Ch. 91: Stomach Flashcards
Fox-Alvarez JAVMA 2019
Evaluation of a novel technique involving ultrasound-guided temporary, percutaneous gastropexy & gastrostomy catheter placement for providing sustained gastric decompression in dogs with GDV
Difference in success?
Differences in intragastric P?
TG = T fastener gastropexy; GC = gastrostomy catheter
Successful decompression didn’t differ between TTG +GC & trocar groups; median procedure 3.3 & 3.7 min
Decrease in intragastric pressure by 5 min after trocar or GC similar between groups
For TTG+GC group no significant difference in intragastric pressure btwn 5 & 60 min after GC insertion
Complications – inadvertent splenic or jejunal placement in 2 dogs (TTG +GC group) & malpositioned/ ineffective trocar in 1 dog (trocar)
All dogs survived at least 2 weeks
Lhuillery VSURG 2022 PQ
Outcomes of dogs undergoing surgery for gastric dilatation volvulus after rapid versus prolonged medical stabilization
PQ Which group needed more partial gastrectomy?
Any differences in rates of torsion degrees?
PQ Mortality difference between groups?
PQ What parameter assoc with mortality?
Immediate group = stabilized for 90 minutes then surgery, delayed = 5 h of stabilization
- medical stabilization was gastric decompression and indwelling nasogastric tube in all
- No diff = 6% had partial gastrectomy in immediate and 5% in delayed group
In the immediate group, 19 had 0, 52 had 180, and 9 dogs had 270 gastric torsion
Whereas in the delayed group, 27 dogs with 0, 32 with 180, and 5 dogs had 270 gastric torsion.
- No diff = Survival rates did not differ between groups at dc or at 1 month post-op
[79% immediate vs 82% delayed at discharge] - Hyperlactatemia 24h after initiation of fluid therapy was associated with an increased in-hospital mortality risk *
- Tachycardia during hospitalization was associated with death at 1 month postop *
White JAVMA 2021 (& Sartor - my surgeon mate!) PQ
Evaluation of a staged technique of immediate decompressive and delayed surgical treatment for gastric dilatation-volvulus in dogs
Tx groups?
Overall mortality for delayed sx group?
Time associations with survival? Time associations with gastric health?
What was associated with non survival?
What was associated with intra-op gastric health & mortality?
6 dogs had corrective sx in same anesthetic session as decompression and stabilization (2/6 had gastric necrosis)
35 had staged procedures w/ corrective sx ~22hrs after presentation (2/35 had gastric necrosis)
mortality for delayed sx patients was 9%
time from presentation to sx was not associated w/ subjective surgeon assessment of gastric health status or mortality rate
intraop ID of gastric necrosis was associated w/ nonsurvival
single plasma lactate and % change in serial lactate conc. were associated w/ intraop gastric health & mortality rate
conclusion: observed mortality rate for delayed corrective sx was similar to rates for other GDV tx techniques. Delayed sx may be appropriate in some cases, but there were no reliable preop selection criteria ID’d
- best to know it all
Duffy VSURG 2021 PQ
Evaluation of staple line reinforcement after partial gastrectomy closure in an ex vivo canine model
What groups had highest max leak pressure?
Which group had highest initial LP?
PQ What technique had highest leak pressure?
Leakage from where?
PQ What additional step could be done in the inferior technique to improve strength?
stapled closures alone (group 1)
double-layer suture closure (group 2)
Placement of a Cushing suture (group 3)
Placement of a Cushing suture (group 3) increased ILP and MLP by 3.2-fold and 2.8-fold, respectively, compared with stapled closures alone (group 1)
Constructs closed with double-layer suture closure (group 2) reached ILP and MLP 4.5-fold and 3 fold greater, respectively, compared with those with stapled closures alone (group 1)
- Maximal leakage pressure did not differ between groups 2 and 3; Initial leakage pressure was higher in group 2 compared to 1 and 3 *
Leakage occurred from the inverting suture line in all constructs of groups 2 and 3 and from staple holes in six of eight group 1 constructs.
Conc: Double-layer suture closure of canine partial gastrectomies achieved superior biomechanical properties compared with stapled closure techniques.
* Reinforcing staple closures with an inverting suture line improved resistance to leakage. *
Webb VSURG 2019 PQ
Influence of length of incision and number of suture lines on the biomechanical properties of incisional gastropexy
loads to failure diff bw one suture and two suture lines?
