ch. 13 developmental psych Flashcards
John Bowlby (1907-1990)
british psychologist who studied the impact of mother-child separation and proposed attachment theory
1944 published forty-four juvenile thieves (Bowlby)
case studies of youth [thieves and non-thieves] at the London child guidance clinic
Maternal deprivation hypothesis
prolonged separation from the mother in early childhood leads to pathological personality development in adolescence
Who started the study of the effect of maternal deprivation?
1948 with james robertson and john bowlby
What did the effect of maternal deprivation study consist of?
involved children who’d spent long periods in hospital during the first 4 years of their lives at that time parental visitation was limited
What was a 2-prong procedural approach?
study of the effect of maternal deprivation
What did the study by bowlby and robertson find?
found that these children went through 3 stages after being separated from their mothers
2nd stage of maternal deprivation
children who were separated for over a week from mothers, once saw again, babies showed no affection
1st stage of maternal deprivation
agitated when they were left in hospitals without mom
3rd stage of maternal deprivation
once they went home, started a relationship with mom but never regained trust or some never regained relationship
What film came from maternal deprivation?
A two year old goes to the hospital, this led to reforms in hospital practices
Who did bowlby hire for data anylsis?
Mary Ainsworth
What did bowlby publish after partnering with ainsworth
Attachment theory (3-volume serious 1969)
Mary Ainsworth (1913-1999)
canadian-american psychologist who developed the strange situation
Strange situation
a laboratory procedure for testing attachment style in which the mother briefly leaves her child alone in a unfamiliar room
What did Ainsworth do in Uganda?
Went in 1953, to observe information of mother-infant bonds and what happens when it is disrupted
Why do different attachment styles develop due to differences in maternal sensitivity ?
depending on how attentive and responsive a mother is to her infants needs
Mary Main (1943- )
american developmental psychologist who has constructed methods for assessing attachment styles during the early school years, adolescence and in adulthood
Who developed the adult attachment interview ?
mary main
Who discovered the fourth attachment styles of ainsworth disorganized attachment?
Mary main
Diana Baumkind (1927-2018)
american psychologist and pioneer in research in parenting styles
Who was the first to do a longitudinal study of both mothers and fathers ?
Diana Baumkind
What did the longitudinal study by Baumkind include?
children were preschoolers, followed 100 families through school age to late adolescence
Who developed three types of patenting styles?
Baumkind (Authoritative, authoritarian & permissive)
supporting and responsive parents who also set firm limits to there children
strict parenting, high expectations for children
they look at their child as an equal
Who wrote effect of authoritative parental control on child behavior (1966)?
Diana Baumkind
Albert Bandura (1925-2021)
canadian-american psychologist best known for his bobo doll experiments
What did Bandura do in bobo doll?
exploring aggression in young children
What did bandura believe social learning as?
believe social learning as a process of modeling in the 1960’s