Ch. 3 & 7-13 - Medication Safety, Ethical Considerations, Research, Nursing Process, Drug Administration, Cultural, Genetic & Age-related Considerations & Community Settings Flashcards
The phase of the nursing process that is characterized by systematic validation & documation of information
Nursing Diagnosis
A determination made based on the analysis of assessment data
The phase of the nursing process characterized by goal setting including the development of nursing interventions that be used to assist the patient in meeting the goals
Goal Setting
Stating expected outcomes
The phase of the nursing process in which the nurse provides education, medication, care & other interventions
Culturally Sensitive
The awareness of the implications of culture for the patient & his/her family
The phase of the nursing process in which the nurse determines how well goals are obtained, revises interventions & teaches patient focusing on goal attainment
“Five-Plus-Five” Rights of Medication Administration
(1) RIGHT patient (2) RIGHT drug (3) RIGHT dose (4) RIGHT route (5) RIGHT time (6) RIGHT assessment (7) RIGHT documentation (8) RIGHT to education (9) RIGHT evaluation (10) RIGHT to refuse
The Joint Commission (TJC)
Accredation company that regulates healthcare administration…requires patient be identified by two unique forms of ID
Unit Dose Method
Method in which drugs are individually wrapped & labeled for single doses for each patient
Institute of Medicine (IOM)
a 1999 report that spurred work on changes to decrease medication errors
medication placed under the tongue to dissolve
medication placed between the cheek & gum to dissolve
medication inhaled orally into the lungs
medication placed on the skin (patch) & absorbed
medication applied to skin surface
liquid medication given as drops, ointments or sprays
medication inserted into the vagina or rectum
medication given via injection
Intradermal Injection
injection given between epidermis & dermis layers of skin (EX: TB test)
Subcutaneous Injection
injection given under the skin in the tissue (EX: insulin, heparin)
Intramuscular Injection
injection given under the skin & tissue, in the muscle (EX: vaccines)
Z-track Technique
technique used to prevent medication from leaking back through site into subcutaneous tissue
Intravenous Injection
injection given into a vein