2cm vs 4cm?
correlation bw load to failure and suture bite #?
One suture line sustained loads to failure of 54 N and two suture lines 53.3 N
2 cm suture lines load to failure 49.7 N and 4 cm suture line 57.3 N - stat sig.
No interaction between length of incision & number of suture lines
Load to failure did not correlate with # of suture bites
Conclusion: Length of incision but not number of suture lines influenced the biomechanical properties of gastropexies in this acute cadaveric model.
Abrams VSURG 2019
Perioperative complications and outcome after surgery for treatment of gastric carcinoma in dogs: A VSSO retrospective of 40 cases (2004-2018)
Major post op comps?
Major intraop comps?
MST? 1 yr survival?
What associated with inc risk of death? With improved survival?
Survival to dc?
Partial gastrectomy 28 dogs, Billroth I 9 dogs, subtotal gastrectomy 2, submucosal resection 1
Major postop complications in 8/40 dogs (20%) – septic peritonitis 2nd to dehiscence in 4 dogs, then CPR 2
7.5% major intraoperative complications (all led to septic peritonitis)
15% minor intraoperative complications,
15% minor postop complications
Median progression free interval 54d,
MST 178d (1-1902) (greater than previous lit); 1 yr survival rate 18%
Intraoperative complication associated with increased risk of death (HR 3.5)
Giving adjuvant chemotherapy correlated with improved survival (HR 0.4)
No pulmonary metastasis, local LN enlargement 10/40 dogs (25%)
Survival to discharge 85%;
Seim-Wikse JAVMA 2019
Comparison of BCS & other minimally invasive biomarkers between dogs with gastric carcinoma & dogs with chronic gastritis
Biomarkers for carcinoma?
Dogs with carcinoma significantly older and had significantly lower BCS, lower serum folate, & greater serum C reactive protein vs dogs with gastritis / controls
Dogs with > 8 yr, BCS < 4, serum CRP > 25 mg/L, & low serum folate useful biomarkers
Zuercher VRU 2021
Comparison of the clinical, ultrasound, and CT findings in 13 dogs with gastric neoplasia
CT identified how many tumors? US? CT did what better?
Complete agreement between everything?
Lymphoma appeared how? AdenoCa?
CT was successful in identification of 92% of gastric tumors, while US identified only 69%
CT identified more locations of lymphadenopathy and correctly identified the location of gastric tumors (69%) more frequently than US (39%) when compared to the surgical, endoscopic, or necropsy reports.
Only 5/13 cases (39%) had complete agreement on tumor location between CT, US, and direct visualization via surgery, endoscopy, or necropsy.
Lymphoma had a lower mean attenuation in CT than the other gastric tumors and was the only gastric tumor to not have complete loss of the gastric wall layering on US.
As expected, adenocarcinoma appeared as gastric wall thickening with regional lymphadenopathy.
Treggiari JSAP 2023
Canine gastrointestinal stromal tumours treated with surgery and imatinib mesylate: three cases (2018-2020)
Surgical and medical treatment resulted in a positive outcome in these cases of canine GIST.
Imatinib treatment was well tolerated and resulted in a measurable response and a low spectrum of toxicities
Tanaka VRU 2023
Contrast-enhanced CT features of pyloric lesions in 17 dogs: Case series
Benign lesions affected what layer?
Apperance of ACA?
Appearance of GIST?
Retrospective case series study to assess the CT findings of canine pyloric lesions- to help differentiate malignant neoplasia from chronic hypertrophic pyloric gastropathy
17 dogs had the following final diagnoses:
5 Hyperplasia
5 Adenoma
3 Adenocarcinomas
1 Polyposis & 1 pyogenic granuloma
Hyperplasia, adenoma, and polyposis formed mass lesions that involved the mucosal layer.
All adenocarcinomas formed a wall-thickened lesion that involved the outer layer, w/ lymphomegaly.
All GISTs formed a mass lesion that involved the outer layer.
CT facilitated the characterization of canine pyloric lesions using contrast enhancement, based on the involved area & lesion shape. However, polyposis may require caution in dx based on CT findings alone.
Grimes JAVMA 2020 PQ
Characteristics and long-term outcomes of dogs with gastroesophageal intussusception
Survival to dc %?
Follow up complication reported?
PQ MC post-po complication? RF for it?
