Ch. 8 Skeletal Flashcards
The _________ skeleton includes the girdles of bones which attach limbs to the axial skeleton.
The most complex structure in the skeleton:
The skull contains ___ cranial bones, and ___ facial bones.
8 Cranial Bones
14 Facial Bones
What bone makes up the forehead?
Frontal bone
Large opening within each orbit…
Superior Orbital fissures
__________ bones form the bony bridge of the nose.
Left and Right __________ form most of upper jaw and lateral boundaries of nasal cavity.
___________ forms the lower jaw.
_____________ Processes are located at the oral margins of maxillae and mandible
Divides the nasal cavity into L & R halves
Nasal Septum
The nasal septum is made of the perpendicular plate of the _________ bone, and the __________ bone
Ethmoid & Vomer
Two scroll shaped bones on infero-lateral walls of nasal cavity
Inferior Nasal Conchae
Articulation between the frontal and parietal bones.
Coronal Suture
Articulation that connects L & R Parietal bones
Sagittal Suture
Articulation of occipital bone w/ parietal bones
Lambdoid suture
Articulates with maxilla anteriorly and ethmoid bone posteriorly
Lacrimal Bone
Directly inferior to squamous suture
Squamous part of temporal bone
Surrounds external acoustic meatus
Tympanic part of temporal bone
External ear opening
External acoustic meatus
Thin, pointed projection anteromedial to mastoid process.
Styloid process
Forms posterosuperior portion of nasal septum
Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone
Forms posteroinferior portion of nasal septum
_________ palate: formed by palatine process of maxillae and palatine bones.
Passageway of internal jugular vein and several nerves.
Jugular Foramen
__________ Foramen - Covered by cartilage
Internal carotid artery passageway
Carotid Canal
Internal openings of nasal cavity, medially adjacent
Where the spinal cord enters the cranial cavity
Foramen Magnum
Articulate with first cervical vertebra
Occipital condyles
Passage wats for olfactory nerves
Cribriform foramina
Elevation on anteromedial part of cribriform plate, attachment of CT membranes around brain
Crista Galli
Bony depression on sphenoid bone, houses pituitary gland
Sella Turcica
Passageway for Vestibulocochlear nerve
Internal Acoustic Meatus
This structure forms the lateral walls of the nasal cavity, and increase surface area.
Nasal Conchae
Air filled chambers that open into nasal cavity, that provide resonance to voice.
Paranasal Sinuses
These three bones (Malleus, Incus, Stapes) are associated with what structure?
This bone of the neck, does not articulate with any other bone.
This bone is the attachment site for tongue and larynx muscles and ligaments.
Hyoid Bone
Dense Regular CT membranes between fetal cranial bones, “soft spots” on baby’s head
Structures on a babies bead that allow for rapid growth of the brain, as well as enables flexion to facilitate passage through birth canal
How many cervical vertebrae are there?
How many thoracic vertebrae are there?
How many lumbar vertebrae are there?
The sacrum is made up of ____ fused sacral vertebrae
Coccyx is made up of ___ fused coccygeal vertebrae
How many spinal curvatures are there?
Spinal curvatures gives column more ______________ and better support than if straight.
At birth, the spinal column is “___” shaped
Intervertebral disks are made up of…
Outer ring of Fibrocartilage vertebral disks are called the
Anulus Fibrosus
Inner gelatinous regions of intervertebral disk is called the…
Nucleus Pulposus
Which vertebrae have transverse foramina?
Atlas is what vertebrae?
Atlas allows for what movement
Nodding “yes”
Atlas lacks a _______
Body and/or spinous process
What vertebrae is the Axis?
The __________ on the axis, acts as a pivot for lateral rotation between atlas and skull.
What movement does the Axis allow for?
Shaking head “No”
Thoracic vertebrae have __________-shaped bodies
The largest vertebrae
Lumbar Vertebrae lack…
Transverse Foramina and costal facets
These vertebrae bear most of the weight of the body
This structure of the sacrum allows for passage of nerves
Sacral Foramina
On the sacrum, the site of articulation with os coxae of pelvic girdle. Forms sacroiliac joint
Auricular surface
True ribs are pairs ___ through ___
1 through 7
False ribs are pairs ___ through ____
8 through 12
Floating Ribs are pairs ___ through ____
11 through 12
The ribs articulate with the vertebral column at the _______ and _________
Head and tubercle
The clavicle articulates with the _____________ of the sternum and the ____________ of the scapula.
Manubrium of the sternum
Acromion of the scapula
Metacarpal 1 aligns with what finger?
What is the only weight bearing bone in the crural region?