Ch 4 Attention Flashcards
A multivoxel pattern analysis, the classifier is a computer program designed to recognize patterns of voxel activity.
Changing memory into stable states
Cues recall
Cues, that aid in recalling previous experiences stimulus.
Deep processing
Processing that involves attention to meaning.
Depth of processing
The idea that processing can happen at deep or shallow levels.
Elaborate rehearsal.
Rehearsal that involves thinking about the meaning of an item to be remembered.
The process of acquiring information and transferring it into memory.
Encoding specifically
We learn information together with context.
Free recall
A procedure for testing meteoro in which the participant is asked to remember stimuli that were previously presented.
Generation effect
Memory for material is better if the person generates it himself.
Graded amnesia
When amnesia is most Sever for events that occurred just prior to an injury and becomes less severe for earlier, more remote events.
Long term potential LTP
The increased firing that occurs in the neuron due to prior activity at the synapses.
Maintenance rehearsal
Rehearsal that involves repeating the information with out any meaning making
Múltiple trace model consolidation
The idea that the hippocampus is involved in the retrieval of remote memories, especially episodic memories. In contrast to the standard model, which proposed that it is only involved in retrieval of recent memories .
Paired associate learning
A learning task in which participants are first presented with pairs of words, then one word is presented and asked the other word
A process that occurs during memory consolidation, the hippocampus replays the neural activity associated with the memory.
The process where memory has to be reconsolidated after retrieval.
The process of remembering information that has been stored in long term memory.
Retrograde amnesia
Loss of me memory for something that happened prior to an injury or traumatic event.
Self-reference effect
Memory of a word is improved by relating the word to itself, what are how similar words
Shallow processing
Repetition with very little attention to meaning
Spacing effect
The effect of enhance performance caused by short study sessions.
Standard model of consolidation
A theory that memory retrieval depends on the hippocampus during consolidation but that once consolidation is complete retrieval no longer needs hippocampus.
State depends learning
The principal that memory is better if it is done in the same state.
Synaptic consolidation
A process of consolidation that involves structural changes at synapses, that happens rapidly.
System consolidation
A consolidation process that involves physical changes to network in the brain.
Testing affect
Enhance me performance the more it is tested.
Transfer appropriate processing
When the type of task that occurs during encoding matches the type of task that occurs during retrieval. This can enhance memory.