Median age 13.2 mo, males (72%) and GSD (33%) most common
Vomiting 67%, regurgitation 33% most common CS
28% dogs euthanized w/o treatment, 72% had treatment (25 sx & 1 endoscopy)
88% treated survived to discharge; MST 995d, at last FU 65% surviving dogs remained alive & 35% died reasons related to persistent regurgitation or reasons unrelated
Of 10 dogs with owners contacted - 7 had persistent regurgitation – severity reduced through managed feedings
- MC post-op comp: regurgitation:
Dogs with acute (< 7 d) CS or previous dx of megaesophagus more likely to have persistent regurgitation than dogs w/o these factors *
White JSAP 2020
CT findings in dogs with gastric malposition: 6 cases (2016-2019)
Presenting timeline?
CT findings?
How many not treated for this?
5/6 presented with either acute or chronic history of GI signs; 1-3 incidental
CT findings
Similar in all six cases
Pyloric canal and pyloric antrum located in the left cranial abdomen
Dorsal and to the left of the fundus in 5
Ventral and to the left in 1
2 cases had exploratory laparotomy and preventative right-sided gastropexy
One euthanized for continued weight loss (had pulmonary mass); One lost to follow-up
1 case managed conservatively with good outcome
3 cases managed for other diseases with no specific treatment for gastric instability
Gastric malposition may be found as an incidental or chronic finding
Vangrinsven JSAP 2021
Diagnosis and treatment of gastro-oesphogeal junction abnormalities (GJA) in dogs with brachycephalic syndrome
Treatment groups?
Pre and post-op improvement in which group? Diff in digestive clinical score?
36 Brachycephalic dogs – 58% FBD, 25% pugs, 17% EBD; Antacid treatment was randomly prescribed in 18 dogs before and after surgery while the other 18 dogs did not receive any gastrointestinal medical treatment.
Significant pre- and post-op improvement was only present in the treated group. At postsurgical recheck T2 83% of dogs (15/18) had a digestive clinical score ≤1 in the treated group in contrast to 44% (8/18) in the non-treated group
Results suggest a beneficial effect of omeprazole and magaldrate treatment on improvement of digestive clinical signs and lesions in dogs with BS undergoing surgery.
In contrast to standard endoscopy, the obstruction manoeuvre during endoscopy was able to detect more GJA in dogs with BS
Hosgood JAVMA 2021
Circumferential esophageal hiatal rim reconstruction for treatment of persistent regurgitation in brachycephalic dogs: 29 cases (2016-2019)
Procedures done?
All dogs had what finding of EH?
Short term R+ rates?
Long term R+ rates?
Sx: circumferential hiatal rim reconstruction + esophagopexy
Left and right medial margins of pars lumbalis were isolated
Dorsal margins of right and left were reduced w/ 2-0 polyprolyene in a horizontal mattress pattern (2 sutures)
Next, horizontal mattress suture through the left and right ventromedial margins of the pars lumbalis
Appropriate aperture size was estimated at 1.5cm
Esophagopexy performed by placing 2-3 simple interrupted sutures of 2-0 polypropylene on either side of the esophageal hiatus b/w muscular layer of caudal portion of the esophagus and medial margin of pars lumbalis
all dogs had substantial laxity of the right & left pars lumbalis and failure of dorsal coaxial alignment of pars lumbalis (aorta adjacent to esophagus)
short term: 24% dogs had continued regurg that resolved by 14 days postop with MM (thought to be d/t esophagitis)
long term resolution: 84%
15% (3/19) dogs regurged 1x weekly, no one needed medical mgmt.
conclusion: circumferential hiatal rim reconstruction combined w/ esophagopexy substantially reduced regurg frequency in this population of dogs, the authors recommend this procedure be considered for any brachycephalic dog that has a hx of regurg not responsive to medical mgmt
Appelgrein JAVMA 2021
Quantification of gastroesophageal regurgitation in brachycephalic dogs
How many had reflex?
Associations found with distal pH time and resp grade, GI grade, LC grade, or previous upper airway sx?
What procedure did some have done?
