Ch. 18 & 19 - Autonomic Nervous System Agents Flashcards
adrenergic agonists - drugs that stimulate the sympathetic nervous system
alpha1, alpha2, beta1 & beta2 receptors
Adrenergic Receptors
chemical structurs of a substance that can produce a sympathomimetic response
acting on different adrenergic receptors
acting on one adrenergic receptor (EX: albuterol)
drugs that block the effects of adrenergic neurotransmitters…“sympatholytics”
Adrenergic Blockers (Antagonists)
drugs that block/inhibit a response at the alpha-adrenergic receptor site
drugs that block/inhibit a response at the beta-adrenergic receptor site
drugs that stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system
Cholinergic Agonists (“Cholinergics” or “Parasympathomimetics”)
neurotransmitter located at the ganglions and the parasympathetic terminal nerve endings
Acetylcholine (ACh)
receptors in the parasympathetic nervous system that stimulate smooth muscle and slow the heart rate
Muscarine Receptors
receptors in the parasympathetic nervous system that affect the skeletal muscles
Nicotinic Receptors
drugs that act on cholinergic receptors to activate a tissue response
Direct-Acting Cholinergic Agonists
drugs that inhibit or inactivate the action of the enzyme cholinesterase (ChE)
Indirect-Acting Cholinergic Agonists
drugs that inhibit cholinesterase (ChE)
Anticholinesterases (“Cholinesterase Inhibitor” or “Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) Inhibitors”)
enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of choline esters, such as acetylcholinesterase, which catalyzes the breakdown of acetylcholine to acetic acid & choline
Cholinesterase (ChE)
constricting of the pupils of the eyes
drugs that inhibit the actions of acetylcholine by occupying the acetylcholine receptors
Anticholinergics (“Parasympatholytics or “Cholinergic Blocking Agents”)
dilation of the pupils
Actions of Adrenergic Agonists (Sympathomimetics)
vasoconstriction, increase HR, increase BP, dilate pupils (mydriasis), increase bladder & prostate contractions, decrease GI motility, dilate bronchioles, relax uterus, increase blood sugar
Uses for Adrenergic Agonists (Sympathomimetics)
anaphylaxis, shock, asthma, congestion (alpha1), decrease BP (alpha2)
Actions of Adrenergic Blockers (Sympatholytics)
vasodilation, decrease BP, decrease HR, constrict pupils (miosis), decrease bladder & prostate contractions
Side Effects of Adrenergic Agonists (Sympathomimetics)
pulmonary edema, urinary retention, dyspnea, hypertension, tachycardia, palpitations, restlessness, tremors, dysrythmias, dizziness, N&V
Uses for Adrenergic Blockers (Sympatholytics)
decrease BP, decrease HR, glaucoma (beta)
Side Effects of Adrenergic Blockers (beta blockers)
bradycardia, hypotension, headache, dizziness, cold extremities, dysrythmias, flushing, weakness, impotence, depression, pulmonary edema
Actions of Cholinergic Agonists (Parasympathomimetics)
vasodilation, decrease HR, increase perstalsis/salivation, stimulate bladder & GI, constrict pupils (mydriasis), increase neuromuscular transmission
Uses for Cholinergic Agonists
Alzheimer’s (increased cognitive function), mysthenia, Gravis (increased muscular strength), glaucoma, WMD
Side Effects of Cholinergic Agonists
hypotension, bradycardia, blurred vision, excessive salivation, increased gastric secretions, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, bronchoconstriction, dysrythmias
Actions of Anticholinergics (Parasympatholytics)
increase HR, decrease peristalsis/salivation, decrease GI motility, dilate pupils, decrease tremors & rigidity of muscles
Uses for Anticholinergics
increase HR (atropine), decrease secretions (pre-op), Parkinsonism
Side Effects of Anticholinergics
dry mouth, decreased perspiration, blurred vision, tachycardia, constipation, urinary retention