ch 26, 27, 28: intro to peds Flashcards
EXAM 1 content - excludes Freud, Erikson, & Piaget
what is the main goal of pediatric nursing?
improve quality of healthcare of children & their families
what types of kids haven’t seen a doctor in awhile?
health behaviors = ?
health promotion
what are health promotion topics for infants, toddlers, & adolescents?
- infants: sleep safety
- toddlers: car safety
- adolescents: substance abuse
what are social determinants of health?
- economic stability
- education access & quality
- healthcare access and quality
- neighborhood & environment
- social & community content
what should we educate to the parents that should educate their babies, adolescents, & older teens?
- babies: infections
- adolescent: motor vehicles & guns
- older teens: mental health
why is health weight a big goal?
children are getting more obese
- sitting all the time
- laptops & phones
what are big childhood healthcare problems?
- obesity
- T2DM
- injuries
- violence
- vaping
- mental health problems
what is LBW?
low birth weight, a major determinant of neonatal death
what is considered LBW?
< 2500 g or 5.5 lbs
what is the age range of the lowest death rate?
5 -14 yo
which groups of children have an increased morbidity?
- homeless
- poverty
- chronic illness
- foreign born adopted
- children in day care
what is family centered care?
- knowing family is a constant in child’s life
- family needs to support, respect, encourage & enhance strength of family
- the needs of all the family members should be addressed
what is atraumatic care?
giving the most effective care in the least traumatic way
- therapeutic care
- setting & personnel
- interventions
- reducing psychological distress
- minimize physical distress
what are the different types of family structures?
- traditional & nuclear
- blended
- extended
- single parent
- bi-nuclear
- polygamous
- communal
- lgbt
what is a blended family?
a family where two people come together and add their children from the previous families
what is a bi-nuclear family?
a postdivorce family where the family is divided into two - one is lead by mom and one is lead by dad
what is a communal family?
a family where they share possessions, resources & property. children are raised by multiple parents
how can the nurse help the family in order to help the child?
use their strengths & styles to meet the patient’s needs
how should the parents, parent?
always positive reinforcement
- limit setting & discipline
- minimize misbehavior
- have guidelines for discipline
what are some potential problems for the child if they were adopted?
- issues of origin
- problems going into adolescence
- cross-racial & international adoptions
what are some potential problems for the child if their parents divorced?
- negative impact on children
- hard to tell the children about divorce
- custody b/w parents: divided & joint custody
how do you gain consent from divorced parents for their child?
you need to get consent from both/all parties that have custody
if you are caring for a child from a different culture, what would you do for them & make sure you are considering their culture?
- being understanding: social, cultural & religion
- know their surrounding environment: schools, peers, community, social media
- understand general things about their race & ethnicity
- if they are in poverty
- give parental education
- land of origin & immigration status
- good resource: cultural humility & healthcare providers’ contribution