- esophageal reflux was defined as single pH <4; recordings also included reflux/hr, # of refluxes >5 min; duration of longest reflux (min), and % of time pH <4 for both sensors; probe measured proximal and distal esophagus
- dogs then underwent airway exam, upper GI endoscopy for first 10 dogs, mucosal biopsies, surgery (sutured staphylectomy, alarplasty, tonsillectomy, circumferential hiatal rim reconstruction)
- 84% of dogs had abnormal reflux with distal percentage time where pH < 4 of 6.4% (2.5-36.1)
- There was no significant association b/w distal percentage time where the pH < 4 and respiratory grade, GI grade (biopsies), laryngeal collapse grade or previous upper airway surgery
- 7 dogs had hiatal rim resection along with staphylectomy and alarplasty and 6 months later all 7 dogs had marked improvement with minimal to no reflux and a distal percentage time where pH < 4 score below 2 (were all above to preop, with medial of 6.2)
Conclusion: The occurrence of reflux is not associated with owner-assessed preoperative respiratory and gastrointestinal grade, laryngeal collapse grade, and previous airway surgery.
Bahlmann JFMS 2022
Gastric diverticula in six cats: a case series (2011-2020)
GD diagnosed with what imaging?
Tx performed?
All cats presented for a variety of gastrointestinal disorders, including chronic vomiting, weight loss and anorexia, and underwent negative contrast radiography to diagnose GD.
All but one cat underwent surgical resection of the GD via partial gastrectomy, while the remaining cat was euthanized.
Resection of the GD was associated with reduction of reported clinical signs.
Negative contrast radiography appears to be superior imaging technique
Barandun JAVMA 2021
Billroth II procedure for the treatment of spontaneous gastrointestinal perforation in two cats
Small case series FYI
Perforation of pylorus in 1 case, proximal duodenum in another case secondary to ulceration for both
Partial duodenectomy, partial gastrectomy, and gastrojejunostomy (Billroth II procedure)
Recovered and returned to a normal quality of life
Simpson JSAP 2021
Transversus abdominis muscle as a gastric or intestinal on-lay flap in two dogs and one cat
done why?
can be useful adjunct technique to support GIT tissue when viability is questionable or resection not feasible
no comps
Brincin JSAP 2022
Gastroesophageal intussusception secondary to induction of emesis with subsequent development of septic pericardial effusion after corrective surgery
FYI - case report
Ventral midline celiotomy and diaphragmatic were performed and intussusception manually reduced
Initial satisfactory recovery
absence of macroscopic oesophageal perforation/necrosis in this case (either at the time of surgery or at the time of post-operative oesophagoscopy on day 11),
Dog diagnosed with cardiac tamponade 1 week post-op
E. coli cultured from pericardial/pleural effusion samples
Subtotal pericardiectomy surgery, the pericardium was markedly thickened with adhesions to the epicardium, thoracic wall, and diaphragm
Arrested post op
Garci-Pertierra JSAP 2022
Surgical management of intrathoracic wooden skewers migrating from the stomach and duodenum in dogs: 11 cases (2014-2020)
CT found wood FB?
Sx techniques performed?
FB penetrated from where MC?
Intrathorax trauma MC to what?
Comp rate?
% survival to dc?
LT outcome?
MC CS: anorexia/hyporexia (n=7), vomiting/regurgitation (n=7), lethargy (n=6), pyrexia (n=4) and gait abnormalities/lameness (n=3).
CT correctly identified a wooden skewer in all cases when performed (n=7).
A coeliotomy combined with trans- diaphragmatic thoracotomy was performed in six of 11 cases (55%), a coeliotomy combined with median sternotomy in four of 11 cases (36%) and a median sternotomy alone was performed in one case.
Foreign bodies penetrated from the stomach (n=10) or the duodenum (n=1).
Intrathoracic trauma was most commonly identified to the lungs (n=3) and pericardium (n=3).
Complications occurred in 3/11 cases (27%), two minor and one resulting in death.
10/11 cases (91%) survived to discharge.
Long-term outcome was available for seven of 11 cases, all of them excellent.
Stiller JVIM 2021
Diagnostic evaluation of urea nitrogen/creatinine ratio in dogs with gastrointestinal bleeding
UCR higher with what group?
Other UCR associations?
Association with occult GIB?
UCR conclusions?
