CH 3: Social Beliefs and Judgements Flashcards
What is Priming?
-Is the awakening/ activating of certain associations and influencing our behavior and thoughts and becoming conscious
How is our social info processing like?
-It is automatic= happens without our awareness
What is embodied cognition?
-The influence of bodily sensations on cognitive preferences & social judgments
How is our thinking like?
-It is partly automatic=imulsive and partly controlled=automatic, intuitive thinking
What are Schemas?
-They are mental concepts/ templates that guide our perceptions & interpretations
What are Emotional Reactions?
-They are nearly instantaneous happening before there is time for deliberate thinking
What is activating particular associations in memory?
What do we use System 2 for?
-Remembering facts, names, past events explicitly
What do we use System 1 for?
-Remembering Skills & conditioned dispositions implicitly
What is Intuitive Judgement?
-our immediate knowledge of knowing something without reasoning or analysis
What is illusionary thinking?
-it is the term for perceptual misinterpretations, fantasies, & constructed beliefs that change to fit our current beliefs & behaviors
What is not an aspect of controlled thinking?
What is Overconfidence?
-Overestimating the accuracy of one’s beliefs
What is Illusionary Intuition?
-How we take in, store, and retrieve social info
What does Incompetence feed?
When david prepares his cereal, He accidentally puts the milk in the cupboard & the cereal in the fridge. What kind of thinking is this?
-Impulsive and automatic
What is Confirmation Bias?
-The tendency to look for info that confirms one’s preconception
What group of people are more prone to overestimating their abilities?
-Students who scored lowest on logic, humor, and grammar
What are Heuristics?
- Our personal system of mental shortcuts
- A cognitive rule that judges the likelihood of things in terms of their availability in memory
What is a Representativeness Hueristics?
-It is the tendency to assume that someone belongs to a certain group based on their resemblance of that group
What 2 things can reduce overconfidence bias?
- Prompt feedback
- Let people think about 1 reason why their judgements might be wrong
What is the Availability Heuristic?
-Judegments based on the likelihood of events (how available it is in memory)
What can the Representativeness Heuristic lead to?
-Discounting other important info
What can the Availability Heuristic lead to?
-Overweighting vivid instances=fearing the wrong things
What is Counterfactual Thinking?
-Imagining alternate scenarios & outcomes that might’ve happened but didn’t
What is Illusionary Correlation?
-Perception of a relationship between 2 things when there really isnt
What an Availability Heuristic?
-A cognitive rule that judges the likelihood of things in terms of their availability in memory
What is Misattribution?
-Mistakenly attributing behavior to the wrong source
What is the Attribution Theory?
-It analyzes how we explain people’s behavior and what we infer from it
What is Dispositional Atttribution?
-Attributing behavior to the person’s personality and traits
How do we tend to see the world?
-Through belief-tinted glasses
What do we respond to?
-Not to reality as it is but to reality how we construe it
What are the causes for other trying to explain other people’s behavior via the Attribution Theory?
-Attitudes, Motives, traits
What is Attribution?
-The theory of how people explains another’s behavior by assuming it was caused by internal or external reasons
What is Spontaneous Trait Inference?
-An effortless, automatic inference of a trait after the exposure to someone’s behavior
What is the Fundamental Attribution Error?
-It is the tendency for observers to underestimate situational influences & overestimate dispositional influences upon other’s behavior
When are we most likely to attribute our behaviors to the situation?
-When we have behaved badly
What are we inferring when we assume that other people’s actions are the same as their intentions and dispositions?
What are Self-Fulfilling Prophecies?
-A belief that leads to its own fulfillment
What is Behavior Confirmation?
-When a person’s social expectations lead them to behave in ways that cause others to validate their expectations
People who are more lonely behave less….