ch 36 (slide 9): SLIDE 9: developmental aspects with children with chronic/complex diseases TABLE 36.2 Flashcards
EXAM 2 content
what are potential effects of chronic illness or disability to an infant’s sense of trust? how do we intervene?
- multiple caregivers & frequent separations (especially hospitalized) –> encourage consistent caregivers in hospital or other care settings
- deprived of consistent nurturing –> encourage parental presence, “rooming in” during hospital & participate in care
what are potential effects of chronic illness or disability to an infant’s bond or attachment to parent? how do we intervene?
delayed bc of separation, parental grief for a loss of dream child, parents inability to accept the condition (esp if a visible defect) –> emphasize healthy, perfect qualities of infant & help parents learn special care needs of infant for them to feel competent
what are potential effects of chronic illness or disability to an infant’s learning through sensorimotor experiences? how do we intervene?
- more exposure to painful experiences than pleasurable ones –> expose infant to pleasurable experiences through all senses
- limited constant with environment from restricted movement or confinement –> encourage age appropriate developmental skills
what are potential effects of chronic illness or disability to an infant’s sense of separateness from parent? how do we intervene?
- increased dependency on parent for care –> encourage all family members to participate in care to prevent overinvolvement of one member
- overinvolvement of parent in care –> encourage periodic respite from demands of care responsibilities
what are potential effects of chronic illness or disability to a toddlers’ development of autonomy? how do we intervene?
increased dependency on parent –> encourage independence in as many areas as possible (toilet, dress, feeding)
what are potential effects of chronic illness or disability to a toddlers’ mastering locomotor & lang skills? how do we intervene?
limited opportunity to test own abilities & limits –> provide gross motor skill activity & modify toys or equipment (swings & rocking horse)
what are potential effects of chronic illness or disability to a toddlers’ sensorimotor experience & beginning preoperational thought? how do we intervene?
increased exposure to painful experiences –>
- give choices to allow simple feeling of control
- institute age appropriate discipline and limit setting
- recognize that negative & ritualistic behaviors are normal
- provide sensory experiences (water play, finger painting)
what are potential effects of chronic illness or disability to a preschool ages’ developing initiative & purpose and master self care skills? how do we intervene?
limited opportunities for success in accomplishing simple tasks ot mastering self care skills –> encourage mastery of self help skills, provide devices that make tasks easier (self dressing)
what are potential effects of chronic illness or disability to a preschool ages’ developing peer relationships? how do we intervene?
- limited opportunities for socialization with peers, looks “baby” to same age peers –> encourage socialization (inviting friends)
- protection within tolerant & secure family, child will feat criticism & withdraw –> provide age appropriate play, emphasize child’s abilities & dress appropriately to enhance desirable appearance
what are potential effects of chronic illness or disability to a preschool ages’ developing sense of body image & sexual identification? how do we intervene?
awareness of body centering on pain, anxiety & failure and sex role identification focused primarily on mothering skills –> encourage relationships with same sex & opposite sex peers and adults
what are potential effects of chronic illness or disability to a preschool ages’ learning through preoperational thought? how do we intervene?
guilt (thinking they caused their illness or being punished for wrongdoing) –>
- help child w criticisms, realize that too much protection prevents them from reality of world
- clarify that cause of child’s illness is not their fault or a punishment
what are potential effects of chronic illness or disability to a school ages’ developing a sense of accomplishment? how do we intervene?
limited opportunities to achieve & compete (school absences & cant join clubs) –> encourage school attendance, schedule medical visits at times other than school & encourage child to make up missed work
what are potential effects of chronic illness or disability to a school ages’ forming peer relationships? how do we intervene?
limited opportunities for socialization –>
- educate teachers and classmates ab child’s condition, abilities & special needs
- encourage sports activities (special olympics)
- encourage socialization (girl/boy scouts, clubs)
what are potential effects of chronic illness or disability to a school ages’ learning through concrete operations? how do we intervene?
incomplete comprehension of the imposed physical limitations or treatment of the disorder –>
- provide child w information ab their condition
- encourage creative activities
what are potential effects of chronic illness or disability to an adolescences developing personal & sexual identity? how do we intervene?
increased sense of feeling different from peers & reduced ability to compete with peers in appearance, abilities & special skills –> help teen realize that many of the difficulties theyre experience is part of the normal adolescence
what are potential effects of chronic illness or disability to an adolescences achieving independence from family? how do we intervene?
increased dependency on family, limited job or career opportunities –>
- provide instruction on interpersonal and coping skills
- encourage increased responsibility for care and managing their condition
- discuss planning for future & how condition can affect choices
what are potential effects of chronic illness or disability to an adolescences forming heterosexual relationships? how do we intervene?
limited opportunities for heterosexual friendships, less opportunity to discuss sexual concerns with peers –> encourage socialization with peers including w special needs & without special needs
increased concern with issues like why they have the disorder and if they will marry & have a family –>
- encourage appropriate age activities (parties, sports, driving)
- be alert to cues that signal readiness for sexuality & reproduction
- emphasize good appearance & wearing nice clothes, use of makeup
- understand they have same sexual needs and those with no special needs