Ch 8 Human Development Flashcards
longitudinal experiment
same group over long period of time
cross-sectional experiment
multiple cohorts at one point in time
cross-sequential experiment
multiple cohorts over time
prenatal development stages
fertilization, germinal period, embryonic period, fetal period
monozygotic vs dizygotic twins
mono- identical twins, egg split; di- two eggs fertilized at once; monozygotic twins are used to study nature vs nurture
germinal period
zygote attaches to uterus wall, placenta and umbilical cord begin to form; cell differentiation
embryonic period
2-8 weeks; organs begin to develop and there are critical periods for each of the body’s structures to begin to form
anything that can cause a birth defect; start to have big impact during embryonic
fetal period
rapid growth, organs become functional
five baby reflexes
grasping, startle, rooting (moves to poking finger), stepping, sucking
newborn sensory function
hearing, taste, and smell are mostly in tact; takes 6 months for cones and vision to develop
motor milestones in infants
raising chin (2 months), rolling over, sitting with support (6), sitting alone, crawling, walking (12 months)
developed cognitive development timeline
Piaget’s stages
sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational
0-2; object permanence, stranger/separation anxiety
2-7; theory of mind, animistic, pretend play, egocentrism, irrevesibility
concrete operational
7-12; reversibility, conservation, concrete logic, math,
formal operational
12-100; abstract higher-level thinking
secure attachment
mom needs to be hovering, upset when mom leaves them alone; easily soothed when she gets back;
avoidant attachment
very little notice to mom or stranger being there or not
ambivalent attachment
upset about stranger with and without mom, hard to soothe
disorganized-disoriented attachment
fearful of mother, didn’t know how to react to anything
Strange Situation Experiment
Ainsworth put babies in room with mom, then mom left and stranger came in, looked at baby’s attachment
imprinting vs attachment
imprinting is more biological and less social
Lawrence Kohlberg
moral development stages
Carol Gilligan
took Kohlberg’s moral development stages and modified towards women rather than to justice and more male-specific cognition stages
Eric Erickson
psychosocial development and stage crisis that must be overcome
Infant to Adolescent Development Crises
trust vs mistrust; autonomy vs shame; initiative vs guilt; industry vs inferiority; identity vs role confusion
Early Adulthood to Late Adulthood Development Crises
intimacy vs isolation; genarativity vs stagnation; ego integrity vs despair
adolescent egocentrism
personal fable, everything is about them they are incredibly special; imaginary audience, feel like everyone is watching their every move
Kohlberg’s Morality Stages
preconventional- things that are rewarded are right; conventional- things are right if they follow the rules; postconventional- things are right if we think they are
authoritarian parenting
parents have many rules; children often rebel
permissive parenting
no demands on children; children are selfish, immature, dependent
authoritative parenting
firm limits and listening to child’s point of view; children are independent
trying to fit new information into existing schemas (cat is a dog)
modifying a schema to fit new information
how we think about the way we think; asking kids if they understand doesn’t work, they haven’t developed this yet
contact comfort, if monkeys pick cloth or wire mom to feed on; usually picked cloth
stages of dying and grief
identified stages of identity realization applied to Erickson’s model
social interactions is key to cognitive development; zone of proximal development
zone of proximal development
the difference between a student being able to do something with a teacher or peer and doing it on their own