Ch. 10 physiology & comparitive psychology Flashcards
physiological psychology
the study of how behavior is generated and guided by the nervous system
comparative psychology
the study of the origin, control and consequences of behavior across a wide range of species
walter cannon (1871-1945)
american physiological psychologist best known for his concepts of fight or flight and homeostasis
Fight of flight
body arousal to a dangerous situation
the processes by which the body maintains stable internal conditions, involves the autonomic nervous system
What did Cannon develop regarding fight or flight?
sympathetic nervous system (regulator for flight or fight responses) hormone adrenaline (arousing the body for action)
Cannon bard theory of emotions
proposed that stimulation of the thalamus, leads to both physiological arousal and the psychological experience of emotion
Who disagreed with james/lange theory of emotions?
Cannon said claimed that bodily arousal happened too slowly for it to be cause of emotional experiences
James/lange focus was on?
psychological experience of emotion, where as Cannon bard focused at only physiological responses to emotional situations
John Garcia (1917-2012)
first hispanic american psychologist and discoverer of conditioned taste aversion
Classical Conditioning
NS needs to be immediately, followed by UCS, CC takes multiple conditioning trials
Conditioned taste aversion
learned avoidance of a food associated with illness
Garcia classical conditioning
the food (NS) may be consumed half an hour or more before stomach distress (UCS) occurs which then produces vomiting (UCR)
How many trials are needed to develop CTA?
only 1 conditioning trial
Karl Lashley (1890-1958)
american physiological psychologist who studied how memories are formed in the brain