Ch 5 terms (part 2) Flashcards
most common form of arteriosclerosis; lipid plaques form in arterial wall
coarctation of the aorta (CoA)
severe congenital narrowing of aorta
varicose veins in anal region
hypertension (HTN)
high blood pressure; essential or primary HTN is due to CV disease; secondary HTN result from another disease
decrease in blood pressure; may be due to shock or anemia
patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
congenital heart anomaly where fetal connection between pulmonary artery and aorta fails to close at birth
peripheral vascular disease (PVD)
abnormal condition affecting any blood vessel outside the heart; symptoms may include pain, pallor, and blocked circulation
inflammation of a vein
inflammation of several arteries
Raynaud’s phenomenon
periodic ischemic attacks affecting extremities; especially fingers, toes, ears, and nose; extremities become cyanotic; triggered by cold exposure
inflammation of vein resulting in blood clots within a vein
varicose veins
swollen and distended veins; often in the legs
listening to sounds within body using a stethoscope
blood pressure cuff
instrument for listening to body sounds
cardiac biomarkers
blood test determines level of proteins specific to heart muscles in the blood; an increase may indicate heart muscle damage such as a myocardial infarction
serum lipoprotein level
blood test measures amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in blood; indicator of atherosclerosis risk
x ray record of a vessel
x rays taken after injection of opaque dye into blood vessel
cardiac scan
nuclear medicine scan using radioactive thallium; useful in determining myocardial damage
doppler ultrasonography
using ultrasound to produce an image of blood flowing through blood vessels in order to determine velocity; indicates blood clots or deep vein thromboses
echocardiography (ECHO)
use of ultrasound to visualize internal cardiac structures; especially valves
cardiac catheterization
catheter is threaded through blood vessel to heart; detects abnormalities, collects cardiac blood samples, and determines blood pressure inside heart
flexible tube inserted in body to move fluids into or out of body; may be used to place dye into a vein to view blood vessels