outcome after closed reduction management for coxofemoral joint luxation in cats is similar to the previously reported success rate in dogs.
Schlag JAVMA 2019 PQ
Analysis of outcomes following treatment of craniodorsal hip luxation with closed reduction and Ehmer sling application in dogs
PQ Asked the effect trauma had?
Odds of reluxation occurring for dogs that had the initial injury attributed to trauma were 5 times those for dogs without known trauma (OR, 5.0)
Haney JAVMA 2020
Effectiveness of PennHIP and Orthopedic Foundation for Animals measurements of hip joint quality for breeding selection to reduce hip dysplasia in a population of purpose-bred detection in dogs
Scores unchanged when?
What improved scores??
What 2 factors were significant predictors of DI values?
PennHIP distraction index (DI) values along with Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) hip joint scores
Hip joint quality scores were unchanged by use of OFA measurements only.
When both PennHIP and OFA measurements were used for the selection of breeding stock, hip joint quality scores improved significantly.
Sex and age were significant predictors of DI values.
Conclusions: PennHIP DI values were an effective measurement of hip joint quality for selecting breeding stock, and the addition of DI values to OFA measurements significantly improved hip joint quality in a population of purpose-bred dogs.
Vezzoni VCOT 2022
Hemiepiphysiodesis for the Correction of Distal Femoral Valgus in Growing Dogs
Distal femoral valgus may be associated with what in LB dogs?
What is Heuter-Volkmann Law?
Performed technique with what?
Complications? MC comp?
Distal femoral valgus may be associated with an LPL, OCD of the lateral condyle or both in large-breed dogs
Heuter-Volkmann Law –> compression forces inhibit growth and tensile forces stimulate it
Frost chondral modeling theory –> physeal growth decreases with high compression loads but increases with moderate loads
Pathologic compression of a portion of the physis can arrest bone growth leading to ALD
This is the basis for hemiepiphysiodesis techniques –> allowing gradual correction of bone deformities during residual growth
11 dogs - Hemiepiphysiodesis performed w/ staples in 10/17 and plates in 7/17
Preop mean aLDFA was 82 + 3.2 deg (76-87)
Final re-evaluation aLDFA was 93.1 + 5 (76-99)
- No intraop complications
- Post-op:
MC - 3 minor complications related to rebound growth (recurrence of deformity after implant removal necessitating further surgery)
Major complications (recurrence of bilateral LPLs in one dog; recurrence of LPL in another) - all surgically revised
Hemiepiphysiodesis can increase aLDFA in distal femoral valgus dogs and should be considered for immature dogs; monitoring must be vigorous to ensure overcorrection hasn’t occurred
Rebound growth occurred in 17%
Knell VCOT 2023
Outcome and Complications following Stabilization of Coxofemoral Luxations in Cats Using a Modified Hip Toggle Stabilization — A Retrospective Multicentre Study
Rate failure for single loop? Double loop?
Rate of complications (reluxation)?
Mean femoral neck tunnel diameter? what is recommended?
Moderate severe OA development %?
Owner reported overall outcome?
4/21 single loop sutures failed (19%)
1/12 double loon sutures failed (8%)
15% complication rate (the 5 reluxations)
Mean femoral tunnel-femoral neck diameter was 22% (2% higher than recommended) but no cats suffered femoral neck fractures; this increased by 10% on recheck rads
Moderate-severe OA developed in 14/27 (~50%)
All owners reported excellent outcomes
miniTR w/ double-stranded implant is recommended to reduce risk of suture failure w/ CFJ hip toggle
OA is common after open reduction
Recommend a 2.0mm femoral neck tunnel for both strands