Ch. 56 Flashcards
What is the mark-recapture technique used for?
Method for estimating population size
What is the mark-recapture technique equation?
N= M x S / R
N= total population
M= number of marked individuals in first catch
S= Total number of second catch
R= Number of marked recaptures in the second catch
What are the dispersion patterns
Clumped, uniform, random
Which dispersion pattern is most common?
Clumped, due to attraction to resources
Which dispersion pattern is the rarest?
Random, resources are rarely randomly dispersed
What is it called when all offspring are produced in a single reproductive event?
What is it called when offspring repeatedly reproduced at intervals throughout the life cycle?
What is continuous iteroparity?
Reproduce repeatedly throughout the any time of year
What is seasonal iteroparity?
Reproduce in distinct breeding seasons
What is the type 1 survivorship curve pattern?
Most individuals die late in life
What is the type 2 survivorship curve pattern?
Uniform rate of decline, death occurs at any age
What is the type 3 survivorship curve pattern?
Most individuals die early in life, young
What is the net reproductive rate equation?
R0 = Σ lx * mx
R0= net reproductive rate
Σ = sum for all ages
lx= age specific survivorship
mx= age specific fertility
What is the equation used to calculate future population size?
N(t +1) = N(t)R0
N(t+1)= population size at generation plus time
N(t)= population size at time now
R0= net reproductive rate
What do the values of R0 mean?
R0 > 1 the population will grow
R0 = 1 the population is at equlibrium
R0 <1 the population is declining
The short cut used to predict population without using R0 is the finite rate of increase from one year to the next, how is it calculated?
λ = N(t+1) / N(t)
λ = finite rate of increase
N(t+1) = population size at time now + 1 year
N(t) = population at time now
What is the difference between R0 and λ?
R0= net reproductive rate per generation
λ = finite population change over some time interval, often 1 year
Relate R0 and λ to population growth.
R0 > 1 or λ > 1 populations grow
R0 = 1 or λ = 1 population equilibrium
R0 < 1 or λ < 1 populations decline
How do population models show growth trends?
Exponential growth- resources not limiting, prodigious growth
Logistic growth- resources are limiting, effects amount of growth
What is the equation used to calculate per capita growth rate?
∆N/∆t = B - D
∆N = change in numbers
∆t = change in time
B = births
D = deaths
To calculate birth and death rate per individual in the population what is the equation?
∆N/∆t = bN - dN
bN = births / individual
dN = deaths / individual
How do ecologists also write ∆N/∆t?
As dN/dt = rN to use calculus
Using r = (b - d) how can we relate r to exponential growth?
r > 0 population increases
r = 0 population is stable
What is the equation for logistic growth with carrying capacity?
∆N/∆t = rN( K- N / K)
K = carrying capacity
r = per capita rate of population grown
N = population size
What are the density dependent factors that influence mortality within a population?
Predation, competition for resources, parasitism
What is a series of small separate populations in individual habitat patches that mutually affect one another?