Urea nitrogen/creatinine ratio (UCR)
UCR was sig higher in dogs w/ overt GIB vs controls and dogs w/ occult GIB
UCR was not sig associated w/ occult GIB vs being healthy, or upper vs lower GIB
Dogs w/ higher [Hgb] and Hct had sig lower odds of have occult GIB than being healthy
UCR is not clinically useful for determining occult GIB and has poor discriminatory ability b/w upper and lower GIB
Increased UCR in a dog w/o signs of overt GIB, esp if Hct is mid to upper end of RI does not warrant prompt Rx of GI protective medications
Dobberstein VSURG 2022
Primary repair of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-associated full thickness gastrointestinal ulcers in 11 dogs
I feel like this one is Impt
Tx performed?
MC presenting / history finding?
All perfs found what region?
Survival to dc %?
Association between ulcer size and mortality? Location and mortality?
11 dogs with complete (full thickness) gastric or duodenal perforation related to administration of an NSAID that underwent primary surgical repair
Ulcer edges debrided, primary repair performed +/- omental patch, + drain
9/11 (82%) received a concurrent corticosteroid and NSAID, or a higher dose/frequency/length of NSAID administration than recommended by the manufacturer
All gastroduodenal perforations were found in the upper gastrointestinal tract.
8/11 (73%) dogs survived to discharge; 3/11 dogs (27%) did not survive to discharge.
No association was detected between ulcer size or location and mortality.
Murakami VRU 2022
CT features of confirmed and presumed gastric wall edema in dogs
CT characteristics of GI wall edema in humans?
MC clinical finding of included cases?
Postcontrast CT characteristics of GI wall edema in humans have been described as GI wall thickening with a thickened submucosal layer and thin enhanced inner and outer layers.
Group I = 3 dogs w/ post-contrast abdominal CT scans & dx of gastric wall edema based on histopath
Group II = 9 dogs w/ CT characteristics consistent w/ those reported in humans.
Most common clinical finding was hypoalbuminemia.
( In group I
3/3 dogs→ a well-defined three-layer appearance w/ non-enhancing fluid-attenuating middle layer
2/3 dogs → Thin blood vessels in the middle layer
In group II,
9 dogs had a three-layer appearance w/ a non-enhancing fluid-attenuating middle layer.
Locations of gastric wall thickening:
Diffuse = in 2 dogs
Focal concentric = in 6 dogs
Focal asymmetric = in 4 dogs. )
Conclusion: Findings supported gastric wall edema as a DDX for dogs w/ hypoalbuminemia & CT characteristics of a three-layer appearance in the gastric wall, w/ a non-enhancing fluid-attenuating middle layer & thin blood vessels
Baron VSURG 2020 PQ
Paramedian incisional complications after prophylactic laparoscopy-assisted gastropexy in 411 dogs
Comp rate %?
MC Comp and %? Others? Tx?
RF for comps?
Paramedian incisional complications were observed in 78/411 (19%) dogs - yikes!
MC complication seroma formation, in 51 (12%) dogs
SSI observed in 16 (4%) dogs, & dehiscence or development of excessive scar tissue at incision site were each observed in nine (2%) dogs
Complications resolved with conservative treatment in 75/78 (96%) dogs and with surgical tx in 3/78 (4%) dogs
Odds of complications were approximately twice as high in dogs undergoing Single incision port LAG than in dogs undergoing Multiple Port LAG
Conclusion: minor paramedian incisional complications, particularly seroma formation, were frequently observed after LAG; most complications managed conservatively with success; single port higher complication than multiport
Monnet VSURG 2021
Laparoscopic correction of sliding hiatal hernia in eight dogs: description of technique, complications, and short-term outcome
Reduced hernia in half cases with what?
Suture used?
Procedures and sides performed?
Intra op comp? Conversions? Outcome?
A single port was placed 2 cm caudal to the last rib on the left side. An extra cannula was added in 4 dogs. A large-bore orogastric tube was introduced in 5 dogs and used in 4 dogs to reduce the hernia. A unidirectional nonabsorbable barbed suture was used for the closure of the esophageal hiatus and the esophagopexy (RS in 4). A left-sided gastropexy was performed for all the cases. The gastropexy was performed with a gastrostomy tube to bypass the esophagus in four dogs.
Intraoperative complications included pneumothorax in three dogs. Conversion was elective in three cases and emergent in one case. Clinical signs were recorded as improved in each dog.
Repair included a combination of esophageal plication, esophagopexy, and left-sided gastropexy. Reverse Trendelenburg animal positioning and orogastric tube placement facilitated the reduction of the hernia.
