ch. 7-8 Flashcards
What was included in freuds theory of sexuality?
infantile sexuality and psychosexual development
How many stages were apart of freuds stages of psychosexual development?
there were 5
Freuds oral stage (0-1 years)
Pleasure from nursing
Freuds Anal Stage (1-3 years)
pleasure from bowel and bladder elimination
Freuds Phallic Stage (3-6 years)
pleasure from touching genitals
Freuds importance ?
describing the development of both normal and abnormal personality
How did freud come up with all the stages?
The idea of development progressing through the stages provided inspiration for the following stages
When did the American psychoanalytic Association Form?
In 1911 along with training for psychiatrists established at this time
When did the psychoanalytic review become founded?
What happened when psychoanalysis began in America?
freud gave his five lectures in german at clark university in massachusetts in 1909
Alfred Adler (1870-1937)
Austrian Psychologist also the first to break from freud
Why did Adler break from Freud?
adler felt that the libido was a “life force” and non-sexual, dismissed freuds theory of oedipus complex
What was Adlers theory?
Individual psych
Individual Psych
the drive to overcome feelings of inferiority by compensation and the need to achieve personal goals that have value for society.
Striving for superiority
adlers term for peoples natural desire to improve themsevles
Inferiority complex
adlers term that some people assume a lifestyle dominated by a sense of helplessness and unworthiness
Superiority Complex
adlers term that explains a lifestyle dominated by a sense of being better than other people
C.G Jung
Swiss psychologist, considered by Freud as “The Crown Prince”
What happened in 1912-1913 to Carl Jung?
he broke with freud because Jung’s creation of 2 parts of the unconsciousness
Jung’s theory Analytical Psychology
“empirical science” of the psyche
Jung’s mind/psyche has 3 parts
conscious, the personal unconscious & the collective unconscious
contains the ego which he called “the gate keeper to consciousness”
The personal unconscious
contains all threatening and non-threatening, non-conscious thoughts that are not currently a part of conscious awareness
The collective unconscious
a deeper level of the unconscious, contains archetypes
universal emotional symbols stored in collective unconscious
Karen Horney (1885-1952)
German american psychologist who was a pioneer in feminine psychology
What did Karen Horney say about Freud?
attacked freudian views on notion of women and female “penis envy”
Tyranny of should
Horneys term for the tension between the real and ideal self
ideal self
not moving to self realization
real self
moving toward self realization
Anna Freud (1895-1982)
Austrian British Psychoanalyst, worked with children in psychoanalysis
What did Anna Freud write?
Wrote the ego and the mechanisms of defense which clarified freuds work
What did Anna Freud do with Dorothy Burlington?
Helped with the Hampshire nurseries during WWII
Dorothy Burlingham
was one of the first psychoanalysts to directly observe children
what did french psychologists first do?
approached questions of the mind by studying patients with mental disorders via case studies (natural experiments)
What did french psychologists never do?
They never divided into ‘schools’
Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893)
French neurologist, who first described the symptoms and possible causes of hysteria
Where did Jean-Martin Charcot work?
Salpetriere- a famous mental hospital in Paris, France
What did Jean Charcot believe about psychological disorders?
They were due to disruptions in functioning of the nervous system, including hysteria