Ch 8 Appendicular Skeleton Flashcards
What composes the appendicualr skeleton?
- Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle
- Upper Limb
- Pelvic Girdle (Hips)
- Lower Limb
Another name for pectoral girdle?
Shoulder Girdle
What composes the Pectoral Girdle?
- Clavicle
- Scapula
- Acromial End
- Sternal End
what is the most commonly broken bone in the body?
Clavicle Bone
In what cavity does the humerus attach to?
Glenoid Cavity
- Acromion
- Coracoid Process
- Glenoid Cavity
- Medial Border
- Acromion
- Spine
- Coracoid Process
What scapula feature is on the anterior portion for attachment of tendons and ligaments?
Coracoid Process
What is the pointy part of the shoulder and it articulates with the clavicle?
Acromion Process
How many carpal bones are there?
how many metacarpal bones are there?
How many Phalange bones are there ?
The Humerus articulates with the scapula to form what joint?
Glenohumeral Joint
- Greater Tubercule
- Lesser Tubercule
- Anatomical Neck
- Surgical Neck
- Deltoid Tuberosity
- Radial Fossa
- Capitulum
- Coronoid Fossa
- Trochlea
- Lateral Epicondyle
- Medial Epicondyle
- Olecranon Fossa
- Olecranon
- Olecranon Process
- Trochlear Notch
- Coronoid Process
- Radial Notch
- Styloid Process
- Head
- Coronoid Fossa
- Trochlea
- Capitulum
- Medial Epicondyle
- Coronoid Process
- Head
- Neck
- Radial Tuberosity
- Ulnar Notch of Radius
- Styloid Process
What anatomical location is the radius located?
Lateral aspect
what anatomical location is the ulnar located?
Medial Aspect
what are the most proximal carpal bones?
- Scaphoid
- Lunate
- Triquetrum
- Pisiform
what are the most distal carpal bones?
- Trapezium
- Trapezoid
- Capitate
- Hamate
How many phalanges bones are there for the thumb?
how many phalanges are there for the fingers?
what are the components to the pelvic girdle?
- ilium
- Ischium
- Pubis
what’s another name for ilium?
Hip bone
- ilium
- Ischium
- Pubis
- Acetabulum
Label: Lateral View
- iliac Crest
- Posterior Superior iliac Spine
- Anterior Superior iliac Spine
- Posterior Inferior iliac Spine
- Anterior Inferior iliac Spine
- Greater Sciatic Notch
- Acetabelum
- Obturator Foreman
Label: Medial View
- iliac Fossa
- Ischial Spine
- Lesser sciatic notch
- Ischial Tubersosity
what is the largest foramen in the body?
Obturator Foramen
What hole forms when the pubis and ischium unit?
Obturator Foramen
whats the joint called when the ilium and sacrum unit?
Sacroiliac Joint
what are the bones of the lower extremity from most proximal to distal?
- Femur
- Patella
- Tibia
- Fibula
- Tarsals
- Metatarsals
- Phalanges
How many tarsal bones are there?
How many metatarsals bones are there?
- Head
- Neck
- Greater Trochantor
- Less Trochantor
- Adductor Tubercule
- Lateral Epicondyle
- Lateral Condyle
- Medial Epicondyle
- Medial Condyle
Label: Posterior View of Femur
- Intercondylar Groove
What part of the femur does the patella articualte with?
Lateral and Medial Condyles
- Lateral Condyle of Tibia
- Head of Fibula
- Lateral Malleolus
- Medial Condyle of Tibia
- Tibial Tuberosity
- Medial Malleolus
What bone of the lower legs bears the weight of the body?
What is the other name for Tibia
Shin bone
which tarsal is the biggest
Which tarsal bone articulates with the Tibia?
what is the mneumonic for the tarsals?
Tall Centers Never Take Shots From Corners
In which direction of the arch does the Transverse arch go for the foot?
Side to Side
In which direction of the arch does the Longitudial Arch go for the foot?
Front to Back