Lacitignola VSURG 2021
Absorbable fixation straps for laparoscopic gastropexy in dogs
5 cadavers, 12 clinical cases
laparoscopic absorbable fixation straps (AFS)
Laparoscopic gastropexy with AFS was performed in both cadavers and clinical animals with no complications. Persistent adhesion was demonstrated during ultrasound evaluations and in one postmortem evaluation.
Mayhew VSURG 2021
Anotha one for Mayhew .. 2021 this time
Clinical and videofluoroscopic outcomes of laparoscopic treatment for sliding hiatal hernia and associated gastroesophageal reflux in brachycephalic dogs
Owner assessment result?
HH and GER results?
Intra-op comp?
Minor comps?
Three port approach
Intracorporeal suturing for hiatal plication and esophagopexy and left sided gastropexy
Conversion to open surgery needed in 1/18 dogs (5.5%)
Regurgitation after eating/activity improved significantly according to owner assessment
Hiatal hernia and GER severity scores improved significantly, but SHH and GER frequency scores did not
One dog had pneumothorax intraoperatively and died
Minor complications included 6 splenic and 5 hepatic lacerations
Balsa VSURG 2021
A randomized controlled trial of three-dimensional versus two-dimensional imaging system on duration of surgery and mental workload for laparoscopic gastropexies in dogs
workload was assessed immediately after surgery using the NASA Task Load Index (TLX).
Median duration of surgery 3 minutes shorter for 3D, but not stat sig
Surgical component durations, total and component TLX scores, and intraoperative complications also did not differ between groups.
After excluding first 8 cases (due to learning curve), total TLX score and all component scores were lower for 3D compared to 2D, but duration of surgery did not differ
Conclusion: use of 3D laparoscopy was not associated with shorter duration of surgery when compared to 2D laparoscopy.
Balsa JVIM 2017 PQ
Effect of Laparoscopic-assisted Gastropexy on Gastrointestinal Transit Time in Dogs
Laparoscopic-assisted gastropexy (LAG) whether alters gastrointestinal transit times when comparing gastric (GET), small and large bowel (SLBTT), and whole gut transit times (TTT) before and after surgery.
10 dogs of various breeds at-risk for GDV were enrolled.
No complications were encountered associated with surgery or capsule administration.
There were no significant differences in GET 429 versus 541, SLBTT 1,243 versus 1,540, or TTT 1,971 versus 1,792 minutes (median, range) (P = 0.65) before and after LAG.
Conclusions and clinical importance: An effect of LAG on gastrointestinal transit time was not identified, and wireless motility capsule can be safely administered in dogs after LAG.
Loy Son VSURG 2016 PQ
Long-Term Outcome and Complications Following Prophylactic Laparoscopic-Assisted Gastropexy in Dogs
Intra op comp %?
Post op comps? Major? minor?
5/49 dogs (10%) experienced complications related to abdominal access during LAG.
4% (2/49) of dogs experienced an intraoperative complication.
2 dogs experienced major postoperative complications requiring additional veterinary intervention.
30% (13 dogs) experienced a minor postoperative self-limiting wound-related complication.
No dogs experienced GDV. 100% of dog owners were satisfied with LAG, would repeat the procedure in a future pet, and would recommend the procedure to a friend or family member.
Conclusion: LAG was an effective procedure for prevention of GDV and was associated with high client satisfaction in this cohort of dogs. A moderate rate of postoperative wound complications occurred that were minor and self-limiting in nature.
Conte VSURG 2020
Computed tomographic comparison of esophageal hiatal size in brachycephalic and non-brachycephalic breed dogs
EH:Ao higher in what group?
EH measurements higher in what group of weight matched dogs?
brachycephalic (group 1) and nonbrachycephalic dogs of similar body size (<15 kg) without respiratory or gastroesophageal (GE) signs (group 2)
Esophageal hiatus:aortic ratio calculated.
In the second part of the study, absolute EH measurements were also compared in weight-matched (WM) dogs (8-10 kg) from groups 1 and 2.
Mean (±SD) of EH:Ao values for group 1 (brachy) (8.1 ± 2.8) were higher (P < .0001) than those for group 2 (3.7 ± 1.1).
EH measurements of 20 WM dogs in group 1 were higher than those of 20 dogs in group 2
EH cross-sectional SA in brachys is larger than non brachys of similar size - maybe anatomy is related to functional GE alternations (R+) in brachys